You find yourself in a cliff-side community village overrun by headcrabs.
There’s no where to hide or run, so the only way is forward.
Do what you do best (kill anything that gets in your way) and clear the village and hope for escape.
Basic Details
- Title: Data Place
- File name: hl2-ep2-sp-cliff-cottage.7z
- Size : 2.273MB
- Author: Oscar Lundh AKA Avast: Magical Biohazard
- Date Released: 04 February 2016
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- Copy the cliff_cottage.bsp file into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\ep2\maps\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Open the console and type map cliff_cottage and now press ENTER.
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Manually: 13 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 18 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 5 Mins by Bastion
Longest: 1 Hours by antgib
Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 39 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 13 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 18 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 5 Mins by Bastion
Longest: 1 Hours by antgib
Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 39 Mins
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Okay, this map has its faults but overall I quite enjoyed it. Nothing looks exactly realistic and it has a Minecraft feel about it.
Some textures are too big and some rooms are empty but looking past that, I enjoyed the gameplay, except for the end, kinda, ish.
The gunship battle wasn’t badly done but the map glitched on me a couple of times and immediately after destroying the gunship out of no where I was shot and killed.
I can live with that IF there was an enemy I had left alive, but I hadn’t – I checked.
Anyway, it’s a fun 15 minutes of action which we badly need at the moment.
Hope you enjoy it.
Using Gauge
22 Minutes
Quite short, but I enjoyed what was on offer.
Gameplay was a standard HL2 zombie scenario, Fortunately I enjoy that sort of thing, getting a shotgun immediately was handy to have for this purpose.
The strange cage thing used for transporting over the drop was interesting, seeing if I would die to a physics glitch or not, the rickety nature of it seemed to fit with the theme.
The arena near the end is very small and not that engaging to play with, the highlight to that is thee pods opening up during the fight which caught me off guard a lot, managed to survive though.
When I saw the crate holding the rockets before the arena I knew a gunship was coming, so it was not a big surprise, I took it down quickly and the map ended, nothing special. The combine soldiers also seemed pointless here.
Wish there was a gravity gun though, the physics in source is seriously overlooked in this mod, almost none of the environment can be used to fight with due to the lack of the gravity gun, or any other setups.
Seriously lacking, the terrain is blockly and so are the buildings, a minecraft like appearance similar to what Phillip has said. Also the HL2 city building textures seemed very out of place for this location as I had seen it as a set of outland shacks, which looked very different to the end building.
Lighting needs work, very bland with almost no colour.
Using Gauge
5 Minutes
A nice little and quick map.
not too boring but needs a little more detailing and colour.
some rooms looked abit bland and I dont get the shelf breaking after you pick up the shells in a room.
arena was decently good and I accidentaly killed myself by throwing the smg grenade at the zombies just as a headcrab jumped in front of me.
Gunship fight was as usual in other mods, but i dont get the point of the soldiers.
One of them popped out after the gunship fight.
but anyway, not bad. Go play it.
20 Minutes
If you have nothing to do, then this is the problem solution.
Using Gauge
9 Minutes
This is an okay map to play if you don’t have anything to do at the moment.
Tho nothing new, the gameplay was nice since it was a basic Half-Life zombie encounter. The
gunship battle was ok, but unfortunately it got stuck in the level a few times so I needed to load a save file, I might have to add that the arena was my favourite part of the map since I shooting zombies isn’t my favourite thing to do.
The visuals are lacking, the map is very blocky and the textures are just repeated and the rooms need more detailing.
13 Minutes
This is an okay map to play if you don’t have anything to do at the moment.
Tho nothing new, the gameplay was nice since it was a basic Half-Life zombie encounter. The
gunship battle was ok, but unfortunately it got stuck in the level a few times so I needed to load a save file, I might have to add that the arena was my favourite part of the map since I shooting zombies isn’t my favourite thing to do.
The visuals are lacking, the map is very blocky and the textures are just repeated and the rooms need more detailing.
13 Minutes
Although the mapping is a bit blocky, I really like the environment in this one, it’s unique and interesting. Most of the gameplay is zombie fights, with some zombine and fast zombies thrown in for variety. The map design is pretty good, and it rewards exploration. I got stuck at one point because I was trying to do the wrong thing to progress, but it was my fault, so no points taken off. The gunship fight at the end is a bit too easy with the fence in the way of its bullets. It’s a fun little map though, I recommend it.
Fairly rudimentary “first map” kind of deal where it feels like the author is getting used to how different systems work. The author does a good job of layering on complications to basic Zombie battles. However, the player isn’t give much choice in how to deal with them. You spend most of the map with just the Crowbar and the Shotgun.
Aesthetically, the map is quite bland. Structures are very basic and blocky and there are few ambient sounds to speak of except for the Zombies themselves.
In terms of gameplay, a couple parts stood out as bad. The very first jump leads to a strange ladder that won’t let you climb all the way up, even though that’s where you eventually go. You have to get off the ladder and do an awkward crouch-jump. The large arena at the end with the Fast Zombie hoard has some collision issues around the Headcrab canisters and walls which the player can get hung up on while evading.
The author clearly understands how the basic systems work, though, so hopefully the next map will be better and focus a bit more on aesthetics and creative combat scenarios. This map doesn’t do anything egregiously wrong and is a good way to kill 10 minutes, but there is a lot of room for improvement.
10 Minutes
I liked this little map.
The location was blocky and rather basic, but everything was reasonably well placed. A challenging but appropriate jumping puzzle had me reloading a lot, but that’s a nice old-school not-impossible bit I kind of enjoyed. I did somehow take ‘falling’ damage in the room where a plank falls, but it fell behind me, and I have no idea why I was pinned when trying to pass it?
I was actually somewhat disappointed when the map ended. I didn’t have any glitch problems so I guess I got off lucky there with the end battle. I’d certainly see this as part of a longer and more detailed mod.
Using Gauge
15 Minutes
Let me start off by saying that this map is by no means pretty. The layout is ok but the actual design is basic and blocky throughout. In terms of lore however, there is no real logic to the place at all and some parts were straight up bizarre.
Gameplay wise, I enjoyed myself while powering through this, even if the challenging parts felt cheap, simply throwing several enemies at the player at once. (I also played on easy mode for one reason or another, which makes me feel like I have brought great shame to my family).
In hindsight I may have had fun simply because I’ve not played a Source game in a while, but in the maps favour, I didn’t dislike it, so they’ve got something right. It did start to get repetitive however, and at some points was very predictable.
Not a fan of first person platforming myself, the jumping segment didn’t appeal to me, even though this wasn’t particularly challenging either.
Overall, I would say check this out if you find yourself with nothing else to do, or if you’re simply curious. Probably not one I will actively go back and replay.
You can check out my blind playthrough here to see my actual reaction as it happened:
Using Gauge
12 Minutes
It was enjoyable in terms of gameplay talking about combat because puzzle and thinking isn’t present, the lack of attention to layout was sad
this could be revisited with a spooky atmosfere in a evening light effect with more sound choice and no blocking stuff that won’t save you from falling
Using Gauge
20 Minutes
Neat little mod, I highly encourage the author to keep making maps.
The idea was simple, but the progression was well paced. Fighting the zombies was exciting, how they came from different angles and behind you occasionally (With no bs spawns).
The shotgun was satisfying to use, but the pistol was absolutely useless and the SMG wasn’t really usable when you had the shotgun. Consider just removing all other weapons altogether and have the player use an exclusive weapon (The shotgun, for example) and then design the encounters around that, especially for a short map like this one.
The visuals were lacking, they were a step above a rough dev map, but nearly no props (which is also important for zombie weapons) and rough textures as well as too close-together islands created an artifical atmosphere.
The gunship and combine was an extremely cliché and unneccessary ending. Would much rather have preferred a higher focus on a final zombie arena that could be a bit bigger, and potentially with some puzzles you had to solve while fighting off the monsters.
Overall a neat timekiller map. Author can definitely improve, but he’s on the right track.
15 Minutes
This map includes some very basic combat and enviroments. Wich is not a bad thing.
Some textures look a bit funny or out of place and some wrong scaling.
Visuals aside, I enjoyed this map. I don’t have much to say. It is basic, but enjoyable.
15 Minutes
Thank you, thank you for another HL2 mod, (for me) too many HL1 mods which I wont play. Is it just me? I appreciate what has been done before but I want to see the effort achieved on the technology we have now and advance forward.
Anyway, the map I spent an hour on it, either Im rubbish or I savour it a bit too much. It is pretty predictable no real surprises, I spent a lot of time with saves and balancing ammo with life in the graveyard?, and the jumps I found a bit difficult, I did say I was rubbish. (no cheats though).
Thought the gunship went down a bit too easy, was preparing for a drawn out one so was in credit when that sneaky guard appeared. Then it was over.
I applaud anyone who goes to this effort, and with a starting point there is a base to improve and it bodes well for the future.
1 Hour
This was awesome! I saw none of the nodraw (If there were any) sticking out, it was really cool, like the lift cage, moving you around. This wasn’t very hard, but it was a little challenging at the end.I was extremely confused why the fast zombies all attack at once and why the combine pop up so randomly. I still had lots of fun, the fighting wasn’t ridiculous, and it was enjoyable. I found this a favorite, nice job :D.
Using Gauge
13 Minutes
Quite liked this.
The visuals are basic but the gameplay is good.
The setting was unique and I cant wait to get more maps from this guy 🙂
12 Minutes
Its a pretty good mod that is very short. its like any other mod that has good action scenes and combat movements.
I will Reckoned people to play it if they have spare time.
20 Minutes
I really liked this one. Was fun to play, combat was not predictable that easy. And the finale it was just nice.
Also the scenario and environment where this map take place is nicely done.
Overall I had a good entertaining time and the zombie combat is well balanced with the CMB combat too.
So Play It now. If I could add something to this map would be possibly hunters at the ending part.
Using Gauge
25 Minutes
This map is a zombie and some horror. But the map is quite boring.
10 Minutes
This isn’t the prettiest map, but it is effective. Set against some cliffs with deep drop-offs on all sides, you must turn on a lift to cross one section, and take several calculated leaps of faith to gain access to other locations. The ending tosses several very tough zombie and headcrab encounters. Overall, this was very satisfying to play.
30 Minutes
Although the map may not be the prettiest, (There are three pillars in the distance. Who were they for? What did they represent? What lost civilization erected such perfect rectangles?) the mapper does put forward some interesting ideas. I liked the shelf falling down when i picked up an item, as it made the map feel more alive. I liked the mapper’s desire to create custom assets for the level – the lever and the elevator shaft could have easily been replaced with a prop and a brush, but it’s clear the mapper wanted to make his own.
There was no real sense of place, I found. Not all maps need to tell a story, of course, but the buildings (cottages? I guess they looked like cottages) seemed only half realized. I wish they were more than just monster receptacles.
I could have lived without the fight at the end. Even with full health, the lack of space to run around and the constant harassment from the fast headcrabs left me frustrated. I’d like to see health placed strategically around an arena, not concentrated in one place. Place lots of it, but in nooks and crannies, so when a player is running looking for health, they can be both gaining health and avoiding enemies.
Look into triggers that activate when you spot an enemy. All too often I would shoot a box out of the way and would spot the inactive zombine waiting for me behind them. Although it did look like I walked in on a zombie changing, it did take me out of the map. Even looking around the corner would sometimes let me get some cheap shots on zombies still disabled.
I love your desire to create your own custom “props”, like the switch, but I had a very hard time getting out of the lift. It had turned while I was riding it and It was facing the abyss when it arrived, causing me to leap to my death multiple times while trying to get on the small platform.
If you must have jumping sections, please please put autosaves right before them.
Overall, it was a solid effort, I would love to see these ideas explored further!
Using Gauge
25 Minutes
Sure this is pretty amateur’ish in design and some styles. I’m never a fan of gunship scenes too but this was a little lame and I completed that rather quickly. However, leading up to that end I found the map design very awesome. Perhaps there could have been a few more outdoor baddies knocking about by default but overall I absolutely loved this map. This was FUN. FUN with a GUN!!! If it was more polished and a little larger than I’d have given it PF. Top marks.
15 Minutes
Good looking map. Plays good. Not a fan of maps with mostly zombies but this one is well done.
20 Minutes
An interesting map design and combat. I love the platforming parts in the map, it gives you tension and a little pressure. The combat seems okay, the gunship at the end is too easy because it barely hits you.