Pervasive. Literary. Brutal. Experimental.
MINERVA, by Adam Foster, takes you to a remote island under the control of Combine forces. Something is going on here. Your goal is to uncover what that is and destroy it. Oh, yes – and try to survive.
Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 2: Episode One
Follow the Half-Life 2: Ep1 releases via RSSMINERVA, by Adam Foster, takes you to a remote island under the control of Combine forces. Something is going on here. Your goal is to uncover what that is and destroy it. Oh, yes – and try to survive.
Things are not what they seem.
You are definitely back in Ravenholm, but it’s not the where that’s in doubt, but the who!
If you survive long enough, you may make a new friend.
Total Downloads: 3,1284th July 2014
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Where would you be without Barney? That Beer Buddy just keeps coming to your rescue.
You start in a calm city square, but things turn a little more action packed within a few moments.
Listen to Barney, he knows what to do.
Total Downloads: 19,34327th December 2010
and 41 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
This release has been updated: The Sprucecape Mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two.
You play the role of John Sprucecape. Apparently, a “once a successful professor of philosophy, but now a violent unemployed middle-aged man with an alcohol addiction”.
You wake up to find yourself locked in the house and your family gone. Go look for them! Of course Life has a way of throwing stuff in your way, as I am sure you expected.
Total Downloads: 4,5681st November 2010
and 32 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
The Combine have taken control of a factory, just outside City 17. The resistance have too few men to effectively defend or retake the factory, so it falls to you, Gordon Freeman, to enter the factory and disable the reactor, making it useless to the Combine.
Total Downloads: 3,84225th September 2010
and 15 recommendations with no significant bias
You are sent to a base on Mars and have to fight the Combine.
Eli and Alyx help you and Dr. Kleiner appears at the end to teleport you out of harms way.
Total Downloads: 2,66625th September 2010
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
You start in a small town and have to work your way through the tunnels.
You meet Father Grigori but are blocked from reaching him and from then on your objective is to join him.
Total Downloads: 10,67325th April 2010
and 34 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
You are stranded in a Ravenholm-style village.
Find a radio and call for help, that is if you can survive long enough.
The streets are wider than Ravenholm but don’t expect an easy stroll through the town!
Total Downloads: 4,00728th February 2010
and 28 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Escape the prison and join your brother in the fight against the Combine.
Total Downloads: 021st April 2009
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
A collection of three maps, where the player is seemily set for execution. Fortunately help arrives and events take a turn for the better, or do they?
Total Downloads: 3,14315th February 2009
and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
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Total Downloads: 11,00522nd March 2015
176 Comments and 75 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"