Although Gordon managed to survive the resonance cascade and escape the laboratories, the situation was rapidly deteriorating.
His only hope of reaching safety was the Black Mesa Transit System.
Typically the one available tram was on the far platform. With the bridging offices becoming increasingly overrun with hostile lifeforms Gordon would have to work overtime if he was to make it.
Basic Details
- Title: Bm Overtime
- Filename: bm-sp-overtime.7z
- Size : 7.53MB
- Author: JamaicanDave
- Date Released: 03 September 2016
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Manual Installation Instructions
If you require more help, please visit the Technical Help page.
- Copy bm_overtime.bsp into the …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Black Mesa\bms\maps folder
- Copy bm_overtime.ain into the …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Black Mesa\bms\maps\graphs folder.
- Launch Black Mesa
- Open the console and type map bm_overtime and now press ENTER.
None at this time.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 7 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 7 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 23 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 40 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 7 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 23 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by
Longest: 0 Hours, 30 Mins by PlanetPhillip
Total Time Played: 2 Hours, 40 Mins
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I feel this is an improvement over JamaicanDave’s previous release (linked to in the post). Not because that was bad, because it wasn’t, but this feels more varied, both in 2D layout and also 3D movement.
The placement of enemies and health were just right and the final objective is seen right at the beginning, giving the player a clear goal.
I don’t know if I am getting better but I felt this was a little easier then I expected. I did die but only twice.
One very small detail that made me smile was in one store room if you get close to the red vertical pipes, you can hear the sound of steam.
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this and hope to make a playthrough video tomorrow.
Go play it.
PLEASE NOTE: I used the Black Mesa Retail version and this map *may* work with the mod version.
30 Minutes
It’s nice to see another map from JamaicanDave who I know has been working hard improving his BM mapping skills. Once again I have posted a video of my first play through on my channel for anyone who would be interested seeing and hearing my thoughts as I play it.
This map was enjoyable to play. It looked great and it had lots of side offices to explore. It was very clear were the player had to go. There was never a situation where I was stuck or confused about where to go.
Towards the end, it did begin to feel slightly dry were you would run into an area, come across some bad guys, defeat them and move on but with help from a few puzzles and “downtime” this can easily be fixed.
The combat was done fairly well were you could choose how you were going to take the fight in each situation. There was also lots of space to work with during the fights.
The thing that I think is great about this map is its use of space. You can see the “ending” as soon as you begin basically but it takes you a bit of time to get round there. There were vents leading to offices that you had seen before and rooms that you had seen earlier that you could enter later. It’s a smart idea and something which is not done often.
Overall, a good solid BM map with good clarity and great use of space!
15 Minutes
Very solid map. Visuals and level design are very good. Combat is a bit dull. Fighting vortigaunts with the shotgun can become really boring, when the vortigaunts spawn directly in front of you and you have so much cover, you can kill them immediately after spawning. There were no special moments really except the final fight and that wasn’t THAT well executed imo. It was well presented but it was too easy and the arena was too small to really feel like an intense battle, just killed every vortigaunt while spawning, or threw a few grenades and easy peasy.
Still, a good map, worth playing. The level felt very realistic and connected.
30 Minutes
Thanks for taking the time to write reviews, it’s good to hear what people think and is the only way I can gauge how good (or bad) my map is. It’s appreciated. Same for those who have posted video play throughs. As a mapper it’s both useful and satisfying to watch someone play something you’ve created. Though sadly I can’t understand a word Roboserg says 🙂
Dont you worry, I praised the mod. Its one of the best and atmospheric BM mods I’ve played, and I’ve played all of them =) It’s great that more BM mods are coming out, are you planning to do more of them?
Thanks. I must say I enjoyed watching your play through. I agree it’s nice there are a few new custom maps coming out for BM.
I plan on doing one more follow on map to Quarantine and Overtime. I’ve had a few problems with my PC recently and am struggling for inspiration so progress is a little slow.
After that I might try something a little more ambitious, but we’ll see.
Thats great! I also played your Quarantine mod, didnt realizied your were the author. It was great as well.
Another well made Bms map which I can recommend in good conscious.
We get a little of everything in this map. Few scripted sequences – as well as some neat ambient sounds and vox messages. If the map has a flaw then only especially in the later part of it that the monsters are just standing around till you show up. I felt that this was a little bit monotone but it’s not that bad.
Another aspect I found curious especially in the early part of the map were it’s look. Everything appeared clean and perfect not even any flickering lights were present. It had more the feel of a pre cascade environment than showing some rooms cast down in chaos and destruction. There were many Zombies early on but no blood & fighting traces. Did the Scientists assemble in the middle of the room to volunteer to become a host as long as the little headcrabs leave the furniture alone? 😛 It’s not bad but was noticeable and should be considered for future map projects. Later on it gets thankfully better in that regard. 🙂
Other than that I think it was well balanced but could possibly require 1 or 2 more magazines of ammo for both weapons. On the last monsters near the train I ran outta ammo and even had to use god mode on the very last monster next to the train as I was low on health and couldn’t approach him without dying.
Play it later people. It’s not bad for what it is and what it offers.
25 Minutes
Wow! You know, it’s great to play BM maps, and I hope the production of them goes upwards.
Every time I play one of these I have a great sensation of playing HL1 old and nostalgic mods into the Source engine!
And with this one, the feeling was just great. Is a very clever map with many parts available to explore, and some great battles in there, the placement of the enemies is just great because combat never felt static nor predictable, like in many other BM maps.
The only thing I may miss here was battling against some grunts, but despite that, the Xenian enemies felt just great.
So go and play it! For sure this BM map won’t bore you.
25 Minutes
I agree with Philip – this map feels much less linear than the previous one. Not only I feel there was more backtracking an exploration involved this time (and neat tricks such as following the given path to find myself on the other side of a previously locked door), but the environment also felt bigger in general, due to stuff such as corridors seen through locked doors, or offices visible but inaccessible.
The visuals have the same quality as the last release, if not even better, but of course I still found something to be nitpicky about.
Props. To be more precise, props that are usually breakable (crates for instance) but weren’t. Also, doors. I noticed fairly quickly that several or even all doors couldn’t be closed again once opened – not important, but a pet peeve of mine.
Picky-me aside, the map is just as fun as its precedessor, if not more. Kudos!
P.S: Also, why did I start out with only the crowbar equipped, even though I finished the previous map with pistol and shotgun in my inventory as well? That confused me at first…
20 Minutes