Not exactly a prison, but certainly some sort of Combine controlled area.
There are a few levels on the wall that will allow you to open doors and progress onto the next stage.
When you reach a dead end vent, that’s the end of the map.
Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 2
Follow the Half-Life 2 releases via RSSNot exactly a prison, but certainly some sort of Combine controlled area.
There are a few levels on the wall that will allow you to open doors and progress onto the next stage.
When you reach a dead end vent, that’s the end of the map.
Doors. Are they locked or just waiting to open with death and pain right behind them?
Only one way to find out. Try to open them.
Collect weapons, ammo and press buttons to make some doors unlock.
Sound simple? Well, it is – kinda.
Total Downloads: 81329th May 2015
and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
You find yourself stuck somewhere in or around Ravenholm.
Fortunately, others have been before and left a sign where to go.
If you can stay alive long enough, you may escape.
Total Downloads: 1,51428th May 2015
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
Find entry to the area behind the Combine gates.
Kill all who stand in your way and then assassinate Breen.
Your work is then done for the day.
Total Downloads: 82327th May 2015
and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
The Combine has taken a hostage and you have been sent to rescue him.
Work your way through a variety of rooms. stairwell and areas until you reach him.
Then lead him to safety.
Total Downloads: 1,31726th May 2015
and 15 recommendations with no significant bias
You find yourself in Combine base.
Explore the areas you can reach but be aware that the Combine will quickly learn of your presence.
How far can you reach?
Total Downloads: 1,47522nd May 2015
and 23 recommendations, 10 say "Play It Later"
You find yourself in a room. One door and a few windows.
There are a few crates, two barrels and a hidden turret.
You have one minute before zombies start coming through the door.
Can you survive?
Total Downloads: 90821st May 2015
and 8 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Collect your suit and some supplies, watch Alyx kill a zombie and start your journey into weirdness.
This is a nightmare and everywhere you look something is trying to kill you, even your supposed friends.
At one point is a leap of faith. Sometimes it’s better to have no faith.
Total Downloads: 87220th May 2015
and 5 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"
A riot breaks out as the prison is infested with headcrabs.
Fortunately, you have survived the initial attack but now you have zombies and Combine prison guards to worry about.
Maybe this is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the situation, if only you could get out of your cell.
Total Downloads: 1,07319th May 2015
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
Hold you ground as long as you can.
How long can you survive?
This was originally released on TWHL.
Total Downloads: 7482nd May 2015
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
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Total Downloads: 1,7683rd June 2015
22 Comments and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"