Approximately once a month, Jim Partridge will play and deconstruct a mod from a designers point of view.
Each mod will be livestreamed on the RTSL Twitch channel and Jim will be explaining how the mod he is playing has made some questionable design decisions. There is a good chance that for many streams, James will have a Devil’s Advocate to counter his observations.
He will always be polite and try to be as fair as possible with his criticism and he will be focussed more on what we can learn rather than criticising the mapper directly.
Hell he may even use his maps at some point and invite someone else to critique it.
Will you agree with him? Only one way to find out and that’s to watch.
Every few months a podcast will be recorded discussing the mods that have been deconstructed.
The event is called Critical Jim.
This is another opportunity to play something you may have missed or replay something with a new perspective.
22nd March 2015 6 Comments