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The largest collection of single player maps and mods for the Half-Life series of games

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One Room – Map Labs Test Tube #1

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Map Labs has started running mapping challenges of their own. So far the challenges have all been single player HL2: Episode 2 maps (actually running on an improved SDK 2013 version), so they’re definitely worth keeping an eye on!

This challenge was a “Test Tube” challenge – a 72-hour weekend challenge with the theme of One Room – the entire map should be set in one room. The challenge received a solid 16 entries, and here they are!


Total Downloads: 2,1486th January 2019
28 Comments and 8 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Hello and welcome to Challenge 5 in the Lambda Cup, a series of five Source single player mapping challenges. If you are new to the Lambda Cup or mapping challenges, please see the event’s homepage: THE LAMBDA CUP 2018. The theme for this challenge is “replay”. Get ready to play through 9 new maps! Basic… Read More


Total Downloads: 4,76729th December 2018
36 Comments and 8 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Video games always feature various styles of gameplay. In this challenge we asked mappers to create a map that flowed through 3 phases. See the Theme Details section below for full details.

The resulting maps range from average to fantastic and the different interpretations of each phase is fascinating.

Get ready to play through 15 new maps!


Total Downloads: 6,05813th October 2018
32 Comments and 10 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

The 72-Second Experiment

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

For this Experimental Mapping Challenge, entrants had to make a map that lasted just 72 seconds, but they only had 72 hours to make it!

A lot could happen in that time, so don’t think it will be easy.

In addition, you might need to learn the correct route, actions or sequence before you can actually finish it.

There are 12 official entries and 1 bonus entry for you to play.


Total Downloads: 2,73415th September 2018
20 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Later"

Cenodrome: The Lost Sub-Basement of TWHL Tower

for Half-Life

Cenodrome is a small standalone map made in the mold of the TWHL Tower maps. Put together by regulars at The Whole Half-Life site, TWHL Tower was a collaborative mapping project where each mapper constructed a small floor of the tower, and each floor was joined to others by a stairway. Cenodrome is the long lost sub-basement of that tower.


Total Downloads: 2,5163rd September 2018
16 Comments and 8 recommendations with no significant bias


for Half-Life 2

Ammo is in short supply, so use it sparingly.

In fact, why don’t you use the grenades that the Combine soldiers through?

Find all the switch and reach the suitcase.

They are not easy to find though!


Total Downloads: 3,0072nd September 2018
27 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Now!"

Deadly Cargo

for Half-Life 2

You ARE the deadly cargo!

You are being transported somewhere but foolishly they left a crowbar in your “cell”.

You have waited until the train has stopped and now it’s time to escape.


Total Downloads: 1,5311st September 2018
12 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Nuclear Bunker

for Half-Life 2

A nuclear missile’s headed your way. A nuclear bunker is right behind you. But its door is shut.

You have two minutes to find a way inside.

Talk to the people and see if you can decipher their words.


Total Downloads: 1,49831st August 2018
10 Comments and 8 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

Citadel Arena

for Half-Life 2

Quite a small arena where the enemies, Combine soldiers and Combine Elite, spawn at one end of the area and simply run towards you.

Regular ammo and health drops from a shute.

It’s close combat in a rectangle room.


Total Downloads: 81130th August 2018
12 Comments and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it