Basic Details
- Title: Assassination
- File Name: hl1-sp-assassination.7z
- Original File Name:
- Size : 88.4Kb
- Author: Dusty Thurn
- Date Released: 01 June 1999
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Meta Review Data
Statistics based on 2 comment(s) with meta review data.
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 6 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by Sheajay
Longest: 0 Hours, 7 Mins by reaction
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 11 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 2 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 6 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 4 Mins by Sheajay
Longest: 0 Hours, 7 Mins by reaction
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 11 Mins
Is this the whole file? It says it is missing cfg.bsp…
There are only 2 files in the Zip, assassin.bsp and a .doc file, nothing about a cfg.bsp.
Okay well now it says tfc.wad. And I know that isn’t in the zip, but that isn’t really relevant seeing as it is asking for it anyway…
tfc wad should be moved from HL/tfc folder to HL/valve folder if I remenber right
Heyzors, If you don’t have “Team Fortress Classic” installed in the Steam verson of HL1, you will have to either install it from Steam, Or have the old version of HL1 installed, I ran into the same prob with Steam cause I don’t have TFC! I had to use my old version and copy the tfc.wad file from the TFC folder into the proper folder as per instructions. That’s all I can tell ya!
Beginners single map. A maintenance man throws a switch and kills everybody, including you.
You kill everybody, an apache appears and kills you.
No HEV. One Weapon. No story. No point.
There may be a secret to this, but I doubt it.
I could not find a secret to this either, it’s has piledriver states. For me it’s all a bit pointless other then a start-up map for a new mapper. If you got time to waste consider it otherwise think twice.
I would originally put a TT recommendation, but then I realized that this was a beginner’s map, so I kinda felt bad for the mapper.
Apart from that though…. the map is terrible. It’s a simple open area with some guards, an early HL engineer model and a scientist. I actually managed to get away from that “tower” or whatever it was. There is also no explanation whatsoever. The map is called Assassination, but I don’t even know who to assassinate. The .doc file that was included in the .zip also didn’t tell me. Oh and you need TFC to play this (if you really want to).
Overall, this map is just a waste of time really. I know it’s a beginner’s map and I know that if I made a map it would be even worse than this, but seriously, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Assassination seems like something that could be an interesting idea, but there’s no substance at all to this. You’re on a vantage point with a crossbow overlooking some barneys, and a scripted BM worker, scientist, and hgrunt. The goal appears to be to kill the BM worker, and after that you’re done. If you fail, the hgrunt blows up a building and an apache spawns, alternatively the BM worker kills everyone outside. Also if you don’t have TFC installed, don’t bother, you need the tfc.wad from it in your valve folder otherwise you’ll crash.
The only reason I can justify downloading this is if you want to make an assassination based map and want an idea on where to start.
4 Minutes
Assassination has only one value proposition – you get to try to hit moving targets with a crossbow at a distance. You’ll get as much fun out of Assassination as you can derive from that premise.
I’ll be honest, it was fun for about 5 minutes trying to get different kinds of shots and playing with slomo via host_framerate. If that doesn’t sound fun to you then don’t bother downloading this map.
7 Minutes
There’re 3 possibilities. 1. Wait for the enginneer to get into the booth. Soon poison containment agent is released from the base poisoning everybody else. 2. Go inside the booth where engineer will trigger the console. After a total green screen you still alive and can kill the engineer, but apache will fly outside and you can’t get out. 3. Kill both barneys to the right and use remaining arrows on apache it should destroy it completly (don’t change diff). Drop down pick up the pistol and finish the rest, the area is cleared out.