Authors’ Note:
Keys is a short first person art installation that provides a visceral and thought provoking experience combined with rich environments and striking imagery.
It is greatly influenced by our admiration for games like Good Morning, Commander, The Barista series, Kairo, and Radiator.
This is the Half-Life 2: Ep2 category
Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
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Secret Kleiner’s Lab Escapefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
You have just helped Dr. Kleiner escape his secret lab, but somehow you got left behind.
No problem you say to yourself, I’ll just walk out.
WRONG. There is a problem.
Total Downloads: 1,2066th July 2014
and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Couragefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Author’s Note: “Courage is the name of a machine and a state of mind.
This mod is not strictly set in the Half-Life universe, but it can be. You don’t play as Gordon Freeman, but you can if you’d like.You might get the wrong idea if I said it reminds me of something that’d happen if L4D2 collided with Dear Esther, so forget I said that. You get to do stuff, I promise.”
Total Downloads: 2,0145th July 2014
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Rising Waterfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“Rising water is a single player, standalone level for Half-Life 2: Episode 2. On his way to a rebel outpost with Alyx, Gordon gets into some car trouble. With split second reaction time, Alyx is able to jump out of the buggy before Gordon accidently drives it into an Antlion cave.
After recovering from the fall, Gordon realizes the cave is not only full of Antlions, but the water in it is rising fast from the rain, and it is full of leeches! Gordon must climb, run, jump and punt Antlions with the gravity gun to get to the top of the cave before it is too late.”
Total Downloads: 1,1623rd July 2014
and 4 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Later"
Vortigauntletfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Vortigauntlet puts you back in Nova Prospekt. This time you need a Vortigaunt’s help and use the gravity gun to escape.
As with all puzzles, the order you do things is vital.
Think carefully before rushing around as you may save yourself some time.
Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 1,4921st July 2014
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"
The Citizen Returnsfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Set in both the heart and outside of City 17, “The Citizen Returns” contains the final chapters of our citizen’s story, as well as an updated version of Part II.
The story takes place shortly after a failed assassination attempt on Dr. Breen leads to the first ever use of the Overwatch Broadcast system by The Resistance, represented by former garage
owner Larry Soderstrom Jr.
The Combine forces decide to capture him and try to use his public repentance and execution as a means to appease the emergent rebellion.
The Citizens of City 17 however have other ideas in mind. Larry is now a symbol for the rebellion and a key asset in a bigger plot to deal a fatal blow to the Combine and its grip on humankind…
Total Downloads: 12,66223rd June 2014
and 20 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
DiamondDogsVillefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
For this competition, entrants had to create an area from which the player must escape.
This “Escape” is most probably accomplished through the solving of some puzzle and/or combat.
The area can be a room, a series of rooms or even outside. The concept is that the player must find a way to move outside of the area.
I was hoping for some clever puzzles, hopefully environmental in nature and not some obscure and impossible to solve button pressing sequence.
This mod contains 3 official entries, one extra entry and a bonus map made over a longer time period.
Total Downloads: 3,68919th June 2014
and 17 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Crow Avenuefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
In this map, that was planned for entry to the RavenholmVille mod competition, you will have to follow your instincts and do your best to escape.
There are plenty of dead ends and false leads but don’t give up and you may be lucky.
One last thing, look behind you.
Total Downloads: 1,4388th June 2014
and 11 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Outpost 529: Modder’s Cutfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
The Combine are coming to destroy your generator.
Defend it at ALL costs. If it gets destroyed then the Resistance will suffer a huge setback.
Since you know they are coming, organize your supplies and defences carefully.
Total Downloads: 2,32621st April 2014
and 6 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
RavenholmVillefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
Eight maps, all set in Raveholm, with one simple objective: Escape.
Look out for traps, hiding places, and anything else that can save your neck.
Each map offers something different and fresh, so make sure you take your time and enjoy the screams!
Total Downloads: 7,48619th April 2014
and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 1,5177th July 2014
14 Comments and 8 recommendations with no significant bias