The Underground can be a dangerous place.
All kinds of zombies wandering around, waiting for something to eat.
If you are not careful, you’ll be sitting down to lunch with them, and not as their guest!
Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 2
Follow the Half-Life 2 releases via RSSThe Combine have some new secret and powerful weapon.
It’s being stored and tested in the sewers under City 17.
You’ve been sent down to destroy it.
There’s an escape portal if you manage to do it.
Total Downloads: 1,62028th July 2014
and 10 recommendations, 5 say "Play It Later"
The Colonel has been captured.
It’s your job to rescue him.
You know very little about where he is being held, except that it is heavily guarded.
Good Luck Freeman!
Total Downloads: 1,15824th July 2014
and 9 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
In this short map, you have to work your way through a variety of caves until you Meet Barney.
He seems to be held captive. Once released, he is supposed to open a door that you hope leads to freedom.
However, things don’t work out as expected. Good Luck.
Total Downloads: 1,28624th September 2013
and 9 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
Set in a futuristic Middlesborough, UK, players seems to compete in defined arenas, with a live radio commentator.
Using a few different weapons, players must find the three keycards that will allow them to enter the next arena.
But at the same time killing as many enemies as possible. In addition, there are extra points to be had for getting those enemies through the large red hoops.
Total Downloads: 2,38017th March 2013
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
FInd your way to an area with a faulty electrical pylon.
If you can manage to get the power on, you can kill everything in or very near the water.
Don’t take too long though!
Total Downloads: 1,5967th July 2012
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
“You woke up in an apartment high-rise building. You don’t remember anything, even your name. You have deep cuts all over your body… you are bleeding heavily.
On the floor and walls is lot of blood, obviously, not only yours. You need to find something to sew up the wounds, and then try to understand why this nightmare is going on…”
Total Downloads: 5,00810th April 2012
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
This is an ALT mod and as such you don’t have weapons or enemies to fight.
You are along for the ride in a story about love and loss.
It’s in Russian but there are English subtitles.
Please base your reviews on what the mod actually is NOt or what you wanted it to be.
Total Downloads: 3,3569th April 2012
and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"
You play an elite soldier, who is sent in to perform a number of tasks on an abandoned research facility.
Your commander is in contact with you via screen text.
He gives you clear instructions for each section.
Can you make it out alive?
Total Downloads: 4,5112nd April 2012
and 8 recommendations with no significant bias
No story, no setting, nothing.
Just an enclosed sewer area with zombies coming out of the radioactive slime.
How many can you kill?
Total Downloads: 1,22424th March 2012
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 1,43511th October 2014
12 Comments and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it