“You are, as always, Gordon Freeman. After you got that mess the scientists made under control, the scientists and the government have set up a research lab, called New Mexico Alien Research Centre. This lab is, of course, secret.
But the aliens have somehow managed to open the port between their dimension and ours. They are now teleporting to the lab, and attacking it and everything in it, to free their fellow soldiers/citizens/friends or whatever they call them.
Somehow, somebody (probably some really rich guys with alot of connections) have gotten news about this, and they have sent in hired soldiers to clear up the mess and take as many aliens as possible for their own interest. We have reason to believe that they are after the gargantua in the test-labs. We want you to get in there and kill it, then escape. All this comes as a shock on us. We thought the portal was closed, but clearly it has been reopened. Because of soldiers already being there, we don’t want to create more mess by sending in more soldiers to fight with both aliens and other soldiers.
Therefore we send you in, just kill the gargantua, and escape. Oh, by the way. The labs are connected in different power systems. One of them is shut down, so some lights are off, and some doors are not operational. We suspect that you’ll have to turn the power on in order to escape. You have access to all retinal scanners, since you was the one who closed the portal in the first place. You will always be welcome in our labs.
Still, the military knows nothing of this, they will not be pleased to know this. So we won’t tell them. But, hurry, kill the gargantua before they get it. I guess this is one of the consequences we have to put up with when dealing with aliens from another dimensions.
Thanks to new technology, we will be able to send you brief messages, every now and then. When most needed.”
- Title: Confronted with Consequences
- File Name: hl1-sp-confronted-with-consequences.7z
- Original File Name: confront.zip
- Size : 2.08MB
- Author: Atle Holm
- Date Released: 29 June 1999
Important Note: I converted the original release into a “mod” (hl1-sp-cwc-mod.7z) that can be dropped into your Half-Life, like other HL mods. Unfortunately, the mod wouldn’t work for me. It starts the first map but freezes on loading the second. I have therefore included the normal release (hl1-sp-confronted-with-consequences.7z) along with instructions.
UPDATE 09 AUG: Unq has kindly supplied a working mod version, which is linked directly below. I recommend you use this version as it is the easiest to use.
Fixed mod: hl1-sp-cwc-mod-fixed.7z
Download directly into MapTap [2.1MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
Fixed mod: hl1-sp-cwc-mod-fixed.7z
Download to your HDD [2.1MB]
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- PlanetPhillip.Com: (Original File) hl1-sp-confronted-with-consequences.7z
- PlanetPhillip.Com: (Phillip’s conversion) hl1-sp-cwc-mod.7z
- Copy Pak1.pak into your Half-Life/Valve folder.
- Rename it to pak0.pak
- If you already have a pak0.pak, rename that to something else (it doesn’t matter what you call it)
- Launch Half-Life 1
- Open the console and type map confst.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
If you require more help, please visit the Help page.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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8Last 7 days
12Last 30 days
258365 days
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 4 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 1 Hours, 34 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 40 Mins by Dmitry
Longest: 3 Hours by ShawnHL
Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 15 Mins
If you believe this release is missing important tags, please suggest them in a comment?

This is a very good map pack. Suprised to see no comments.
Textures and lighting are above average for an oldish release. Environments are detailed and littered with well-placed enemies. Navigation is non-linear in some places. For such a small download, you will be well impressed by the quality and duration of the gameplay.Two tiny criticisms: tops of ladders are hard to engage, the end sequence is technically not well executed. Thats all.
Great old-skool HL!
ok this pak file I got to work ,WTF,this has some insane fights,got the suit and gear hit the door and ? every turns an onslought of bullets and aliens? couldn’t seem to get past the cave with the river dividing it,and not sure what I m looking for.lots of doors an rooms just full of things trying to kill me,the overall look is great but my goals?
gonna try this one on a diff pc , a. I . grunts and aliens are not besting me!
I played it and found a good designed mappack. No story, a bit oldish design but woth a play. bkadar: There are three rooms with weapons and suits in the first map, find them before you go through the closed door to the second map. Then you will have a good balanced game. Do not cross the bridge first, turn left and upstairs. Take out the turret, the grunt and enjoy.
I too am surprised to see so few comments on this one. This is classic killer HL Moddery. Definitely adding this one. There are allot of excellent forgotten mods. This is one of them most will love!
This is a little gem and has been said by previous reviewers it’s a surprise that more haven’t commented.
Please make sure you have read the note about the two different files available. If you use the mod version and it works perfectly, please let us know.
Got to admit to being killed the moment I opened the door to the action, which was a little frustrating, but not enough to stop me. In fact, it might have even motivated me more!
The file size is misleading because you get a lot of gaming for your bytes. There are plenty of ways to move around and it’s certainly not a linear mappack.
Be prepared for some ladders that can be temperamental and for some rockets to be very accurate!
The maps are generally very hard and I died numerous times.
I’m not exactly sure how I killed the garg, I think it was opening a door.
There is one part that I couldn’t work out to go, and all I’ll say is the water can lead you places (wink, wink).
Expect the difficulty to RAMP up when you reach the assassins, so good luck there.
My last screenshot isn’t the exact end of the map, but it crashed there three times and I didn’t have the desire to try again. Maybe you get a lot more gameplay – I just don’t know.
All in all, these maps provide some interesting challenges but not much to look at. Worth a play but make sure you have at least 30 minutes to an hour because it’s not a coffee break mod (unless your coffee breaks last 60 minutes!).
Err! I’ve tried both files and followed the instructions but neither work? It looks like I’m not the only one.
When you say neither work, what happens when you try to run the mod version? Is it listed in your Library tab? Does it start but get stuck on the first level change, like me? When you try the pak1.pak version, Did you need to rename the file? What happens when you type “map confst?
To answer the last question first,
‘map confst” brings up:
map change failed: “confst” not found on server
it’s not got to the first level with either download.
it’s not listed in the Library tab.
I’m running through Steam and followed the above instructions with both downloads.
I used the files as pak0.pak and pak1.pak, neither worked.
I bet the answer is stupidly simple.
Is the cwc folder definitely in the Half-Life/ folder with the other mods?
I made a mistake with the location of placing the pak file. It needs to go in the Half-Life/Valve folder, not the Half-Life folder.
Thanks Phillip.
It works now it’s in the Valve folder.
Yep – Mine crashes continually at that same spot. Can’t continue. Let me know if someone has a fix for that.
If it crashes at the point where you exit the pipe and the soldiers attack you, then no, there is no fix. You can try noclipping past that area but there’s not actually much let anyway, so considered it finished.
probably not too many comments as it’s too much messing about to get it to play, I can’t be renaming files and all that stuff…one for a rainy day when I have way too much time on my hands (and patience)..
Help what i’m doin” wrong I can’t even launch this one!!!; i’ve put the pak file and doesnt launch any map!!
Did you need to rename the file?
What happens when you type “map confst?
Oh it didn’t loaded, but I solved it, I named it as pak 1, or something, I didn’t put it as pak 0 I followed the original instructions in the readme of the file.
I put the map Pak1.pak in SIERRA\Half-Life\valve\Pak1.pak and it plays but, but when I die, the map starts an original HL save (as in video)
Most likely I didn’t save before I died, or that Pak0.pak (288 MB) is still in the folder.
OK, saving continues the map Confronted With Consequences — Half-Life!
Well, that’s normal. If you haven’t saved it won’t have anything to load.
I suggest you rename your pak0.pak to something else and rename the pak1.pak to pak0.pak.
Earth is being dragged into another dimension! We need to stop this! Our first mission is to destroy the Gargantua to prevent it from falling into wrong hands and restore the power in the labs.
We start in the labs with some weird architecture. The button on every HEV container opens all three containers. Then there’s some open maze-like environment. There are many soldiers and turrets, so play on skill that is easier than the one you usually play on. The design is sometimes average, sometimes weird. There is some negligence: some dark surfaces in lit rooms, elevator shaft with no way out.
There’s a confusing place because the button that toggles the power looks like it doesn’t do anything.
The place with the big turrets is too unbalanced and can be completed only with cheats or many reloads, and that’s bad.
If you’re a fan of difficulties and open environments with need to search for a way to progress, you’ll enjoy this. Otherwise, you won’t lose anything if you won’t play it.
A slow start until you go outside and then all hell breaks loose!
After a non-start and then getting this to run I realised I’d played this a long time ago but can’t remember if I enjoyed this at that time? Playing it again I think I probably didn’t enjoy or indeed get to the last screenshot.
In some parts it is almost impossible without using cheats such as the multi-gun turrets in the container area, it needed the guard-boxes with the off switch to be before the turrets, then you would have had a fighting chance. The first outside area is best dealt with by not going on the bridge but taking a swim after taking out the turret in the tower.
The overall look and feel was OK but the action could have been toned down a bit in some places to allow the game to flow better, which would have made it more fun.
The end was a bit strange, when you’ve dropped the last four grunts and broken the crates you find gauss/gluon gun ammo hinting that you will get another weapon, but when the guard opens the door the game crashes about 5 seconds later. After trying a couple of times I noclipped before the door opened and found ammo in the room on the other-side of the court yard, indicating there was more play to be had, but it still crashed.
As I’m not the only one who crashed at (what appeared to be) the end I cant give it a PI, but some parts are fun.
Wow, this was incredibly hard…
I was very undecided whether or not to give this a PiL or PiN, but decided to go with PiL due to the small annoying errors. This was very fun and hard, the hardest in the 100SDoN so far by quite a lot. There are some hugely frustrating areas such as the rocket are, but it feels pretty sweet once you have finished it without cheating. This mod was very non-linear although I actually prefer the linear mods. If you like freedom then this is certainly a must play.
Like many people have stated, I couldn’t finish the mod because I crashed as soon as I went around the corner at the end, which I think the spawning of the Alien Controllers is to blame. On top of that the sucky ladders were annoying. Plus they give you the Tau Cannon way to early and allow you to spam it throughout the majority of the mod, allowing some hard sections to become easy.
It’s worth playing, just not now.
I disagree, you should play Blood Bath, that was the freaking hardest thing I’ve played in this 100 DoN….
I did play Blood Bath, and I thought it was pretty easy myself. I can see why it could be tough for some people, but I found this much harder.
Defenetly one of the best little HL mappacks, I mean of this I loved how every map has is special conection and atributes, and this map is in the kind of, search-and-destroy mission, mainly because u have to clean the whole areas of grunts and xenians, I think this mappack could be and feel excellent in a co-op verssion or even ina multiplayer deathmatch, in the co-op game for excellence which is Sven Co-Oop u could find some great maps, that you wish love to play it as a singleplayer, I think that is the feeling for this mappack but inverted from SP to Mp, u love it as a SP and u wish MP, I really like those strategic close combat on this mappack.
I was kind of straddling between Maybe? and Play It Later for this old-school HL pack, but ultimately settled on a 3. It’s definitely tough and challenging in the right way – there’s not too much frustration as to what to do or where to go, the challenge lies solely in the combat and your approach to the combat. It’s one of the toughest Half-Life packs I can think of that didn’t feel unfair to the player.
I liked the challenge here. Yes, some sections take a lot of reloads until you get it right, but it never feels like some of the other packs where you have to pull of a miracle shot right as a door opens just to survive (Hard, I’m looking in your direction). Your main enemies are grunts and well-placed turrets (as well as mounted guns), but there’s also some Xen aliens as well. If you go in guns blazing, best of luck to you.
The meat of this pack is in a handful (3?) of maps where you’re trying to kill a gargantua that’s been captured, but you don’t engage him directly. There are any number of ways to make your way through this bunch of maps. Overall it’s worth exploring everywhere since you’ll find some powerful weapons if you do, and sometimes you’ll find a better path to a well-defended area through exploring. However, nonlinearity inevitably leads to frustration if the way to proceed isn’t clear to the player. In this case, I liked to wander and take different paths and find new places, but eventually I killed the garg (I think by turning the power on?) but then I was at a loss as to how to move on in the pack. Eventually I came across a grate in the floor that I couldn’t get to before, and I moved on. But there were no hints or feedback as to what was next which led me to wander all over the place multiple times.
The mapping is kind of odd, is the best way I can put it. It mixes open areas with tight hallways, and the architecture is just a little strange. The areas don’t really make sense but it’s hard to explain what I really mean by “odd.” It didn’t bother me that much since there weren’t any bugs at least.
This is worth a play especially if you like old school HL and really really tough maps.
UPDATE 09 AUG: Unq has kindly supplied a working mod version, which is linked to in the main post. I recommend you use this version as it is the easiest to use.
Interesting mod with nice level design, but somehow it didn’t “touch” me that good hehe
Newbies, don’t download! Cheating will ruin every fun..
-Very good leveldesign & story
-Extremly challenging combat, without a strategy you’ll die in a ms
-Almost every original HL weapon available
-Some puzzles
-Very hard at some place for rookies
-Minor bugs (clipping)
I first played this pack when it first came out in mid-1999. Back then it struck me as an extremely tough, but decent, Half-Life level. And though it doesn’t really stand the test of time too well, it still has some interesting gameplay to offer.
The premise is simple enough: you must enter a so-called secret base called the New Mexico Alien Research Center and destroy a Gargantua that is held there before the bad guys can steal it. Sound tough? Actually, the Garg is the absolute least of your worries in this pack.
One thing I liked: Confronted with Consequences is one of the toughest Half-Life packs out there. It can get really frustrating in parts, but it depends on your approach – it often pays to carefully consider your next move instead of charging in with guns blazing. That’s not to say that you’ll be able to sneak through, either – there’s a lot of combat here, and you get a pretty good variety of weapons to handle the enemy. There is also a decent mix of enemies here, though most of the challenge comes from the military (with a couple of nasty surprises in store for you).
The overall flow of this episode is inconsistent. Even though your mission is to destroy the Gargantua, that sequence isn’t even near the climax of this pack – it’s probably closer to 2/3 of the way through. That isn’t a problem per se, but the flow of the pack really changes at that point, as you are trying to escape the base. You see, the first section of the pack is truly nonlinear – which I really liked. There are just tons of different ways to approach any given area, and you’ll often find another approach that holds a combat advantage for you. There are a lot of places to explore, and all the areas interconnect. There are also a lot of dead ends, which can become annoying, but there are some goodies (including the .357 and the Tau cannon) awaiting you if you really explore. But after you accomplish your goal, the rest of the maps are extremely linear with virtually no extra areas or opportunities to explore.
The design of Confronted with Consequences is the area that really needs some work. Some of the architecture is poorly done, the texturing needs touch-up, and the lighting in many areas is unattractive. But the aspect that really sticks out like a sore thumb is the speed. The r_speeds in many sections are outrageous, and can really hinder the combat in those areas. As tough as this pack is, it becomes all the more challenging when you have to overcome slowdowns due to the number of polygons the engine is drawing. A couple of other aspects need attention, which should have come up during playtesting of this map (if there was any). Many of the hallways are too tight to fit through easily, which can be really frustrating when you’re avoiding a missile turret. Another example is a machine gun turret that refuses to stop shooting at you even after the soldier using it is dead.
I had some fun revisiting this oldie. It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. If you have some patience you may enjoy this one – often it takes several attempts to clear an area, just as you realize you could’ve come in the back door and had easy pickings.
This review is republished here by permission and was originally published Friday, 9th February, 2001 by Unquenque.
This review was originally posted on the Ten Four Website, which is now offline. Permission has been granted to republish the full review and more details can be found on the About page.
Nice action mod, the one illogical/puzzle thing that you should return on a previous map after you enable a power.
Yes, well made but too tough in that there was too little health & ammo early on compounded by infinitely respawning vorts & way too many turrets later. Especially shoots-you-in-the-back-of-the-head types! Realistic, maybe – fun, well not so much.
Sadly, even Unq’s fixed file broke on me mid game with “SZ_GetSpace: overflow without FSB_ALLOWOVRFLOW set on Server Datagram”. Maybe I’ll try again sometime, but with everyone falling foul of the pre-ending crash, maybe I won’t after all.
A really great and solid mappack!
Hard, yes, but really fun and enjoyable! Even though it’s not really for beginners or newbies (no offense) it still remains great after all those years!
You should really try it out!
Absolutely loved this one – very challenging and non-linear in a (mostly) good way! There’s much to explore, without overly confusing the player.
That said, there were a few situations where I wished the game would give me more feedback:
1) Pressing the button for turning on the power generator does not give you a message or other clear sign that you’ve accomplished this part of your mission.
2) After turning on the generator, It took me quite a while to find the exit. Just like Unq already mentioned, the way to proceed here isn’t really clear to the player, which can be a bit frustrating.
3) In the part with the containers and the big turrets, it should be made more clear what the player is expected to do (see below).
4) Technically the ending sequence is just bad. After entering the escape helicopter, the screen fades to black, then it stays black for ten seconds, before finally throwing you back to the map – no cutscene, no message “THE END”, nothing. I actually though this was some bug and that I’m missing something here. I looked at my saves and at the maps in the “maps” folder and saw that I’ve seen every map, so this must be, indeed, the end.
“The place with the big turrets is too unbalanced and can be completed only with cheats or many reloads, and that’s bad.”
Actually this is not true. What you have to do here is sniping the two soldiers through the observation slits of the guard houses by using the crossbow and your flashlight. The building on the right provides locations at the windows, which can be used to accomplish this, without getting hit by the turrets. Unfortunately it’s totally non-obvious at first that there are soldiers in the guard houses and that killing them will stop the turrets. In addition, there’s even some bazooka ammunition placed in said building, which seems to imply that the player has to destroy the turrets using his bazooka, when in fact both turrets are completely indestructible. Instead the mod maker should have placed a crossbow and some ammunition here, to hint the player to what he’s expected to do.
Because of the above mentioned points, I considered rating this only PIL, but all in all this mod is just too good and too much fun and you should Play It Now!
1 Hour, 5 Minutes
(This mod also starts up HL1 for me, for no apparent reason. I’d love to play them…)
Have you looked under “Custom Game”?
Given that I’m starting it with Gauge, it should never even load HL1’s scripting. I can try that though, it’ll surprise me if it works. It is supposed to purely start the mod or map using Gauge. But like I said (here or some other mod too) that even if I’m using it manually, it fails to run the mod/map for whatever reason.
*edited* Tried that but there actually is no option for that at all on the menu.
I have mixed feelings about this mod, the good news is that the mapping was decent, it has a lot of areas that are non-linear, this was great as it allowed you to take different routes and attack the enemies from behind, and give options to explore and find hidden goodies, the problem? Is that many times you’ll feel lost without knowing where do you need to go, I got stuck on one of the “puzzles” because I didn’t knew that I could go back and open a locked gate after activating the power generator, another problem is that a few areas seem completely unnecessary
Another problem was the difficulty, this mod is pretty hard, especially one area with a few containers, grunts, turrets with rocket launchers, landmines and assassins, this was ridiculously hard, and only after many, many deaths I realized that you could shoot the grunts operating the turrets from afar, though that wasn’t easy either as getting in a good position were the turrets couldn’t shoot you was hard
And for the last problem… the ending sucked, just a fade to black for a few seconds and then nothing, I thought it was some kind of bug at first, but nope
BUT, even with all of these problems, it still was a very enjoyable mod, I was thinking on giving it a “Maybe”, but I think that the “good parts” turn it into a nice experience
1 Hour, 30 Minutes
ı hate old skull
3 Hours
Another one recommended to NOT play on HARD. Slightly peek out technique is quite important here since we don’t want us the soldiers returning fire back on us and at least we have the first head strike on them. Same way goes for turrets, you can destroy them even with shotguns, peek out, double shot and peek in. Like a fast technique practice. Also can launch a grenade to bounce against corridors to kill groups of soldiers. The gun in the corridor is quite dangerous. I had to use up to use 3 grenades bounced against the wall to eliminate it. Believe or not it wipe you out just in 1-2 seconds on hard. During the most part of soldiers compund, be a hunter, be slow moving, peace and hunt your prays. Study proper positions.
Where votiguants are you may consider using wall mines, wall, peek in-out, shotgun is the ideal gun. I eliminated everyone of them. Where the vortigaunts are, there’s a new weapon. To destroy the gargantua you have to access the control room up guarded by 4 turrets, it will require you the use of the shotgun and quick moves. In the prison almost all the prisoners hold the attacking except on the 3rd floor the Alien Grunt in there is agressive. Once Gargantua is dead, you have to retreat to previous area and locate a door to open that you couldn’t open it berfore.
It’s important to save 5 crossbow ammo, if not use cheats to add. Once with rocket launcher on hand, go to the left toward the assassin and guide the rocket. Blow up mines on the ground, one rocket to the right to disable both laser mines. And go there. Peek out a little bit, shoot to the head of the soldier inside steel shield gap. ONLY CROSSBOW WORKS, NO JOKE!!! Go to the right side and snipe the same steel bunker to the left, you have to be patient here so he appears inside. Once both are destroyed, now both superturrets should be disabled. There’s still 2 assassins more, rocket them and the next group of soldiers as well.
It is possible to eliminate all the alien controllers (if you want) with protoype weapon and MG if you are really agile and accurate. But it’s recommended to skip them all, it would make your life easier. Playing this on Hard it’s your own risk you are advised. I found this Hard even on Easy.
40 Minutes