A simple maze with plenty of health, ammo and enemies. Your objective is to find the Gman. There is no special ending when you do. A very basic first map that at least has some gameplay.
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Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 2: Episode Two
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Unionfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“The last thing I remember was our train being stopped in the woods. OVERWATCH told me I was needed for questioning, so they locked me in one of those cold pods and stuck me on the next train to NOVA PROSPEKT. I can still see my WIFE watching me drift away.”
Total Downloads: 8,35626th February 2008
and 53 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Offshorefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
This modification offers a multi-level side story of Gordon Freeman while en-route to City 17 via Highway 17 in the infamous buggy.
Total Downloads: 7,10123rd February 2008
and 64 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Survival Projectfor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
“This is a project I was working on for quite a while, and I’ve finally finished the first five parts. However, there are some completely new NPC’s, the Houndeye the Bullsquid, the Snarks, the Gargantua and the Combine Assassin. There will be some new NPC’s in the next parts too.”
Total Downloads: 1,7733rd February 2008
and 7 recommendations with no significant bias
Total Downloads: 84310th March 2008
11 Comments and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it