Blue Shift 2

for Half-Life 2

29th June 2008

Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

A short demo of what now appears to be a defunct Half-Life 2 mod. You play a short section through a Combine train.

Basic Details
  • Title: Blue Shift 2 Demo 1
  • File Name: hl2-sp-blue-shift-2-demo-1.rar
  • Size : 5.21Mb
  • Author: Team Cherenkov
  • Date Released: 14 October 2006
Primary Download (Recommended)

Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Secondary Downloads
Installation Instructions
  • Copy the Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 folder into your SourceMods folder.
  • Restart or start Steam.
  • Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 should now be listed in your Library tab.


Click on the thumbnails below to open a 1024 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.

Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Blue Shift 2 Demo 1 for Half-Life 2 - Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3
Reader Recommendations
Avoid It!
Think Twice
Play It Later
Play It Now!

11 recommendations, average score: 1.45 (out of 5), standard deviation: 0.61 (what's that?)
Total Downloads

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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 2 comment(s) with meta review data.

Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users

Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 12 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 8 Mins by JellyGal
Longest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by Hec
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 23 Mins
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Phillip says Avoid It!Avoid It!Avoid It!Avoid It!Avoid It!Maybe?Avoid It!Think TwiceMaybe?Avoid It!Avoid It!


  1. Phillip says Avoid It!

    If this was the quality the whole mod would have had then I am glad it seems to be dead. And before you say that “this is just a mod and not representative of the final product”, why release it then?

    Demos should be released to entice players to play the final version. I don’t care about the little things, like the track or the background not moving because they can be fixed. It’s the basic idea of the demo. Combine soldiers just waiting in a train for me to get past them.

    The whole thing is very amateurish.

    Only play this is you are like me and want to play everything otherwise move onto the next release.

  2. lackoo

    When I clicked thee banner: “Page not found” .

  3. When I clicked thee banner: “Page not found” .

    Fixed, thanks.

  4. Len
    Avoid It!

    Just the beginning of what could be an interesting SourceMod. Problem is, there are no textures for the train, so all I got was glaring white everywhere; and when I climbed on top of the train, a repetitive landscape passed by with the same repetitive clickety-clack noise….I was so bored that I quit and then deleted this mess from my hard-drive. Anyway, if this is the best that Team Cherenkov can do, I’m not at all impressed. As unfinished as this thing is, it was silly of them to release it, even if it is only a Demo.

  5. MrTwoVideoCards
    Avoid It!

    I remeber playing this mod a while back, and it was still pretty bad then, takeing a great game like BLue Shift into your hands isn’t a very good idea, considering these guys weren’t too good at much of anything. Sorry to be rude, but it just wasn’t that fun at all back then or now.

  6. AI
    Avoid It!

    I agree with # 5 above, this is a waste of time!! I played this when it came out, it errored so much I dumped it! I didn’t realize its been dead this long, too bad it might have been a good one! 🙁

  7. Anonymous

    If it bugs too much to beat, you give the ‘too Buggy” flag, guys. Speaking of bugs, this would be the second time I’ve been getting this same issue (as mentioned above) with a Half-life 2 mod that doesn’t show up in PlanetPhillip screenshots. As reassuring as it is to know that I’m not the only one, there is a fix this time guys:

    If you are experiencing white walls of blinding brightness at the start of the first map, type “buildcubemaps” in the console.

    Moving on: This mod wasn’t that great, and it was only one map so there’s not much to say. However, on the positive side, there were two weapons added to your inventory that Gordon Freeman doesn’t normally carry (one being the Annabelle from HL2, the other being completely new and like the ultimate own all gun that sounds like a pistol. That and at least there was an intro menu background that had some action in it (albeit nothing but Barney shooting some defenseless metrocops, but whatever…)

    Anyways, the map isn’t great, but the extra guns made it fun.

    Other features/embarassments:
    – the motion blur that stays with you the entire time (leading me to believe Barney was blind all along)
    – the headcrab helplessly pinned by a cannister clipping into its tiny hitbox (Barney’s dreams of revenge come true)
    – Barrels being placed in mass quantities into a close quarters area as a traincar, and then placing a live tripmine into said car.
    – The hum of an electric combine fence as the credits roll (almost like music)

  8. tox (dev)
    Avoid It!

    dun- ask me… plz… T ^ T

  9. Hoyy
    Think Twice

    This map could’ve been better, man. I actually heard that those guys were working on it for a year or two, since there is even some profile on them. I hope that THIS is not the same over there, as this one lacks a lot of things that could make a map better, as the absence of textures is kinda high around this piece of work. Anyway, keep up that stuff and let’s see if something better may pop up in the future endeavours.

  10. Masamunect

    When I read blue shift 2 I was thinking Black Mesa Source.
    Glad it wasn’t the latter.
    Anyway, I am unimpressed from just the screen shots alone.
    The hands still have the suit, they didn’t change it at all.
    No skins for the AR. Does it have an alt function that fires the grenade? If not then why just not import some AR model from CS:S or CS:S mod?Also, what’s the premise for the train? Is there something in it that you must get? If not then why not just run along the outside of it? Anyway, like the first poster said if this was the quality for the whole mod then… I wouldn’t feel bad for saying that it sucks.

  11. Maybe?

    I actually had a little fun with this map.

    Things don’t necessarily make sense (like the hopper mines in the same car as the explosive barrels), and the fact that we don’t know why we’re on the train to begin with. But it was kind of fun, and short.

  12. Hec
    Avoid It!

    Well as I see the screenshots, obviously I played thisone affected by the harmful updates of steam, so being that the case, if u dare to play this map, you actually won’t be able to see the inside textures or graphs of the moving train at all, you can only would be able to see the ennemies and the rest in pure withe forms, except for the background which remains showing that forest look.

    Anyway this is not the reason I give an avoid it, the main one is that you won’t release anything as a demo, unless u are working in an almost professional game, which here is definetely not the case, I mean not even great and promising mods such as Black Mesa source, are not convenient to have demos, just because ruin it all. Besides the concept may be ok, I mean, is allways fun to ride a razor CMB train and combat in it and keep forward, just as the recent 2012 mod Silent Escape, but here even the wagons of the train looked too high and, well, I think the demo label was just a big pretext or excuse to show a low polished unfinished map, who knows if this project was burried completely, but if the developers keep working they would really need to be up to date in source maping.

  13. Avoid It!

    Looking at the screenshots I think this might just be me, but all the textures on the train are glowing and chalk white. Even if it wasn’t this way, though, this mod would not be fun. It’s linear yet somehow confusing, there’s no cover, the combat is horrible. There’s not a story from what I can tell. Don’t play this one, it’s bad.

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