A dream? A nightmare? A fading Memory?
Perhaps all three.
Play your way through some seemingly real and abstract areas.
Follow the story and find absolution.
- Title: Absolution
- Filename: hl2-ep2-sp-absolution.7z
- Size : 3.40MB
- Author: BadPeace
- Date Released: 17 July 2016
‘Absolution is a long-going learning project, that has finally come to life in a way I would never have expected at first. I, myself am not totally to blame for this, though. I want to give a huge thanks to:
– The many playtesters that helped this map become as good as it (hopefully) is.
– OJJ and Rob Marten for helping me with a critical bug that was tearing my hair out.
– Casper Elkjær, my dear friend from school who helped with some of the custom decals.
– Agameofscones for his support and helpful mindset
And I want to give a huge, huge, huge thanks to these two people, because without them I would never have finished:
ConfusedTravolta and Crowbar, I thank you so much for helping me so immensely with this map. You both reeked of total patience and helpfulness, even when you had far exceeded what I expected of you. Thank you two so much for the support.
And I want to thank you, the player who is about to play this map. This small project was for your sake!
I really appreciate players recording source demos. If you upload one such with your review, I’ll very probably watch it – so feel free to send in your demos. And most importantly – please have fun!’
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- Copy absolution.bsp and absolutionend.bspfile into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\ep2\maps\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Open the console and type map absolution and now press ENTER.
Coming Soon.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Total Time Played: 6 Hours, 41 Mins
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This is a continuation of a map called Revelation. I didn’t like it much then and I don’t like it much now.
My problem lies with the fact that the author just built on what he already had and that in itself is not always a bad thing, it’s just I didn’t really like what he had.
The addition of a “story”, and I use that word very loosely, doesn’t actually add anything of substance. It might make the author feel justified in using abstract areas but it didn’t make sense anyway.
The “real” areas still lacked polish and attention to detail and whilst the abstract areas weren’t bad the whole two maps feel as though the author lacked a coherent idea, plan or objective.
A good example is the inclusion of a puzzle to open a door. You need a special shaped key, which is displayed right near the door, and easily found. These types of features display that the author learnt how to do something and then added it to the map without regard to whether it fitted the map. In addition, we never see that key idea again.
Many of the combat situations were boring, as the enemies come at you in lines. Yes, they don’t always come from one direction but they always comes in groups. At least once, they seem to come from cleared areas.
The one interesting section, spoilers ahead!, is where you fight a bunch of manhacks in a room with 30 or so exploding barrels. This was fun because you had to aim very carefully in case you hit the barrels.
The arena room is still here, although slightly modified and it was as boring to play now as the original.
I would of much preferred if the author started with a clear idea and a clear new map. He has the ability to create some interesting set ups but as this stands this mappack doesn’t know what it is trying to do; story, combat, real, abstract.
I will be releasing a video tomorrow with my observations and opinions.
I can only say MAYBE. Partly because of the dearth of new releases and partly because I didn’t have that much fun playing it. Technically, the author may have improved but creatively I feel he got stuck in a dead end.
Using Gauge
41 Minutes
I appreciate a lot even taking the time to comb through the maps and achieve a review you feel is appropiate. Even if it’s blunt criticism (And some of it may be very very true, in regards to trying to find a sense of direction, which was perhaps more clear towards the end as I started to find my way around and was able to decide on a theme), I always appreciate when people take their time to play through my work and tell me back on it.
I’ll take your criticism into account with my next, longer project. A creative sense of direction will be a higher priority.
Thank you.
I didn’t play Revelation and I helped playtest this map, so keep that in mind when reading this review.
This is clearly not an amazing map or one that offers anything special, but it had most things I expect from a custom Half-Life 2 map, and that is good combat and exploration. I’m not a huge fan of abstract enviroments, and I think it’s also a bit cheating by the mapper, because you avoid a lot of challenges other mappers have to face, but the clear benefit is that the author can do more content in the same amount of time. That’s what I think at least, maybe I’m wrong.
The pacing of the map isn’t amazing. You start off with some quick and easy fights, then immediately get into a big and hard arena fight, after that no fight is as big as this arena fight, so it doesn’t feel right.
The fights themselves were fun though. In one fight you get attacked from different areas at the same time in waves, and you get a turret to defend yourself. The fight doesn’t make any sense, but it is challenging and I think every player will do it a little different. Later you fight smaller groups of enemies most of the time.
I also liked the exploration. There was always something to find in some corner or hiding spot. Also if there is a secret area it is alway well hinted, but you still feel smart for finding it.
I loved the final room (of the first map) with the manhacks, because it played very different to what you know from other maps. At first you think it is a recreation of that one moment from the main game, but it plays very differently. I’m sure not everyone will like it though.
I think it is definitly worth playing, if you want more HL2, but why would you be on this site if you don’t? 😉
Oh and btw I didn’t get the story aspect at all, didn’t get what the point was and didn’t understand the text, but english is not my first language, so keep that in mind.
30 Minutes
good, but short 😉
20 Minutes
This doesn’t work properly in Gauge. It starts on the second map which means you start with no weapons or suit and for some reason the elevator doesn’t move.
Elevator only works if you get into the map via transition. Neither are you given suit nor equipment unless transitioned. Try manually opening Absolution and then playing through from there.
It works perfectly in Gauge, you just have to select the first map. There’s no way for Gauge to know which map is first, so it gives you the choice. Use the map dropdown list to select the first map.
Ah, my bad
Absolution is a very strange map. It has its good points and it has things that need to be worked on. For me there were three main issues. Usability, Battles and the story.
When I talk about usability in this situation, I am referring to things like buttons. For instance in the room with the three buttons and the generator thing, none of the buttons where clear or noticeable. It may seem like a challenge but to the player, it is not fun and can often make the player feel cheated. This also goes for the generator (?) itself. The player is not certain whether or not they go and push it and it may lead to confusion. Another example of this was in the room with the turret in the wall. There is a button to open the doors across the other path but there is nothing to tell the player it is there and I missed it multiple times. A simple light on the button would have helped and draw the players’ eye.
The battles were not much fun. The reason for this is because there were too many enemies coming from too many places and little unimaginative cover. This is most prominent in the first big battle in the room with the four enemy doors. It was frustrating to play and not fun. If there had been only two doors and the enemies came through one or two at a time with a few seconds between each one, it would of given the player a chance to strategize the situation and this was a golden opportunity especially with the turret. There were other examples of the battles not being fun for instance, in the room with the turret “In the wall” and near the end after the combine had murdered all the zombies. Cover could be strategically placed where there is not too much of it but enough to hide and give you time to think about your next move. Getting this right may take time as balancing battles (Especially with the combine) is somewhat difficult.
The story was confusing as even though it was intended to be cryptic, it didn’t tie in to the game play whatsoever. I have learned over time that writing information to do with the story in a HL2 map/mod is a bad idea. The thing that made HL/HL2 special is that it told a story without writing. With that being said, the story did not take away the players experience as it did not add anything either. I just thought I would talk about writing in maps to help BadPeace in the future!
Just some final points in the “Things to work on” category! Obviously, location needs to stay consistent in the various sections as having a variety is good but this mod contained completely different locations that changed each room. Another thing to note is that in the area where there was a red circle and a locked door, I still have no idea how to solve that properly as when I played, I just threw a chair at the door and it opened.
This map contained some good Half Life 2 style game play. It had Vents!!! And it had a few other puzzles that got you thinking. It also contained hidden areas which I love finding. One my favourite parts of the map was the exploding barrel room. It is such a great idea as it not just involves you trying to kill man hacks, but it also involves you not hitting the barrels. I do think there were too many manhacks at the start but that’s just a small side point.
All in all, compared to BadPeaces last map (The unexpanded version of this, Revelation) This map is moving in the right direction and he has taken feedback, and incorporated the things into his map. From here, He just needs to work on guiding the player and making the battles more enjoyable. Thank you BadPeace!
45 Minutes
Thank you very much for the feedback.
Most of your critiques are completely understandable, especially about the battles and cover. This is one those things where you need to have a basic understanding and skill in mapping before you can focus on – and therefore, it’ll be a greater concern in my future maps.
The key to the door was hidden in the courtyard, somewhere. It’s not super hard to find, but it can take a bit.
I agree with your thoughts on the arena, and will definitely put more consideration into future arena-fights.
I’m not entirely satisfied with the storyline as well, so I’m taking that deeply in consideration for the future.
All-in-all I really do appreciate all the feedback you’ve left for me. I use everything people write here, and I try my best to adjust it so I can become better.
I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this BadPeace. It clear you are dedicated and love mapping! Best of luck for your future maps.
Oh boy, can’t wait to review this once I get back home tomorrow !
running under linux without problems…
Despite a currently extremely busy real-life I couldn’t let this mod pass and gave it a try; gotta say it is overall a pleasant experience. Gameplay is good, as are the visuals, and enemies sometimes pose a challenge without getting insane (on Medium difficulty at least). Highlights for me are ***spoilers ahead*** the first major fight in the room with the red lights, the attack in the garage and being harassed by large numbers of hacks in a room crammed with explosive barrels. Dispatching those pesky hacks while trying to avoid blowing yourself to pieces presents interesting gameplay, as you have to pay attention to two dangerous factors … !
I do have to say that those yellow messages that appear while looking at certain decals are complete riddles to me. The whole mod itself is somewhat mysterious, though it seems it takes place in ***spoilers ahead again*** a giant structure. In the oval room, it took a while for me to realize I had to push three buttons scattered around the area to activate a machine, and that I had to jump through it to transfer to another area.
All in all, this is a mod with a distinct and somewhat eerie atmosphere and I liked playing through it. Though I understand not everyone will like the setting. If I would give Absolution a score I’d say 7 out of 10. Thanks for your work, BadPeaceDK. Hope to see more mods from you soon … !
20 Minutes
I’m really glad you had a good time playing my map Strontvlieg! I know it’s lacking in many departments, pacing, visuals and coherency (And as you said yourself, the oval room does have some trouble discerning what to do), but it’s feedback I feed on to get better and make better maps.
It’s super pleasing to me to hear someone else have fun playing my map. I look atleast as much forward to create more mods for you to play!
These two maps did not have awe-inspiring story lines or Shakespearian voice acting, maybe cut scenes would help! 😀 Sorry it is soooo hot today!
But it does have action and a weird style which I like. That first room with the chair and revolver on the table next to a cuppa… so deep. The cars hanging from where? These things make a mod stand out letting the player know some thought had gone into their experience.
The action set pieces are standard HL stuff but fun. A room full of explosive barrels and a lot of manhacks proved most fun. Shame I did not have a katana instead of that crowbar. The guards were a mean touch!
There is something epic and mystical about those broken tiles leading to rooms suspended in total blackness. I would like to see more of this sort of thing in maps, keeps the player on their toes!
Impressive roof in the transport room with a very odd transporter which drops you right in it!
The last ride as you descend into more blackness witnessing the combine fighting off the zombies you are dropping into is a very nice visual piece. Colouring and lighting is nice to.
Two nice maps plenty of action and a lot of interesting things to note. I look forward to more.
30 Minutes
Thank you, Rikers. I’m very very glad that you enjoyed playing my map!
I really look forward to creating more content, hopefully better than Absolution in the future.
For those of you that don’t know, Absolution is a extended version of Revelation, meaning it includes an improved version of the map and something more.
It proceeds to go the same as the original, nothing new except from the excerpts that appear from time to time on the screen, trying to set the player into the mood (possibly). At first I thought these were custom captions coming from a nearby radio/device, but they weren’t. In fact you’ll never know what’s up with these, and this is missed chance. They’re annoying if they don’t have any sort of context.
Our arena was improved this time, but the random crates that were thrown around remained. I think this is either a coincidence or intentional, but the alarm sounds before you could grab all of ’em. This adds tension to the encounter, which is good, especially if you know what happens in the first map.
The author also tried to add a little more cover to the center of the arena but it doesn’t help that much considering that the number of combine troopers is now double. It becomes unfair again, with the turret preventing this from becoming a “quicksave-quickload madness”. One thing that could’ve helped was reducing the Combine’s numbers or simply making them all Metrocops. Metrocops take a lot less damage before they die and they’re also equipped with weaker weapons (by default).
But that’s it for the remakes because we’re moving on to some entirely new areas. These were ok for the most part. The garage was a good place to fight, and the storage room served as an excellent safe area for the rest of the encounter. This does it for me.
But then there’s our third arena which comprehends manhacks and explosive barrels. I can tell by the look on your face that this doesn’t sound too good and it really isn’t. This section was horrible on Easy, let alone Hard ! The sheer number of manhacks is just too much to handle with zero medkits and it would’ve helped greatly if the creator thought this area a little more and decided to reduce the numbers. The challenge doesn’t come from avoiding to shooting the barrels, but from the manhacks you have to kill. This was, like the first arena (now improved), a great concept but was overall ruined. I feel like the author didn’t even test that section properly !
Ok for one, some improvements, some drawbacks, but the latter are enough to make it irrelevant. I feel this is a slightly weaker release than Revelation.
30 Minutes
Well, it was good but very short, the level design might not be the best around but it’s still very good and very dream like which is the whole point of the map. It wasn’t too hard, nor too easy, and it had a refreshing thing about the turret that I never encountered before.
Story wise… Well I felt like there was something to see but it was very vague in the end and I think my first interpretation was not the right one, I leaved with more questions than answers but I think it add to the dream like experience.
In overall it was a good map, but sadly too short, maybe 15 to 20 minutes.
15 Minutes
The manhack room with the exploding barrels is best tackled with Gordon’s favourite weapon, the infamous crowbar! But there are health issues after such a smashing time!
You can’t escape submachine.
Well, that’s never happened before. I used the Gauge link above, and it went straight to the start of the map, but I couldn’t move, or anything. The mouse view was fine, but the keyboard just wasn’t happening…. and there was no sound or anything.
I’m going to try to start it manually, presume I just go into Ep1 and look for the map?
(Ignore this, it worked on second attempt, but hey,it was still a bit weird…)
It’s an EP2 map ^^
I realised that, thank you though. I was just frustrated at how it misbehaved, initially via MapTap/Gauge the first time I tried. I mentioned Ep1 because one of the dialogues that came up mentioned something to do with Ep1 not being installed, which it obviously is.
I’d review it, but I didn’t keep proper track of how long it took me and I don’t analyse these things so deeply. I will have another go at some point, but there are so many other maps out there,well, on here, to have a crack at first.
My one comment for those of us more amateur players is that this played so very very smoothly, on my 5 year old machine, with what were then pretty medium specs I guess, that that in itself was a pleasure. Some mods are just too much, in spite of awesome reviews, so h/o for that.
Thanks to the author for having a pretty good go at creating something worth playing. 🙂
Yeah, the idea does need to be scrapped something started from fresh. The end scenes are better but umm …. rather unfair now! So I preferred the older version. Not bad for 10/15 mins play.
15 Minutes
The map has a high difficulty, some of the elements of horror and unusual design. Why Maybe? The first map has not the end, necessary to load the next map from the console. The second map has no beginning. You start in a different place from where you can not get out. I do not play in second map.
25 Minutes
It’s not my intention to come across aggressively, but I think it’s unfair of you to score the map badly because you couldn’t get it to work.
It has been thoroughly tested, the triggers just fine normally. The map transitions when you press the button in the elevator after opening the elevator up.
The second map doesn’t start the elevator unless you transition into it – that is, via a changelevel trigger. If you simply load it via the console, the elevator won’t start.
I don’t have a problem with bad scores from people who have played the map and didn’t find it satisfactory due to the gameplay design or visuals, but I really can’t tolerate someone disliking the map due to a rare bug (Or perhaps just inability to find the button to move on? It’s in the office behind the bulletproof glass in the corridoor with the elevator!)
I hope you’ll take some time off to play through atleast the last part again, trying to finish the rest of the map correctly.
I agree. You should never judge a map on weather or not it worked. Maps break because of many factors that are not in the mappers hands. I encourage you (KostyanWest) it try and get it working and then to post a detailed review of what you thought of the actual map.