You find yourself in an environment where Combine forces and Zombies are at each others throat, and you are quickly caught in the crossfire. Try to find a way to escape the area amidst the dangers that lurk around every corner…
Basic Details
- Title: A2B Trajectory
- Filename: hl2-ep2-sp-a2btrajectory1.1.7z
- Size : 4.1 MB
- Author: Mark AKA Strontvlieg
- Date Released: 21 April 2019
- 1.1 Update Released: 02 May 2020
- Related: A2B Trajectory 2
- Related: A2B Trajectory 3
Download Options
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Manual Installation Instructions
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- Copy the maps folder into your …\Steam\SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\ep2\ folder.
- Launch Half-Life 2: Episode Two
- Open the console and type map a2btrajectory and press ENTER.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 14 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 36 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by DeanAmythe
Longest: 2 Hours by Twitch_MojoRising
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 20 Mins
Using Gauge: Users
Manually: 14 Users
Time Taken:
Average: 0 Hours, 36 Mins
Shortest: 0 Hours, 15 Mins by DeanAmythe
Longest: 2 Hours by Twitch_MojoRising
Total Time Played: 8 Hours, 20 Mins
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Seeing as I was a playtester for this map and helped shaping it, I don’t have many negatives with it. It’s a well constructed map with a good flow. It also has a nice visual style, with vertical lens flares on basically every light in the map. This mixes really well with the overall grey map. You could compare this to the technique Steven Spielberg used in War of the Worlds and Minority Report, two movies which also had grey tones and bright lights and reflections.
This map also borrows its visuals from Strontvlieg’s previous projects, mostly the entries for several Villes. I like this as it makes it feel like all his maps are in the same universe, connected.
Also worth mentioning: the skybox is gorgeous, definitely one of the best I have seen.
Enough about the visuals. Gameplay!
The map contains multiple puzzles, each presented in a natural way. They are not too hard nor to obvious, just as I like them.
As for the combat, it was also pretty good and varied. With this I mean that first you have Zombies and then Combine. I was really glad that the transition from the one to the other wasn’t by walking around a corner and having two Combine Soldiers shoot at you. Instead, you turn a corner into a big room where there is a fight between Soldiers and Zombies, and the Soldiers don’t even notice you.
The areas are well constructed for combat against the Soldiers, they provide for movement and cover, so your playstyle will most likely work in this map.
The final battle against the Gunship was enjoyable, and hitting it with SMG grenades was not as hard as I initially thought.
As much as I enjoyed this map, I still noticed some negatives worth mentioning.
– This map has a lot of secrets. At first glance that seems like a good thing since it rewards exploration, and it is a good thing. B the secrets are not that hard too find, making the map super damn easy. Which smoothly brings me to my next point:
– The map is too easy. The sheer amount of health, suitpower and ammo you get is way too much, even if you leave out all the secrets.
– I believe some more enemies appearing while waiting for the lift would’ve been nice. I believe a Hunter specifically would’ve worked really well in that area.
– Some cover on the balcony where you fight the Gunship would’ve been nice as it could have provided movement during the battle, instead of shooting the thing and walking around the corner before it returns fire.
I must say that Strontvlieg is currrently one of my favorite mappers. His maps are really enjoyable with consistent quality. I wish him the best in whatever is his next project.
15 Minutes
While the puzzles of the map were nice, overall there were too many empty grey rooms connected by vents so that the mapping was quite boring at the beginning. The outdoor area looked much better, but by then the game was almost over already…
I really enjoyed this, more the kind of thing I like, shame it wasn’t a bit longer and with a few more enemies. That said, it’s definitely worth playing. A couple of the puzzles had me scratching my head for a few minutes, but like most things in life, once you get it, it seems obvious. I’m going to play it again….a bit quicker I expect this time. Yes, some of it seemed a bit greyed out, but I suppose it would be as most of it was inside…that didn’t detract from the game play though, for me at least. Well done, please make some more….but longer.
1 Hour
Anyone familiar with Stront’s maps from the past Villes will immediately recognize their style. Their usage of lens flare effects, weird combine teleporters and a habit to start with sewer sections are all clear tells. However, seeing their maps over the time i’ve played them, it’s clear they’ve always been improving, and this is no different.
The underground section’s alright, mainly just exploration and puzzles. Once one gets up to the surface though, things get good. Snipers, Zombies, Combine, all mixed in terms of combat to not get old. The visuals on the surface are really great too, the view from the middle of the skyscraper especially (though I think one could do without those flame effects, it’s kinda… low quality).
Regardless, it’s classic Stront, combat leading into a defense section at the end, though I found the enemy amounts quite low aside from the group with the Hunter.
Also, this might be the first map i’ve seen where one has to defeat a Gunship with SMG grenades. Points for uniqueness, certainly.
All and all, I liked this map a lot and definitely recommend one goews to give it a try. I don’t really have much in terms of critique here, so, good job, Stront. I hope to see you grow more and more in the future.
18 Minutes
I can’t say much more than what has been stated above; this is a great map that looks and plays really well. I especially liked the atmosphere of this map, it almost gives a Fallout-post apocalyptic kind of vibe to it, which I thought was really interesting.
The combat was nice and varied, and what I liked is that it got progressively harder. You start off with simple zombies, but as you make more progress, you’ll encounter some Combine soldiers, some Elite soldiers and finally a gunship.
The setting was great – I especially liked the tall building near the end, maybe there could have been more of that. The layout made things even better, with most areas being open and freely explorable.
The only real “negative” part of this map is its difficulty, since it’s way too easy, despite the huge amount of secrets – which are also ridiculously easy to find. Also, this is a minor complaint, but I’m not a fan of lens flares and the map could do without them (This is more of a personal thing though).
Overall, this map is definitely worth your time and if you have some 15-20 minutes to spare on something that’s worth it and/or has great atmosphere, then look no further.
What a brilliant single map! I would love to see this map incorporated into a bigger project, honestly, because there were a lot of very clever puzzles and excellent use of enemies.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so afraid of an in-game creature, as that damnable Hunter. Wow that thing. I heard it below me, would it come up the stairs? I know they climb stairs… 😀
It could certainly use more set dressing and perhaps more actual fighting, and one of those ducts I just could not actually get myself into? I had to noclip that, because no matter what I did, I could NOT fit into that duct. But overall this thing is a definite must-play, short and sweet with great work put into it.
40 Minutes
Great mapping, good atmosphere, everything is cool in this map! The technical side of the mod is well done. Puzzles are also good and interesting, I liked the moment with a big screw.
The only thing, i didn’t like, was that the map was very easy to complete, and you can still say that very short.
I highly recommend to play!
16 Minutes
Great mapping, good atmosphere, everything is cool in this map! The technical side of the mod is well done. Puzzles are also good and interesting, I liked the moment with a big screw.
The only thing, i didn’t like, was that the map was very easy to complete, and you can still say that very short.
I highly recommend to play!
16 Minutes
I really liked this. I thought the puzzles where more interesting rather than impossibly annoying. Visually, it was a little dull and bland, so more detail in that respect to jazz up your environment would have been nice.
My main negative was the lacking monsters/bad guys during those periods they appeared. Just a tad more please. For me, the “worst” part was after opening the gates and having to contend with the mounted gun – simply because I needed medkits around this area. More and more other pickups.
Otherwise, this was a surprisingly entertaining and interesting map. Really enjoyed it!!
30 Minutes
The map is well made but too easy to play.
15 Minutes
I Thoroughly enjoyed this map, started out eerie dark and alone, in a limited enviorment, your searching for the way forward, discovering weird contraptions and how they work, using them to proceed.
Had very good map design in my opinion, very cannon feeling to the Half life universe, minus the backdrop in one scene, and had a very clever moment that included half life 1 sound effects coupled with a scene that i feel would give Gordon a flash back of PTSD of Black Mesa.
Proper Boss ending, took me a few retires, a few hacks and swears, but was enjoyed with a satisfying ending.
5 stars
Played this while i was very tired the night before writing this and i my memory is foggy.
2 Hours
I really enjoyed the map. The beginning had a strong atmosphere, and was an interesting to play through.
Most of the puzzles were good, except I did not enjoy find the winch to open the door, though I find those puzzles annoying anyway, but at least the door was fast to open.
All interaction with in game buttons shows exactly what the button does, i.e. the door a button opens is in centre of vision from the button itself.
There were interesting a new interactions, such as with the final boss.
25 Minutes
Nice, quick mod with really simple but cool puzzles. More combine should be added for the level overall to justify the description, but otherwise is awesome!
15 Minutes
Nice! I love both the dark atmosphere and the city’s atmosphere. I also love the puzzles.
1 Hour
Really, really good, not great. A little dead here and there. Map looks great. No real issues. Dead spots where one or two combine would have kept the map moving. A2B #2 as I remember was better.
20 Minutes
Great combat in this map. I love the final battle the most in this map.
Good story ands action all the way through.
50 Minutes
Just finished playing it again and found that it was as much of a good story and challenge as the first time played.