This is the Games category

Chapters from each game, discussed and analysed. Many were part of the The Replay Experience Experiment. A special event to replay all the Half-Life games in order of release and discuss our thoughts and reflections.

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Opposing Force: Missing in Action

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Opposing Force: Missing in Action

Details Adrian Shephard’s continued journey through Black Mesa in search of both his comrades and an alternative escape route after being abandoned at the extraction point.

After travelling through a zombie-infested blast furnace, Shephard meets several other Marines from his company who have also been left behind.

He joins forces with them as they try to escape from the facility.

9th October 2012 12 Comments

Opposing Force: We Are Pulling Out

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Opposing Force We Are Pulling Out

As the battle begins to favor the Xen aliens, Shephard realizes the military forces have been ordered to pull out.

This chapter details Adrian Shephard’s attempt to reach the HECU’s extraction point to escape Black Mesa.

He has first eye contact with the mysterious Race X that seems to be collecting humans for study on their world.

Shephard reaches the extraction point, but is deliberately left behind due to the G-Man’s actions

7th October 2012 14 Comments

Opposing Force: Welcome to Black Mesa

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Opposing Force incoming

After the crash of his V-22 Osprey, Adrian Shephard regains consciousness completely in an infirmary, not too far off from the crash site.

He leaves the infirmary, learning that the other Marines who had survived the crash had been killed by the aliens.

He makes his way towards the extraction point, where he is told via radio that the military forces are pulling out of the facility.

6th October 2012 16 Comments

Complete Half-Life Walkthrough

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

I am very pleased to announce the release of, what I am sure is without doubt, the most comprehensive walkthrough of Half-Life available.

It was made possible by the writing and research of Stanley E. Dunigan and the formatting skills of William Barnard.

Together, we have created a PDF version that can be viewed both online and printed.

2nd October 2012 5 Comments

Opposing Force: Incoming

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Opposing Force incoming

As the game begins, Shephard is part of the clean-up operation. After his transport aircraft is taken down by an Alien Aircraft and he is cut off from the rest of his unit, the “clean-up” mission is abandoned and Shephard joins forces with the scattered survivors seeking escape.

Before the first chapter of Half-Life: Opposing Force, a short introduction is shown.

As Adrian Shephard and his fellow HECU comrades are approaching the LZ (Landing Zone 117) at the Black Mesa Research Facility, his plane (codenamed Goose 7) is shot down by alien aircraft, along with several other V-22 Ospreys (the first one is codenamed Goose 3).

The rest of the opening sequence consists of Shephard continually losing and regaining consciousness, seeing conflict between the Xen aliens and the Marines who survived the crash.

18th August 2012 14 Comments

Opposing Force: Boot Camp

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Opposing Force boot-camp

The training chapter of Opposing Force. Adrian Shephard is bumped to the top of the Advanced Training list.

Shephard and his comrades are trained by Dwight T. Barnes, Marine Drill Instructor, in Santego Military Base, Arizona.

He works his way through the training exercises overlooked by Drill Instructor Sharpe until he is ready for the field.

16th August 2012 19 Comments

Half-Life: Uplink

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Uplink

Uplink, released February 12, 1999, is one of two demos released by Valve for the original Half-Life video game. The first was Half-Life: Day One and contained the first fifth of the full game, and was only included with certain video cards of the time. Half-Life: Uplink, on the other hand, was a standalone demo set in the Half-Life universe, and contained levels and a storyline not found in the full title.

Ryan Finnie has created a wonderful website called HalfLifeUplink.Com, which contains everything you could ever want to know about the demo.

7th August 2012 36 Comments

Half-Life: Nihilanth and Endgame

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Nihilanth

In a vast cave, Gordon finally confronts the powerful and mysterious being that is holding the portal open. Gordon destroys the Nihilanth’s shield, allowing him to destroy its vulnerable brain. As the creature dies, it floats toward the ceiling, and explodes in a giant green blast that overpowers Gordon’s senses.

“It’s time to choose!”
– The G-Man

5th August 2012 21 Comments

Half-Life: Interloper

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Interloper

Gordon’s journey across Xen continues, but his supplies are running short, spent on destroying the Gonarch.

He also comes across the Xen army’s Alien Grunt cloning facility, where the army is created.

It can be noted that the Vortigaunts in one of the factories are not hostile towards the player, and will ignore him unless attacked.

31st July 2012 21 Comments

Half-Life: Gonarch’s Lair

The Replay Experience Experiment: Half-Life: Lambda Core

Freeman is made to face one of the Nihilanth’s most powerful minions: the Gonarch in her lair.

You’ll have to fight her in 3 different stages, but there is health available if you look carefully.

23rd July 2012 19 Comments