About I know nothing about this map and would appreciate any extra info. Any readers who speak Slovakian and can translate the homepage should contact me ASAP. This map might not even be Single Player, in which case I will delete it. Enjoy! Basic Details Title: RBHL File Name: as.exe Size : 6.81Mb Author: Majak2… Read More
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Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 1
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Terrorist Attackfor Half-Life
Basic Details Title: Terrorist Attack File Name: hl1-sp-terrorist-attack.7z Original File Name: terrorist-attack.rar Size : 38.2Mb Author: Kelish2 Date Released: 04 October 2005 PlanetPhillip Download Servers PlanetPhillip.Com Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 5 recommendations, average score: 1.4 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.64 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 1,57730th October 2005
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Worst Holidayfor Half-Life
Basic Details Title: Worst Holiday File Name: hl1-sp-worst-holiday.7z Original File Name: worstholiday.rar Size : 18.6Mb Author: Stano Onder-Goblin Date Released: 14 October 2005 PlanetPhillip Download Servers PlanetPhillip.Com Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 5 recommendations, average score: 2.2 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.56 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 1,04630th October 2005
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Anaphora: The Awakeningfor Half-Life
About I currently can’t tell you much about this mod because the website is in Czech, I have emailed the webmaster and hopefully it can be translated into English. If anybody is prepared to help with the translation please contact me. What I do know is that there are some new weapons and monsters (See images below)… Read More
Total Downloads: 025th October 2005
Windmillfor Half-Life
About This map was sent in via the old Submit a map page and there are no other details known. If somebody could play it and supply a brief description I would be grateful, as would other PP readers. I suspect it’s just a demo map for some models but I may be wrong. Basic… Read More
Total Downloads: 92422nd October 2005
and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Black Opsfor Half-Life
The player slips into the role of agent Declan Walker, member of the Black Operations, a special-purpose force for covered operations, created by the government, approximately around the project Black Mesa. In the fictitious metropolis “Metro City” will make you hunt on the escaped scientist Dr. Gallagher, who stole a mysterious briefcase, which the government wants to have back at any price. But the good doctor has relations and so it succeeds him to escape one more time…
Total Downloads: 4,43119th October 2005
and 24 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Destinyfor Half-Life
About Submitted as part of a T.W.H.L. Xen Transport Mapping competition. Story The mod takes place approximately 15 years after the events in HL2. The survivors from Black Mesa have moved to Xen when Breen took over earth. They have been secretly working on a time travel machine, so that they could go back into… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,3526th October 2005
and 1 recommendation, most haven't enjoyed it
Myfor Half-Life
About Submitted as part of a T.W.H.L. Mapping competition. It’s very small. Basic Details Title: My Map File Name: mymap.zip Size : 5Kb Author: J1ngle Date Released: 05 October 2005 Download: PlanetPhillip FileFront Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations
Total Downloads: 06th October 2005
The Aztec’s Banefor Half-Life
About Information about this mod is hard to find. I have a feeling that it is not very good, but hopefully someboday will play it and enlighten us. To my knowledge the only place this mod is currently available from is PlanetPhillip! Basic Details Title: The Aztec’s Bane File Name: hl1-sp-the-aztecs-bane.7z Original File Name: theaztecsbane.exe… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,2616th October 2005
and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Hour Glassfor Half-Life
Hour Glass is mission-based and involves time travel to various planets.
After the events at Black Mesa, Gordon Freeman is hired by Intergalactic Time Reassurance, Inc.
As an ITR agent Gordon must maintain the true historical time line.
Heavily influenced by Quake 2 architecture and uses “keys” in order to open some doors.
The game also includes some Duke Nukem sounds and ideas.
The game includes some weapon, model, sound and texture replacements.
WARNING: Hour-Glass contains some sounds, images and an animated sequence that is NOT suitable for minors.
Total Downloads: 3,4246th October 2005
and 11 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Total Downloads: 030th October 2005
7 Comments and 2 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it