Just a short fun little map, where all the enemies bounce up and down until you stop them with the red button. You can restart the bounce by using the green button. The player can also jump up and down with the enemies. Beware: If you do it’s REALLY FREAKING hard to shoot anything!
This is the HL2-Maps category
Opposing Force map releases. These can be installed manually or, in most cases, with MapTap.
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Cliffside Assault: Warehousefor Half-Life 2
A short but intense beta map of a warehouse on a cliffside. It was supposed to be part of something larger but it seems that something was never released.
Total Downloads: 1,13111th May 2008
and 7 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Abandoned Manorfor Half-Life 2
Find your way through a mysterious, abandoned mansion filled with zombies. Survival won’t be easy…
Total Downloads: 78910th May 2008
and 2 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Zombie Xfor Half-Life 2
The title should tell you everything you need to know about this short but fairly intense map.
Total Downloads: 98726th April 2008
and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Maybe?"
Otherworldfor Half-Life 2
This map is inspired by the Silent Hill series. It’s not the usual type of City 17 Half-Life 2 map, so be prepared for some new!
Total Downloads: 98716th April 2008
and 6 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"
Warehousefor Half-Life 2
Alright Gordon, the Combine may not rule our planet any more, but they still dwell in many areas. We have confirmed the location of a militia that is taking hostages. They are in a warehouse in a war torn city. They aren’t demanding anything so we better just move in…..
Total Downloads: 1,01312th April 2008
and 11 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
Ex Townfor Half-Life 2
A Ravenholm-styled map where you get a little help from Father Grigori.
Total Downloads: 9349th April 2008
and 13 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Crimson Dawnfor Half-Life 2
Author’s Note “Crimson Dawn is a single-player map made for Half-Life 2. The goal is to make your way in to the coastal city, and help your squad and the Resistance Force assault the cities’ Main Supply Depot building to cut off the supply route for the Combine. I designed, built, textured and lit the entire level.”
Total Downloads: 1,22924th March 2008
and 10 recommendations with no significant bias
Lost In Citadelfor Half-Life 2
“A map where Gordon Freeman is trapped in Citadel. You need to go and save Alyx and Barney. Your journey will not be easy.(Really it will) This is my first map.”
Total Downloads: 85824th March 2008
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Rot Housefor Half-Life 2
An innovative level, where a house is rotating on a central bar. The player’s objective is to find all the 7 transporter beacons and switch them off. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 7 recommendations, average score: 4.71 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.2 (what's that?)
Total Downloads: 2,3869th March 2008
and 7 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Total Downloads: 72620th May 2008
9 Comments and 5 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it