Starting in a small lab, you need to find your way out of a section of Black Mesa.
There are plenty of enemies and obstacles in your way.
Take a good look around, as you may find some hidden caches.
- Title: Breakout by Benny Blanco
- File Name: hl1-sp-breakout-benny-blanco.7z
- Size : 14.58MB
- Author: Benny Blanco
- Date Released: 16 May 2011
This map was entered into the CS-Mapping.Com.Ua mapping competition.
Need help with this map? Try the PDF walkthrough. Right click to save or left click to open in your browser if it supports it.
Download directly into MapTap [14.58MB]
You MUST have MapTap installed before using this link.
Download to your HDD [14.58MB]
You can still use it with MapTap once you have downloaded it.
- Copy valve folder into your Half-Life folder.
- Launch Half-Life
- Open the console and type map breakout.
- Press enter/return or click the Submit button.
- Play and Enjoy.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 27 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 10 Mins by melzaru
Longest: 1 Hours by Avantgarde95
Total Time Played: 1 Hours, 47 Mins
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I quite enjoyed this. There were no obvious bugs and the action and gameplay were fairly well planned.
Most of the areas seemed quite detailed, although some of the corridors joining areas were a little disjointed.
The only area lacking was the large area just before the outside.
All in all a fun little map and worth your time if you enjoy Black Mesa styled areas.
Quite nice looking and fun to play but maybe a bit too easy!
Although it’s not always obvious which way to go and some backtracking, this for such a short map is worth playing. It looks good and is a coffee break length map and plays well. Again something that should have been part of something bigger.
[spoiler]don’t waste ammo on the Zombies at the beginning, you don’t get into that part and there is a crowbar elsewhere.[/spoiler]
It’s a fun little HL1 map where you have to conserve your ammo carefully and explore everything. I liked the music that came with it. I wished there was a little combat once you got outside but that is a small point. Overall it is well worth playing
Yeah play this one, was a relaxing old fashioned Black Mesa classic combat, a little sttutering at the ending tunnels part but was ok, pretty balanced combat, cool textures and cool layout.
Yay! This was fun! Even love at first sight I’d say! It’s another BM-style escape minimod, rather a single map which was surprising me at first. The story is a minor matter but there are some things I liked quickly. Such as very good graphics, map layout, balancing, atmosphere etc.
You start with an HEV but no weapon, but wait! There’s a pistol only a few steps right in front of you!
After grabbing it, you view through a glass door. “Great Scott! Zombies!” And only ONE clip of ammo!!
Fortunately, the door is sealed and a message tells you “try finding another way out!”
If you take a closer look through that see you eventually can see a crowbar, but don’t worry, you can find another one later (which is one minor flaw in my eyes)
So then, find a way out. You have to unlock doors, find a keycard for the control room and activate the escape lift. That’s pretty much it, besides quite much aliens are interrupting your main goal on your way to the surface.
I’ve already played this map 4 times, a normal time, checking out everything and every corner.
A second time if I probably missed something and the third time with noclip for checking really every corner 😀
The fourth time was a speedrun as I did know already everything to complete it, and it took less than 4 minutes to finish it. I’ve also written a tiny walkthrough for people who might don’t know what to do.
However, just as Phillip said, if you like BM style maps / mods, give it a try, it’s worth it!
Here’s why…
-New textures (hi “Poke 646”), prefabs, sound, music (Drum “n” Bass <3) etc. – great detailed map design, layout and lighting
-Good balanced combat, maybe a bit too easy
-A few scripts
-Usual escape-from-Black-Mesa-story, but good atmosphere
-At least one or two little puzzles
-Absolutely bugfree
-Unfortunately very short playtime (3-15 minutes, depending on first play and your skills)
-Mabye a bit empty besides aliens, environment – no scientists, only (half)dead security guards
-Some more puzzles would be nice, for the playtime and us – the players
-No crowbar at start (can be found later, but not necessary) – makes crateopening wasting ammo
-No vent crawling
Conclusion: I want more! It's look did catch me instantly, the action was nice but it's sooo short!! 🙁
Note: After just re-reading the readme (haha) I noticed it was made for a "single mapping contest", therefore I guess there was no mapchange allowed, but the result is just brilliant!
I would say “Play it now”, but I have some problems to log in.
I really liked this mod. It was very fun to play, especially for an Hl1 mod.
The only flaw I found was at the end. Since I didn’t take the crowbar earlier, I was literally stuck AT the end, and the elevator was broken. I restarted the map and took the crowbar, but it could have been too easily missed.
Don’t miss that crowbar, or you will have constant fear of not having enough ammo. Technic’s recommendation sums up pretty much what I have to say. 🙂
The crowbar is not really necessary, as zombiekilling isn’t too. And you can shoot the grid for escaping at the end. I did miss the crowbar on purpose at the first time, and there’s also enough ammo for killing the houndeyes, alien slaves, maybe the headcrabs and zombies and finally the grunts.
However it indeed is a flaw to “hide” the crowbar like that.
What I don’t understand is that the elevator got stuck as you said, hmm..
This is indeed a wonderful mod short but still wonderful.. Download it & play it people you surely wont regret it! 🙂
Looks like I’m the only one as usual having problems. I put the BSP into steam Half-Life version, but when I open the consul to go to the map…the whole PC crashes, not just the game. Any ideas ?
Even though I also have the Steam version of HL1, I do copy all HL1 mods just the usual way into the HL1 folder, meaning extracting the mod folder there.
In the case of Breakout here, I just copied the map (Breakout.bsp) in the Half-Life / Valve / Maps folder and the other files into the necessary other folders, just as they are already included in the zipfile..
(For example all the *.tga files into HL / Valve / Gfx / Env etc.
Then, I just start HL, open console and type “map breakout” (without “…” of course)
Note: If you’re running HL via a desktop shortcut with added command line options, the map could not be found, won’t load properly eventually or HL could crash. (That’s what I experienced)
If the mod has it’s own folders with a pakfile and no bsp maps, I start them via command line on my HL desktop icon:
1. Right-click desktop icon, click properties
2. In line target I add -game GAMENAME after the hl.exe looking like this:
C:\games\HL\hl.exe -game Breakout for example
3. Click OK and run the game via starting the desktop shortcut
Note: GAMENAME is always the mod’s foldername, not exactly the original name in some cases, so for example USS Darkstar could be ussd then —> hl.exe -game ussd
Hope this could help you out Mr. Nukem 😉
I have now added a PDF walkthrough, written by Technic, for those who want it. It’s linked to in the main post.
Small but really neat episode with some cool music (author not only a good mapper, but a talented composer too).
An usual escape tale, with a great design and good music, but too short. I know it was for a SP map competition, but I want to see more stuff from this developer.
10 Minutes
This is how you do a sweet single map. Yeah, not much story beyond break out/escape but the experience doesn’t suffer for it.
The mapping here is really solid. You can see by the screenshots that the nice textures really give the map a fresh feel, and the lighting is really well done. The layout sets you up for some loops and backtracking, but it’s pretty clever use of the space without being too confusing.
Above all, this map is polished. It’s so nice to play through a map/mod that has gotten this level of attention and likely testing as well. Things just work, and look great. Buttons and doors are labeled. The keycard is clearly explained. It’s a player’s dream.
Play this one. It’s short but a great experience. I only wish I had played it earlier.
17 Minutes
Really awesome map!
It’s a typical “BM-escape” map, but it’s done so well, that I forget about all it’s faults.
The textures are great, even though some of them are from Poke646, the music is great, the combat is variable, I really love this map.
Though, I will admit that it’s very short, the crowbar is optional, and sometimes it’s a bit empty.
Overall, really great map.
Unpopular opinion here, but after seeing how highly rated this map is, I’m left thinking… am I playing the same one these guys did??
It’s a decent map, but leaves alot to be desired. I’ll start with the bad, then finish with the good.
Sorry, not a fan of the music at all: one of them kept repeating whenever I loaded the game and got annoying very quickly, and the other one during the grunt fight was too loud and obnoxious: thankfully deleting both the music files (begins with SystemError, don’t worry that’s just the file name!) put my ears at ease. I get the author composed it himself and that’s creative talent in itself, but please, not in my Half-Life.
There’s tons of vents that CANNOT be destroyed and explored: unable to crawl through vents goes against everything that is Half-Life, and FPS games in general. Why place loads of vents that you can’t access? Just make them a solid texture and not see through if you want them to not confuse the player, especially towards the end.
Lot’s of long corridors with little to do, like the 2 long corridors you have to bunny-hop down to, to turn on the elevator. And why is there a non-destructible vent in that room that draws the players eyes to it?
Got blocked off in one of the rooms because the zombies got stuck en-masse outside.
The lift takes way too long to move (if it’s trying to cause suspense, it ain’t working) and for some unknown reason, it kept killing me instantly near the top unless I jump on the box. Make the travel time half as short, and sort that killing bug out.
Straight after the lift, you get a very short fight between a handful of grunts all packed up in a small room with no cover and if they don’t blow themselves up, the only bit of cover you have available is that small wooden box on the lift you came up on. Should have been a wide open space with plenty of cover, so you can move between objects, dodge grenades and utilise your mobility, not camp in a single spot waiting for the grunts to come to you.
Some windows can be broken, but they all share the decal used for bullet-proof glass. And since ammo is fairly scarce, you’ll take one shot at the glass, see that decal, then not bother wasting ammo. I missed the crowbar because of that. Seriously, why trick the player with that bullet-proof decal, like with those vents???
Just before the exit, there’s an area at the bottom with enemies that serves no purpose and has no items. Why have it there at all? I mean, yea, I can kill the enemies down there, but for what purpose? At least stick a health pack or ammo to make the fight rewarding.
I climbed some ladder and since all the vents before couldn’t be shot out I didn’t realise this was the exit, until I tried shooting it. Why make this one destructible, but not the other ones? Anyway, jumped out of it, went through the door to some weirdly constructed outdoor area and *BAM* a well done message and that’s it? Well, least it’s over and I can play something else.
As for good things, the lighting and texture work is superb: they certainly seem more detailed than default Half-Life, and the lighting really gives the map atmosphere, and it’s not too dark. I like the fact that ammo was pretty scarce, forcing you to decide if it’s worth fighting, or worth fleeing.
I’m being overly critical, but I was honestly expecting something better.
20 Minutes
Short and sweet map!
1 Hour
Combat is fair, the custom textures are not bad, the level design is quite mixed for me. Seriously, why are there vents that are inaccessible? Normally you go through vents when you see one in this game but they’re all inaccessible. This is one of the beginner’s trap, making you think that there are many paths. The music at the near end, it’s hideous. What am I playing, MLG Call of Duty?