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The largest collection of single player maps and mods for the Half-Life series of games

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for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Without the Gravity Gun, Half-Life 2, its episodes, and many many mods would be very different. It was revolutionary and a LOT of fun to play with.

This challenge features the gravity gun, and adds some new functionality which was optional for mappers to use.

You play through a variety of settings and ideas.


Total Downloads: 3,45317th April 2018
42 Comments and 10 recommendations with no significant bias

Dark Forest

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“It is sometime after the events of HL2:EP2 (where have we heard that one before!?)
An early morning mission sees Gordon assaulting a facility overrun by zombies.
The Combine are thin on the ground, they are forced to leave some strategically important assets undefended.
Rebel intelligence has identified one such location, a Combine dark energy reactor retrofitted inside an abandoned Soviet missile base.
A crack team of Rebel special forces was sent in but are assumed dead because we have not heard back from them since.
Be careful, there is only one viable way in and out.
You are to go in, find access to the reactor, thought to be on the lowest levels of the facility and find a way to destroy it.
Intelligence suggests that a series of beams keep the spheres stable, so disabling these should eventually lead to a core meltdown.
Once you have disrupted the reactor, make it back to the extraction point.
We are counting on you, Doctor Freeman.”


Total Downloads: 1,06431st March 2018
14 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

The Beautiful Indoor Experiment

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

For this Experimental Mapping Challenge, entrants had to make a map that most would consider beautiful.

Of course, beautiful is generally considered visual but in this case, the atmosphere was also important.

It was hoped that some would even try environmental story-telling.

The mod contains 7 official entries and 3 bonus entries.

This mod requires the Source SDK Base 2013 Singleplayer “Upcoming” beta branch activated.


Total Downloads: 2,63210th March 2018
15 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias

The Loop Complex

for Black Mesa

Here is the first mapping challenge in the Mesa Cup.

The release contains 5 entries.

For this challenge, entrants needed to create a map whose main layout is a loop: the player must return to where they started. As usual, it was the journey that counted.

For full details of the announcement, please see the original theme announcement.


Total Downloads: 3,1163rd March 2018
27 Comments and 8 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

The 1 Billion Units EMC

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

For this Experimental Mapping Challenge, entrants had to make a map no larger than 1,000,000,000 Hammer Units. In the real world, that would be a cube about 20 metres long, wide and high.

The actual proportions of the map were left to the mappers. The limit was the cubic capacity.

This limitation forces mappers to think about how well they use the space.

The mod contains 13 official entries and 3 bonus entries.


Total Downloads: 2,97611th February 2018
19 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Nosocomephobia is a fear of hospitals.

You have been dared by your friends to explore an abandoned hospital alone.

Rumor has it the hospital was built on top of an asylum built and you are going to find out for sure.

Something’s definitely not right with this place…


Total Downloads: 1,29028th December 2017
11 Comments and 9 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"