This an arena map where the enemies keep spawning until you either die or you kill enough for the author to decide you won. Not only enemies spawn but also allies.
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Single player maps and mods for Half-Life 2
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Flamfor Half-Life 2
The map starts with a women being guarded by a Combine Soldier. Nothing happens until you kill the gaurd and then all hell breaks loose! You need to protect her, if she dies then the map is over. To be honest I couldn’t finish this map without cheating and even then I died a hundred times.
Total Downloads: 8923rd September 2008
and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Run Like Hellfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Notes “I made this map this map to prove that killing does not have to be an depressing or scary thing. Actually killing is FUN!!! (Don’t think I am getting crazy now, I’m talking of an game 😉
Total Downloads: 88731st August 2008
and 3 recommendations, say ""
Dachkafor Half-Life 2
A first map that offers a very simple premise. I’m not sure what that is but it’s fun. There’s no story and I didn’t reach the end, so I can’t tell you what happens.
Total Downloads: 96027th August 2008
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Powerstation 17for Half-Life 2
Gordon Freeman infiltrates a powerstation commandeered by Combine forces in an effort to destabilize their control of the region.
Total Downloads: 11,90619th August 2008
and 45 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Canalsfor Half-Life 2
A short map leading you through various styles of canal environments.
Total Downloads: 83314th August 2008
and 5 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"
The Escapefor Half-Life 2
A beta of a never-finished 5 or 6 part mod. Simply escape from the Combine.
Total Downloads: 8276th July 2008
and 4 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
The Laboratoryfor Half-Life 2
Communication with a laboratory has been lost and you and a small group of rebels have been sent to find out why.
Total Downloads: 9073rd July 2008
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Antlion Versus Gordonfor Half-Life 2
A simple arena where you have the super gravity gun and you face two Antlions Guards. Plenty of cars can be used as weapons and there’s even a buggy.
Total Downloads: 74330th June 2008
and 3 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Blue Shift 2for Half-Life 2
A short demo of what now appears to be a defunct Half-Life 2 mod. You play a short section through a Combine train.
Total Downloads: 1,31629th June 2008
and 11 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Total Downloads: 8633rd September 2008
5 Comments and 4 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it