“This map consists of a flat desert which covers the maximum 2 dimensional area possible in a Half-Life map. The interesting thing about the map are the small armies of human grunts and Xen aliens facing each other. Join in the fight or sit back and watch the fun! Run around a bit, letting some enemies chase you, so that they see the other army and the action starts. You will also probably want to use the cheats described below, if only to give yourself some weapons! This map may run choppily, due to the large number of monsters. If you see the framerates start to drop, remember you can always turn down the resolution.”
This is the HL-Mods category
Half-Life mods. These are generally installed by copying a folder to your Halfe-Life folder, within your Steam Installation. These mods can not use MapTap.
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Undertimefor Half-Life
You start in the future and have to travel back in time to stop Dr. Slick from doing something.
I’m not exactly sure what!
Total Downloads: 1,6717th June 2011
and 15 recommendations, 7 say "Maybe?"
Blood and Bonesfor Half-Life
“You are Gordon Freeman and you get a call from your friend, the scientist Kazus. He workes at the reception of the Black Mesa Explosive Centre, somewhere in the mountains in South America. He says something’s wrong, then you hear some shots and you hear Kazus screaming. You decide to take a look. When you arrive at the reception room, you see Kazus’ corpse. When you step out, you see only one thing: BLOOD AND BONES….. Who did this? You’ll have to find out and you decide to go to the Black Mesa Explosive Centre.”
Total Downloads: 3,0936th June 2011
and 18 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Half-Life: Return 2for Half-Life
After a short battle and building a barricade, you decide to take a rest.
Once rested, it’s time to continue your escape.
Of course, that’s not going to be easy!
Total Downloads: 2,54427th May 2011
and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"
Minimicusfor Half-Life
The scientists at Black Mesa have invented a shrinking machine. They are shrinking Xen creatures in order to make them easier to control.
Two shrunken Gonarchs have escaped and are breeding in the civilian community. The Marines have once again been called in to
Total Downloads: 2,90714th July 2010
and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Wilson Chroniclesfor Half-Life
This mod contains all the unfinished maps etc. It was kindly released by the team, instead of just letting it stay on a hard drive.
Don’t expect a smooth ride, you will need to load some maps manually and some maps contain little or no action.
Total Downloads: 3,72520th June 2010
and 3 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Fate Reversalfor Half-Life
What if Freeman weren’t held in stasis during the portal storm that ravaged the Earth and caught the attention of the Combine?
What if Freeman had a chance to prevent the Combine invasion from ever materializing?
What if Freeman could reverse mankind’s fate?
Total Downloads: 3,69612th June 2010
and 18 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Insurrectionfor Half-Life
You start on a space station in the Gamma sector, you suddenly find yourself under attack and need to escape. Fortunately, there is an escape pod.
Unfortunately, you get picked up by the military and your quest to escape begins again!
Total Downloads: 2,19829th May 2010
and 6 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Dopusk 31for Half-Life
The mod is about a digger who is looking for an old shelter and on his search stumbles upon a secret base where everything has gone crazy. He soon realizes that he must destroy the base and the strange object that has caused all this trouble.
Total Downloads: 4,0895th April 2010
and 17 recommendations with no significant bias
Returnfor Half-Life
As the name suggests, you go back to Black Mesa. It’s a sparse area with some Grunts and Vortigaunts.
There’s only 1 headcrab to be found in the whole mod, which is a good thing.
Gargs can be found in various places throughout the mod, no need to look too hard, it’s not as if you could miss them, is it?
Total Downloads: 1,7302nd October 2009
and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Total Downloads: 1,4919th June 2011
19 Comments and 16 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it