1 Room.
1 Corridor.
8 Enemies.
2 Barricades.
0 fun.
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The largest collection of single player maps and mods for the Half-Life series of games
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Optimum Fearfor Half-Life
“Three years ago, my newly founded work associates and I started work on a portal experiment that went horribly wrong, due to “unforeseen circumstances”. Between our world and Xen, a horrifically violent alien world, a large rift in the fabric of space and time was formed. This allowed all manner of violent species to come, uninterrupted, through the portal and vanquish the Earth. They caused the apocalypse as we now know it.”
Total Downloads: 2,0674th June 2011
and 19 recommendations, 8 say "Play It Later"
Genetic Research Facilityfor Half-Life
Genetic Research Facility is a single player map, which has you fighting your way through a facility intended to create and research life forms that could prove useful in military action.
Total Downloads: 1,4173rd June 2011
and 19 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Rogatfor Half-Life
After a heavy flash you and some others have been transported to an outer realm zone!
Your only option is to kill all the bad dudes!
And of course, STAY ALIVE!!
Total Downloads: 1,3512nd June 2011
and 17 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Back to Xenfor Half-Life
Pretty much the standard mod premise: You are Gordon Freeman and you need to do what you do best: Keep moving forward, killing pretty much everything in your path.
The mod finishes when you read the text that says “The End”.
Total Downloads: 4,3991st June 2011
and 19 recommendations, 9 say "Play It Now!"
Namelessfor Half-Life
You don’t know who you are, where you are and where you should be.
In true Half-Life fashion, go forth and kill!
Total Downloads: 2,17531st May 2011
and 14 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Half-Life: Return 2for Half-Life
After a short battle and building a barricade, you decide to take a rest.
Once rested, it’s time to continue your escape.
Of course, that’s not going to be easy!
Total Downloads: 2,54727th May 2011
and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"
ESfor Half-Life
Simply find you way out of Black Mesa.
Just don’t expect an easy time of it!
Apparently, there are 2 Easter Eggs in this map and only one can be found with Noclip.
Total Downloads: 1,90124th May 2011
and 8 recommendations with no significant bias
My Black Mesafor Half-Life
A short map that takes place in some part of Black Mesa.
You meet a variety of enemies and your goal is to escape.
Of course, nothing turns out as you expect it.
Total Downloads: 1,76322nd May 2011
and 7 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Typical Disasterfor Half-Life
Once again Gordon Freeman has a new job in another top secret laboratory. Here, the scientists have found a way to free alien slaves from the will of their masters. They have already freed some and hired them to work in the lab. But there’s also a team which runs some crazy experiments on teleportation. There is a disaster waiting to happen!
Total Downloads: 2,36122nd May 2011
and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 1,3905th June 2011
25 Comments and 16 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it