Autonomy Lost is the sequel to HTC (Hunt The C-nt).
Once again you play as the HECU grunt Jane Doe, set directly after the events of HTC.
Basic Details
- Title: Autonomy Lost
- Filename: hl1-sp-autonomy-lost.7z
- Size : 130MB
- Author: Forsete
- Date Released: 10 February 2018
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Manual Installation Instructions
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- Copy the autonomy_lost folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life\ folder.
- Start or restart Steam.
- Autonomy Lost should now be listed in your Library.
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Manually: 11 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 31 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 25 Mins by
Longest: 0 Hours, 45 Mins by Stef
Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 15 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 11 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 31 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 25 Mins by
Longest: 0 Hours, 45 Mins by Stef
Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 15 Mins
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It was OK, a bit buggy in the lift (one of them) I got stuck twice in there and had to no-clip out. Old Skool…I thought it looked dated, but then HL 1 is. Plenty of action though with a couple of simple puzzles, I thought a couple of areas were bigger than they needed to be, but on a rainy evening, it killed some time. A new (to me) combatant was a surprise…and took a lot to despatch.
30 Minutes
I was actually wondering whether it was more of an Op Force mod rather than HL 1..night vision ? Some of the soundtrack sounded like it was straight out of Duke Nukem 3D…maybe it was.
I liked this little mod. It had quite a bit of play time and the quality was pretty good. There were some nicely modified enemies and interesting sound effects along the way. I did find the vortigaunts did way too much damage when they hit you but I was able to work around that. The alien grunts also did a lot of damage but you can snipe them from a long ways away with the pistol most of the time.
Its definitely worth checking out if you like old-school HL1 mods.
30 Minutes
Uh neat another hl1 mod to play and on top of that a conclusion to “hunt the c*nt” what more could we ask for?
Story: This is a conclusion to “hunt the c*nt” although you wouldn’t necessarily needed to play that as it’s only loosely attached to it. Like Freeman you were in suspended Cryo stasis and are under orders by G-man to obtain an unspecified Document for him. We do not know where the story takes place nor how much time has passed since “HTC”. And therefore that’s pretty much it what we get know of the story.
Mapping: The various levels are epic in their design thanks to lovely created architecture and night-watch – poke textures etc. There really isn’t much else to tell. In my opinion the mapping is flawless.
Gameplay: The levels take place in yet another mysterious facility that is not Black Mesa. It’s unclear what has happened in that facility but occasional screams aside the place is dead and well deserted except for the monsters. The game play is for the most part smooth although just like in the authors 1st release I wish there would’ve been some more scripted sequences to add more life to it. You basically just run and gun your way through empty corridors.
Audio: Now that’s one of the stronger aspects of this mod. Just like the author did in HTC he relies heavy emphasis on audio scripting to set a nice atmosphere in his creations. And he succeeds with in. How ever a better mix between audio elements and actual monster scripting would be called for in my personal opinion.
– Lovely mapping and texture usage.
– Fantastic audio setup. Be it elevator music, screams in the distance just to name few of the things.
– Nicely re-balanced monsters and new skins.
– Numerous secrets where you can find additional weapons such as the cross-bow or certain pc equipment. 🙂
– Solid game length.
– Few button riddles.
– Old school mod through and through.
– While good looking and sounding. I sometimes felt the lack of personality this mod provides, thus sometimes it felt monotone.
– Some more npc scripts would’ve been welcomed.
– Rather short on story elements.
Conclusion: All in all it’s a solid and well made mode. Exploring the great looking maps alone makes it worth it. They must have build the Facility partially for giants. But it adds a nice certain realism aspect to it as you feel like you’re exploring a massive bunker complex.
30 Minutes
The follow up to one of 2017s best Goldsource mods, it’s no surprise that Autonomy Lost looks incredible… for the most part.
While a lot of the areas contain a ton of detail and nicely varied lighting, the last few sections feel terribly bland.
Same can be said for the gameplay. Nice and challenging throughout, but this takes a nose dive in the closing couple of maps with a lot of featureless open arenas. While this does mean you have great freedom of movement, allowing you to circle strafe larger enemies while filling them with buckshot, it also means that it is entirely possible to sit out of range of their attacks and plink away at them with the glock. It is also very easy to get trapped on the geometry in certain areas, requiring the player to use noclip to get out and proceed. It also has a couple of sections where I was apparently key hunting, without knowing that I was key hunting. I would see a message that I had acquired a key, only to backtrack, confused and searching for a locked door that I had apparently missed.
The plot is pretty basic to the point where it isn’t really necessary at all. In fact, the intro text faded so quickly that I only really took half of it in.
Ambience remains fantastic throughout and is one thing that maintains it’s high standard right up to the finale.
On top of all that, the mod is crammed with some really nice scripted sequences, as well as a number of easter eggs that reference music, movies and other videogames.
“Shake it baby.”
35 Minutes
An all-around okay mod, but compared to HTC it feels a bit empty. HTC had a distinct array of environments, (as unique as large storage areas can be) whereas Autonomy Lost feels uniform in its setting, with a lot of large corridors and big rooms with nothing particularly interesting in them. Enemies consist mostly of Xen fauna, with one gunfight with human enemies at the very end of the mod. This wouldn’t be too much of an issue if placement of the alien grunts in some instances also led to awkward encounters where you could just snipe them from afar while they stand still and take it. Lastly, the amount of weapons you get compared to HTC is smaller, so shooting the alien grunts and Nemesis-esque zombies gets old pretty fast.
What Autonomy Lost does right is create a creepy atmosphere, albeit tension during the scripted sequences with zombies was broken with Duke Nukem throwing money at a stripper. I’ll let you experience that for yourself. A strange personal detail that I’d liked is how well the ceilings are done, pipes placed along the wall, vents running all around the room, with emergency lighting drawing the eye makes the setting you’re in feel more real. Also, elevator music, +1.
Overall, it’s not quite as good as HTC, but a substantial mod nonetheless and fitting closure to Jane Doe’s story. You should without a doubt play it if you’re looking for a solid new HL1 mod this year. I’m looking forward to see what mods Forsete creates in the future.
25 Minutes
Even if all comment here above put in highlight all the things that are great or frustrating I had myself a really enjoyable experience.
It’s clear that nowedays level of requierments have been put higher with quality that shows up and especially the first opus, neverteless the visual experience was so great for me that it deserved a play it now rating
Hope that more will come in 2018 🙂
Using Gauge
45 Minutes
Under Linux: it says “Starting Server” after choosing NewGame, then it crashes 🙁
A solid follow-up to HTC here. Most of my thoughts were echoed in reviews above, particularly the awe of the huge Black Mesa areas we get to visit – but the sometimes so-so gameplay within.
I really did love the environments in this pack – very rarely does a mod actually capture the grandness of BMRF and I feel that Autonomy Lost really gets this right. My main complaint is that a number of the areas tease you with catwalks and upper levels that you never end up visiting. I was really hoping (and even expecting) to loop back to those upper catwalks later on in the maps… but it just doesn’t happen. It’s really eye candy only and that part is a shame. I’m of the school of thought that, if you’re going to design a huge, pretty, and nicely-detailed area, make the player spend some time there. Don’t make it feel empty or have your main path exist in a vacuum; squeeze the area you’ve built for as much gameplay as you can before moving on.
That said, I had a good romp in this mod. It’s Op4 at heart but the pack doesn’t feature any of the unique Op4 weapons, and only the Black Ops make a brief appearance from the Op4 enemies.
Definitely worth your time.
38 Minutes
Well, this was a nice sequel to HT. C*nt 1st mod, but here well, something just broke the whole style of the first mod. I’m sure the problem here is really those kinds of weird textures that seemed a mixture between the Paranoia 2 mod Textures with the ones we found at the famous “Poke”- mod saga.
I also don’t know if this episode really occurred in BM or if it was another totally different facility, to me, It seemed just different, despite some huge BM feeling areas, this was not BM! You also can find a book made by Barney Calhoun entitled “How I survived Black Mesa”, in one of those security offices.
I guess the incorporation of The G-Man to the main plot here is the perfect way to make a solid mod in storyline terms, but this time it just felt different than the first episode…
Anyway, This is the perfect Play it Now mod.
* Great looking levels, very atmospheric
* Some nice setpieces
* Some nice scripted sequences
* Doesn’t do a very good job at guiding the player to where they should be heading or what they should be doing
* Not enough resources, especially for how many enemies the mod throws at you
Like the previous mod, the map’s visual and design is very nice. I like the new design of some zombies, which are scarier than the originals. Searching the hidden areas to find the weapons (ex. submachine gun, crossbow) is very fun. I enjoyed this mod!
30 Minutes
I missed the score button…
30 Minutes
As good as H.T.C. in terms of design (except the last map)
The battles were weaker tough, but still a very good mod.
32 Minutes