A partial conversion of an underground lab where scientists have been experimenting on a new drug to wipe out all forms of infection that humans can aquire.
This is the HL2-Mods category
Half-Life 2 mods. These are generally installed by copying a folder to your SourceMods folder, within your Steam Installation. These mods can not use MapTap.
Follow the HL2-Mods releases via RSS
Random Questfor Half-Life 2
This mod features some intense action scenes, but most of these come later on, much of the earlier parts of the mod are focused on adventure and storytelling.
Total Downloads: 3,5691st June 2009
and 28 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Calamityfor Half-Life 2
A story based mod that leads you through a variety of interesting environments to your ultimate objective.
Total Downloads: 11,23429th May 2009
and 50 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Independencefor Half-Life 2
A demo for a now dead mod that allows you to play part of the second level.
Total Downloads: 1,18526th May 2009
and 6 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Lost Concept Dev4for Half-Life 2
I can’t tell you much about this mod except that it is supposed to be a leak. There are some levels from the E3 demonstration and plenty of levels I haven’t seen before.
Total Downloads: 1,42823rd May 2009
and 7 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Dark Worldfor Half-Life 2
“Dark World will bring you into your darkest nightmare. It is in hazardous areas, destroyed buildings and dark settings.”
Total Downloads: 2,2051st May 2009
and 15 recommendations with no significant bias
Combine Insurrection Demofor Half-Life 2
This is the mod author vision of what happens 6 years after Half-Life. You are up against the Combine. What more do you need to know?
Total Downloads: 022nd April 2009
and 9 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Kill Gman City 7for Half-Life 2
Escape the cell and fight your way to the Gman.
Total Downloads: 1,04625th March 2009
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Haunted Housefor Half-Life 2
Explore the haunted house and return to your car…if you dare!
Total Downloads: 2,31320th March 2009
and 13 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Combine Combatfor Half-Life 2
You play as Number 42, a Combine soldier sent to kill Gordon Freeman.
Total Downloads: 22,73619th March 2009
and 25 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 1,53512th June 2009
15 Comments and 6 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"