A small area with four main rooms.
Each room has a few rebels and PLENTY of health and ammo. Apparently there are 700 enemies to kill before you win. Pick up the health dropped by the dead soldiers and watch out for those damn manhacks
This is the HL2-Maps category
Opposing Force map releases. These can be installed manually or, in most cases, with MapTap.
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Maze Of Deathfor Half-Life 2
A seemingly simple map, that has brick walls, set in a maze design. Includes, Combine soldiers, zombies, fast zombies and a rather unhelpful Alyx.
This was originally released in December 2004 and I have updated the post to include new screenshots and working download servers.
It will revert back to its original publish date of December 2005, in one month.
Total Downloads: 1,1331st September 2010
and 6 recommendations, most say "Think Twice"
One Housefor Half-Life 2
“A small house surrounded by zombies. The neighborhood was all dead and the only survivor was you. Survive the attack of the zombies, weapons and ammos are inside the house and a terrace. Ammunition is limited, so save money!”
Total Downloads: 1,0581st September 2010
and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Dooleus Arena 4for Half-Life 2
Looks like a crate cemetery, with lots of containers lying around, full of ammo and health. Get ready to fight a Strider, Gunship, numerous choppers and plenty of soldiers.
Only the strong or crazy will survive!
Total Downloads: 1,17431st July 2010
and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Maybe?"
Dooleus Arena 3for Half-Life 2
A grey and orange textured arena where you must kill as many enemies as possible before you die.
There’s a kill counter to keep score. I reached 8473 before I died. Wait, sorry I meant 8.
Total Downloads: 95531st July 2010
and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Maybe?"
Orange Zombiefor Half-Life 2
An orange room, with weapons, that leads to a couple of areas full of zombies and one or two other surprises.
Can you reach the exit?
Total Downloads: 1,00729th July 2010
and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Citadelfor Half-Life 2
Starting in an orange and grey dev textured area, you work your way outside, fighting a variety of enemies.
Your ultimate goal seems to be to reach the airboat.
Total Downloads: 1,12329th July 2010
and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Dooleus Antlion Survivalfor Half-Life 2
You’ve got plenty of ammo, health, suit power and weapons.
That’s the good news.
The bad news is that there are plenty of antlions, Combine soldiers and dropships.
How many enemies can you kill and how long can you stay alive?
Total Downloads: 2,13025th July 2010
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Now!"
HL2 Jailbreakfor Half-Life 2
Another escape from the jail map, nothing more, nothing less.
Total Downloads: 1,67718th July 2010
and 3 recommendations with no significant bias
Condominiumfor Half-Life 2
This map was originally created for Zombie Panic: Source but converted by the author into an SP map.
You are in a Condominium and need to restart the generator to get the lights back on.
All the time you will be attacked by various headcrab-based enemies.
Total Downloads: 9719th July 2010
and 3 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Total Downloads: 1,43816th October 2010
6 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"