Description The Author writes:“Since the readme didn’t make it… OK, so this is just like the old map, Av2. All I did was make some minor gameplay changes (two ramps, some info hints for the NPC’s, different spawn times), and some graphical improvements (changed fog variables, [over]used more props in place of brushes) I’m working… Read More
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Opposing Force map releases. These can be installed manually or, in most cases, with MapTap.
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Zombie Onslaughtfor Half-Life 2
Description The Author wrote:“This map is the standard zombie “ladder”-like level, with unlimited waves of zombies continually trying to overrun an outpost of Combine soldiers, and you. The map is fairly well done in most aspects, except for the fact that the zombies can’t actually overrun your position. Another issue was the fog, it was… Read More
Total Downloads: 024th July 2005
and 1 recommendation, most haven't enjoyed it
Day 13for Half-Life 2
Story You are Dr Gordon Freeman (surprise!). For the last 12 days and nights, the Combine has incarcerated you in a “Re-Education facility”. Each day so far, you have been forced to partake in “simulations”, which fortunately so far have been somewhat harmless. You can’t help wonder what they have in store for you next…on… Read More
Total Downloads: 020th July 2005
and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Now!"
Freshmanfor Half-Life 2
Story The concept is this: You are Gordon Freeman when he was doing his freshman year at LiTh University. Although many think he studied Theoretical Physics at the MIT that is wrong. He actually studied MedieTechnology with us. And he even was in the same team as us when we were doing a map for… Read More
Total Downloads: 119th July 2005
Live to Fight Another Dayfor Half-Life 2
Story You are Gordon Freeman (AKA: the “Free-man”); you were placed in the city over powered by the combine force to help the resistance. After the revolt started you hear some startling news: The Combine has a new weapon in place; that place being outer space. The Combine have launched a satellite that will reign… Read More
Total Downloads: 28418th July 2005
and 4 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Fortunefor Half-Life 2
Basic Details Title: Fortune File Name: Size : 1.4Mb Author: Horned King Date Released: 06 June 2005 Download: PlanetPhillip Filecloud Server Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations
Total Downloads: 06th June 2005
1 Comment
Garrisonfor Half-Life 2
Story You and a garrison of rebel troops are holding down an important target to the combine forces and the combine will do anything to recover that position, hold that position at all costs. Conserve the supplies in your area, you will need use all of them. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play… Read More
Total Downloads: 03rd June 2005
and 2 recommendations, say ""
Resistance Outpost 712for Half-Life 2
Description The uprising against the Combine rages on, and the rebels supplies have been stretched thin. Past the outskirts of City17 and not far beyond Ravenholm lies an old manor house. Nestled deep in the woods, it was once used as a rebel base, Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations
Total Downloads: 027th May 2005
The Hidden Labfor Half-Life 2
Story: Deep below the ground on the side of a cliff, a scientist was working on a secret weapon to destroy the aliens before they discovered the research lab, during this invention, he was discovered and wiped out by millions of aliens… no one had ever seen this secret weapon, it was told that it… Read More
Total Downloads: 010th May 2005
and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Maybe?"
Under Siegefor Half-Life 2
Basic Details Title: Under Siege File Name: under_seige.rar Size : 3.8Mb Author: Shifty15 Date Released: 02 May 2005 Download: Under Siege at FileFront Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 1 recommendation, average score: 2 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 02nd May 2005
and 1 recommendation, most haven't enjoyed it
Total Downloads: 027th July 2005
1 Comment