Bloodreign is another Mod for Half-Life by Ragman, who in past has already developed the Mod “VOLCAN”. This release of Bloodreign contains only 2 levels, taken from somewhere in the story. Bloodreign is a rather difficult Mod, which should not be played by inexperienced players. Its amount of enemies, their skill and behaviour might be too difficult for rookies.
Basic Details
- Title: Blood Reign
- File Name: hl1-sp-blood-reign.7z
- Original File Name: bloodreign.rar
- Size : 1.57Mb
- Author: Ragman
- Date Released: 30 October 2005
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wow looks cool, do I find this on filecloud?
It keeps not having the Barney.wad and it says there is something wrong with the C++ lua scripting in the exe.
Look–I know my way around computers–I build them, for crying out loud. So why is it that well over half the mods I download fail to appear in the Half-Life Custom games list?
Bloodreign doesn’t appear, and neither does it seem to have a readme.txt.
Shawn, It’s nothing you did wrong! I pasted the Bloodreign folder into my Steam HL, and got the same error that Heyzors (above) got. there is no readme and there is no Barney.wad file! I also tried it in my NonSteam HL and got the same results as you did! So two for two. I also build my own computers for my self and others in my group! All I can say is
Shawn, have you tried reinstalling your Half-Life lately? I would give that a go if you’re having so much trouble.
You can download the barney.wad at FileFront
Even though it runs, as soon as I get to the first room with the INSANE amount of turrets, it crashes with an Error: item_healthkit fell through level or something of that sort.
I’m no rookie, and I can honestly say this mod is damn near impossible to complete. I got as far as the big elevator that takes you up to a row of four turret guns, an apache and a garg. You have to run to a door and close it with a button. I died. Every time, 20 times. No fun at all.
Had a look round on godmode and noclip, still couldn’t suss the way through after the door without cheats. I’m beat.
Anybody finish this without cheats?
Let’s see your video and I’ll eat my mouse.
And my keyboard.
And I’ll send a video of me doing it.
Had another go. Managed to get to the end(?) where nothing happens. Also stayed alive this time. You have guess the best moment to activate the elevator.
The only cheat I used was noclip “cos 3 of the doors don’t open. They just slide a bit towards you – I probably missed something here. Didn’t come across any other bugs.
There is still a warehouse that is impossible to get to without dying, that contains the RPG to down the apache. You don’t need that if you just run for the door to the next map.
My offer still stands!
Too many turrets, really unfair. Level-design: No. Not made forhalflife- tourists like me.
You can find barney.wad in Blue Shift, but this mod have some bugs (like the doors you can’t open) and nasty gameplay.
It’s funny, how in that large yard with the turrets, there s big bad gargantua on the loose and the apache chooses to shoot at you instead of garg.
There’s barnacles and tentacles in the next map, so you can feel better even if you do somehow manage to get past the apache/turret/garg yard. And I really want to see someone wolfing down that keyboard.