This is the BM Maps category

Single player maps for the mod-turned retail game Black Mesa.

Most will need to be installed via the Steam workshop and most only work with the retail version NOT the mod.

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Vengeance At Dusk

for Black Mesa

Your father, mother and brother have been taken and “they” are coming for you next.

Can you escape through the house and attached complex?

Only time will tell.

Good Luck.


Total Downloads: 88028th March 2016
20 Comments and 4 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Later"

Gorge Mesa

for Black Mesa

Starting in an unexplored part of Black Mesa, you find yourself cornered.

The only way is forward and that require guile and sometimes brute force.

Use all the resources you can, including scientists, to reach the outside and hope that leads you to safety.


Total Downloads: 1,7465th January 2016
23 Comments and 5 recommendations with no significant bias

Communications Detour

for Black Mesa

The military has hindered your progress by shutting down a communications array on the far side of the facility.

You need to power up the communications tower in order to re-establish a communication link with the scientists held up in the Lambda Complex.


Total Downloads: 1,78828th November 2015
6 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Lambda Escape

for Black Mesa

With no other human around, at least not alive, it falls to you to find a way to escape.

Luckily, you have some weapons and armaments, use them wildly and you might make it.

Whatever the hell happened here, it’s not your day to die!


Total Downloads: 81912th October 2015
6 Comments and 4 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"


for Black Mesa

AGENT: Norman Shoeman
MISSION: Infiltrate Data Laboratories. Steal Sample 302 and escape.
ADDITIONAL MISSION: Retrieve 8 data chips.

Good luck!


Total Downloads: 8786th July 2015
3 Comments and 3 recommendations with no significant bias


for Black Mesa

Your Town’s Generator has broken and you must repair it and steal a Power Module from the Army Base.

Explore two dungeons with different enemies and weapons.


Total Downloads: 86618th June 2015
4 Comments and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"


for Black Mesa

You find yourself in what seems to be an underground base.

Things are not looking good.

Can you find a way forward without getting turned into a zombie or worse, killed?


Total Downloads: 64517th June 2015
5 Comments and 1 recommendation, say ""


for Black Mesa

Gordon Freeman must escape the facility.

But the HECU are looking for him.You must fight your way through the facility and try to find a way out.


Total Downloads: 76515th June 2015
2 Comments and 2 recommendations, 1 say "Play It Later"


for Black Mesa

Starting in a tram, you travel 50 metres and then immediately get off.

A scientist awaits you, along with an Alien Grunt.

Get to the room above and reach the top door if you can.


Total Downloads: 6612nd June 2015
7 Comments and 2 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it