This is the HL2-Ep2 Maps category

Half-Life 2: Episode Two map releases. These can be installed manually or, in most cases, with MapTap.

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Cliff Cottage

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

You find yourself in a cliff-side community village overrun by headcrabs.

There’s no where to hide or run, so the only way is forward.

Do what you do best (kill anything that gets in your way) and clear the village and hope for escape.


Total Downloads: 1,5974th February 2016
24 Comments and 22 recommendations with no significant bias

2015 WinnersVille

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

An abstract experience, a city street event, a re-imagining of the original Blast Pit, a Combine base which will require all your skills, a rebel base that has been attacked, a giant water puzzle, a blocked train, a dark & scary nightmare and a bank heist with a difference.

These are what awaits you in this first of a kind release – all the winners from the 2015 mapping challenges.

Get you snacks ready, cancel your appointments and get comfy. These maps will have you transfixed for the next couple of hours.



Total Downloads: 4,05424th January 2016
41 Comments and 5 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Nova Prospekt: Utility

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Finding yourself in a new and strange part of Nova Prospekt, you have no other choice but to starve to death or try to escape.

It will require thinking as well as fighting.

Overlook nothing, or your fate will be taken out of your hands – good luck.


Total Downloads: 1,65820th September 2015
20 Comments and 16 recommendations, 8 say "Play It Later"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

The Combine have acquired some sensitive data.

It’s your job to enter the Combine facility where it is being stored and erase it.

Expect heavy resistance, especially in attempting to escape.

In fact, the data could be a ploy to capture you!


Total Downloads: 2,04514th September 2015
25 Comments and 23 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

TG Mast Takeover

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

“You need to steal information from the combine from their radio base, named TGMAST-SEC-12.

You can do this by turning their radio system back on and examining their data.
However, their base is heavily guarded.

They do not use many troops at first.. but once their radio is on, the fighting begins.

Once you have killed all the soldiers and examined the data, you have technically won.”


Total Downloads: 81211th July 2015
10 Comments and 7 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"