This is a PlanetPhillip exclusive! This mod contains two maps that were built as proof of concept maps for the 99 Bolts: Chasing Winona mod.
Your main weapon, as the name suggests, is the crossbow, although you do collect other weapons on the way.
The first map is an open area with irradiated areas that you must avoid, it also contains friendly and enemy rebels. The second is a labyrinthine collection of corridors that you must traverse to get some grenades that allow your rebel friends to enter in the city.
These maps will NOT be part of the final mod. They were created as proof of concept maps and Ben has kindly offered them to me to release in mod format, which andyb kindly created. They are not beta levels. Levels in the final mod will have been created from scratch.
Also there is a small bug that means sometimes, and I stress sometimes, players don’t get 99 bolts when they get the crossbow. If this happens, open the console and type, without quotes “sk_max_crossbow 98”.
- Title: 99 Bolts: Chasing Winona – Proof Of Concept Maps
- File Name: hl2-ep2-sp-99-bolts-chasing-winona-proof-of-concept.7z
- Size : 16.52MB
- Author: Ben Dunbar AKA Joe_rogers_11155
- Date Released: 21 September 2009
- Copy the 99 Bolts: Chasing Winona folder into your SourceMods folder.
- Restart or start Steam.
- 99 Bolts: Chasing Winona should now be listed in your Library tab.
Click on the thumbnails below to open a 800 pixel wide image.
WARNING: The screenshots contain spoilers.
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Longest: 0 Hours, 45 Mins by Hds46
Total Time Played: 0 Hours, 55 Mins
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I had a lot of trouble when I first played this mod because my Steam installation was giving me trouble and the mod kept crashing. After a few maintenance tasks everything ran smoothly.
The first map is beautiful and to play a whole mod like this would be great fun. The second map is a nightmare, a complete contrast to the first and I am not sure this is a good idea visually, at least. Of course the final mod will be different, so no need to worry.
I can’t seem to get away from the fact that both these maps are so different, it means I describe one and then the other. The first map is fun; choosing different routes, picking off enemies with the crossbow from different angle etc. I couldn’t seem to get the crossbow without being seen and that added something to the gameplay.
The second map is all about choosing the right enemy to attack or defend against. I have to admit that I really struggled on this map and had to cheat to beat it – that’s why there are no playing statistics.
Layout and Design
Both maps are quite open, even though the second is a collection of corridors there are still choices. As I have already mentioned the contrast between the two maps is too great for me and I yearned for the open spaces once I started the second map.
If these maps represent the quality of work for the final mod then I can’t wait for it. Whilst I hated those corridors they did provide an interesting challenge, I just hope that if something like them are included in the final mod, they are a little wider and less of them.
From sunbathing to S.A.D.
I have a problem, I’ve got only 10 arrows in that crossbow…xD
Yes, you do have a problem! When you get the crossbow you should have 99 or 100 (yes, I know the name suggest it should be 99 but I remember firing one and having 1 in t “chamber” and 98 left). Check again in that container, in case they are there.
Yes I had that issue too.
If the mod creator is reading this:
Just give the player the extra bolts when they spawn, before they pick up the crossbow.
Hey all. I’m really sorry you’re having an issue with the crossbow. I will have the issue resolved well before the official release. In the meantime…when you run into this problem, you can resolve it temporarily by doing the following.
1. Switch to the crossbow as soon as you obtain it.
2. In console…
sv_cheats 1 (cheats enabled)
max_crossbow 98 (max crossbow changed to 99)
givecurrentammo (gives current weapon ammo)
Good luck with that. Again, I’m very sorry this issue is occuring. Don’t give up on it yet, folks.
I beg your pardon!! Instead of typing “max_crossbow 98” for the second command, type “sk_max_crossbow 98”.
there’s an “sk_” in front of it. Perhaps Phillip would be able to include this note in the warnings section or something? And use his website control to moderate this reply into the first comment or something, so as to avoid confusion for the few who get this error?
-zombie killing (is fun)
-hdr rape in some areas
-no geiger counter (or some device) to warn player from radiation. this is actually a nice (and reminds me original fallout)
-colour change in radiation area (i guess developer watched stalker)
-nice concept (combining elements from stalker/fallout/half-life)/gameplay mechanics, puzzles
-no traps
I played this 6 times on 3 different pc’s to make sure the mod pack worked and another 2 times after Phillip said he was having problems and I cannot recall not having enough ammo.
It’s typically a rare problem, but I have seen it before. I’m not sure what causes it.
I can tell you that I achieved “99 crossbow bolts” by using point_clientcommand in-game. It is supposed to tell the console to boost the max ammo capacity to 99 as soon as the player picks up the crossbow, then give the player the max ammo for it using “givecurrentammo”.
For some reason, on rare occasion (even on my computer – I’m the map’s maker), it seems that the command “sk_max_crossbow 98” does not get computed…leaving the maximum crossbow bolts at 10.
In the future, I’m going to be editing the code for the weapon. That should surely fix the problem for good. But I won’t be fixing this map, since they are dead maps to me. I can only hope that the players read my other note and fix it themselves with console commands…so they can enjoy the game.
Andy, thanks for your efforts.
Well I am sure you will be happy to here that hes scraped the first two maps and started anew, and let me say the new map is FANTASTIC, most likely why you got these “concept” maps.
OH there will be traps, just look up “99 bolts hl2” on youtube
they are…just…the best traps ever.
This mod just degenerates into a ludicrous and repetitive slog of endless zombies and headcrabs. The first level had some merit but the second level was just pointless, after killing countless zombies I could not be bothered, apart from being totally boring I can find absolutely no grain of merit for the last level, it was just a mess.
I can’t honestly recommend it; however, I know many gamers will live the zombie level.
You should read tips next time. I thought endless zombies were pretty fun (because it was done right).
In your opinion..
I played the 2 beta maps a while back so it’s nice to see that Ben has not dropped the project.
Map 1 was similar and very enjoyable. Deserves a PIN.
Map 2 was similar but extended. While this was very well done to be honest, I found the continuous hordes of zombies and interminable corridors very tedious. Deserves a TT.
I hope Ben carries on with this but with less zombies and corridors – please?
I’m curious about how the rating system is applied in these cases. If there’s a map worth playing, specially the first, wouldn’t you recommend someone to play it even if you told them to quit after that first map?
It’s not something related directly to your minireview, but something that come up months ago in a poll question. Isn’t a mod with 2 excellent maps and 2 bad maps worth playing more than a mod with 2 good or average maps?
Why do we rate the overall picture if we’re not forced to sit through the whole thing (like you do for a movie you’ve paid for)?
I think it’s an interesting debate 🙂
You are right. What you say is undeniable.
The Maybe image was the only image that is suitable because it also says “check the reviews first” where I say, for me, Map 1 is a PIN but Map 2 is a TT.
The rating system does work for those like us who actually read the comments.
It does indeed make for an interesting debate about possible alternatives – if any.
I’d rather discuss this over on the Recommendation Images post but it seems to me you have to take the overall experience and rate that. Otherwise people will want to rate each map or section.
Remember, the rec images were designed to give a “quick visual representation of your comment”. Since commenters can’t add an image without text, they then have the opportunity to says why they gave the image they did.
It comes down to how much rocked and how much sucked. If most of a map sucked but one section was the greatest you had ever played, I don’t you would rate it as a Personal Favourite (when I say “you” I mean commenters).
As Jasper points out, the system more or less works for people who read the reviews but isn’t perfect if readers just scan the images.
Hopefully though, enough people use a recommendation image, with a proper review for it to average out.
I am not sure I agree with your way of explaining your last point. We don’t have to sit through a movie (unless you mean to see the end) nor do we have to finish a map.
I do stress that commenters should have finished playing a map or mod before they rate it, but if the first part sucks and a player stops, I am sure they would rate it as Avoid It. Not sure there’s much we can do, except expect in those cases the commenters actually say how far they got.
That might be one of the biggest problems we have for rating anything. Mods are divided into segments. Sometimes with different themes, gameplay style etc. Even parts made by different people!
A rating image for a whole mod sort of atributes a uniform quality or perception of quality to all its parts which is probably not accurate. A bad map and an excellent map doesn’t mean the mod has two average maps.
Of course, I agree that there’s no better alternative to this system besides writing more detailed reviews. You’d have to create a whole new dimensions of recommendation images like “Play only the beginning”, “Skip to part #” or similar things which would be confusing and hinder more than they’d help.
I didn’t care for the first map but I enjoyed the second one.Different folks like different stuff lol.As these were just concept maps I feel no need to point out things I didnt like as these are not in the new one
This mini-mod was a lesson in the good, the bad, and the ugly. I’m glad to have found a person who likes the zombie level as much as I did. There’s always two. Me – and THAT guy.
To inform you all, the zombie level is getting a major re-design and some interesting story.
There is always one, pleased you enjoyed it andyb.
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I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, I thought it wasn’t all that..too repetitious, and it got boring really quick ( in the corridors)..I think the final release will be much better ( I hope ) The second map is were I got bored, trying to figure the puzzle in the dark, kinda pissed me off.. If you like repetition, dark corridors (and I mean a lot of corridors) and hordes of zombies, this is for you. Um, I’ll give it 4 stars…( just to be nice )
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the above ground world, it was OK, nothing breath taking, and not really any place that I could see that was good ( kinda looked like a scattered out junkyard ) and to much default “bloom”. However, the black and white transition I thought was a nice taste from the author.. other than that, I hope the final will be better than this..
At first: damn, I should have read more closely, I played the maps with only 10 bolts :/
to the first map:
very very nice! I’ve read that the authors intention was to make a fallout3 for hl2, and he really did it!
It is hell of fun to walk there around and to collect sparse health and weapons. It looks beautiful especially that destroyed houses are great!
to the second map:
The visuals were quite okay, I’ve seen that the author wanted to reach the same indoor feeling like f3 at the beginning but then the corridors pretty fast gone simplier. The gameplay of this one was horrible!
You can’t make endless enemie spawns without the possibilty to get ammo, like chests or to buy them somewhere like in f3. The short quest with that guy was okay, but I ever hit him accidentaly and he went mad. Also if you don’t get the other guys before going to the chest, it is the horror. Just, don’t make endless spawning enemies, it just doesn’t work in a linear game!
If the mod gets like the first map, I will definately play it! If like the second with endless waves then I’ll threw it away. Just am a bit curious about the fact that you only get 99 bolts for the whole game…
The first level started out nice, except for a bug that prevented me from switching weapons at all. The gun I took was the only gun available – until I picked up the crowbar. So I ended up in having no gun at all… No HUD is a nightmare and I never found “your stuff/equipment – being on the other side of the road” or how it was mentioned. I didn’t even saw a road to begin with – and I walked around the whole place; even into all the radioactive areas. Still, a nice map design, aside from me being unable to switch weapons at all. I don’t like to cheat my way out of difficult situations, and I enjoy a good fight, but smacking combine troops – armed to the teeth – with a crowbar really wasn’t fun. And I had no flashlight. I saw absolutely nothing in the underground corridors and was just stumbling around without knowing if I was still walking or if I was stuck somewhere already again. I stopped playing when I reached the gate I should have used a grenade for to blast it open. Without being able to do that, the mod was rather pointless.
Aside from the bug, the map design was pretty nice and could be cool for gmod-poses. The storyline wasn’t that interesting at all. Having “good” and “bad” rebels who looked just the same was dissapointing, too. (The standart refugees from HL2, I at least expected some custom textures.)
Just because I’m curious: where is the crossbow? I only had SMG and Pistol, and the crowbar.
The crossbow is in the container, which cna only be reach by jumping onto the broken fllor with the zombie and chest of drawers.
Thanks Phillip, I’ll play this mod again when it’s finished, that’s for sure. It *is* a nice one, only the bugs are ruining the fun at the moment.
I’m just surprised you didn’t look harder for the crossbow the first time around, or start over the level once you got stuck with the crowbar. The stash is hidden inside the big red container in the big red house.
Well I give up – have walked that first map flat and can’t find a way to “manoeuvre the radiation” – any clues would be appreciated……..
you can walk by the radiation without taking damage if you stay away from the wreckage.
Sorry Joe, but I’ve tried from every angle and no can do… you mean the wreckage where the tanks are? Can you be more specific?
in the middle of the map is a deep crater-like area. There’s radiation and wreckage there. If you stay on the edge of the road and close to the crater’s edge, you can skirt by the radiation effect without taking damage.
Overall quite nice, but I prefer a FINITE number of zombies.
The first map was setup nicely; find the crossbow (took some time), cross the radiation, hook up with the friendly rebels and then defeat the enemy rebels and combine. That was fun.
The second map was not so much fun; endless hordes of zombies, super zombies, with not enough ammo. Not realistically survivable. A shotgun pickup should be here (maybe I missed it). Finding the generator and the lone friendly rebel was a plus. A small rebel squad in-tow at the beginning of the second map would have been nice.
My likes and dislikes were about even.
The first outdoor map was fairly simple, but the enemies seemed as confused as I was about shooting civilians. Then the underground areas were very easy to get lost in. The mechanic of using grenades to open gates got annoying quickly, but not as much as the constant stream of zombies. Hopefully these issues get addressed in the actual release.
The first map was okay. I might have liked it better if I’d gotten 99 xbow bolts. If I hadn’t encountered that bug, I might have restarted from the beginning and not taken quite so much damage from the enemy rebels.
When I did come here and find out about the bug I loaded a prior save, but I was in the house with my squad, before we were attacked. (I was too frustrated by then to start a new game.)
I didn’t even notice the bridge I was actually supposed to take at first, so ended up back in the first area, becoming even more frustrated because I couldn’t see where to go (user error there), running into radiation I couldn’t see, and being shot at by someone I couldn’t see.
After I reloaded a save and crossed the correct bridge and got to the rebels, I knew I needed to find the grenades.
I didn’t really like the endlessly spawning zombies. At first, you think you’re supposed to kill them off. Then, when you realize they’re endless spawns and reload a save, you try to find your way out. Anyway, it wasn’t obvious they were supposed to motivate me to move on (though that might be true with any endless spawn that’s supposed to motivate you).
When I found my way out from below ground again, I wasn’t sure where to go next. I think I finished, since I ended up at the last screen shots, but I’m not quite sure.
you are a model citizen for putting up with those maps for so long
99 bolts is looking much better now 🙂
new link:
Can’t find it. I hit a couple of the download mirrors and it gave me the 7z extractor install program
That sounds like your computer is trying to open the file directly. Try using the FileFront mirror.
This looks like it would be more fun than a one legged coon at a hound dog convention.
…or perhaps a one-armed man at an Origami-Making Tournament.
I want the full mod! You can’t get it on Moddb!
That’s because it’s dead. This is all you have.
That’s really sad!
Right off the bat the screen says “avoid the radiation”. ok, how? Can’t tell you are in the radiation till you are in it. “gear is across the street. ok, what street?
10 Minutes
A Fallout themed map for Half-Life 2. The concept is quite unique for Half-Life universe but implementation is not so good.
First map contains relatively big open space where you can explore a little. There’s radiation zones, random enemies and loot scattered across the map. My character started with no weapons and I had to find my gear nearby according ingame tips.
After I got it from random crate it also gave me a crossbow with 99 bolts which were pretty useful against hordes of enemies. There’s just a lot of them and it’s pretty hard to deal with them in hard difficulty.
Battle with combines was very unfair, there were a lot of them and they also used a mounted gun and they kept spawning until I killed the last one. And after that they launched the counter attack when multiple dropships with turrets dropped a bunch more of them.
The second map (tunnels) was kinda linear and bland. I had to find grenades to get through metal fences. This map is filled with auto spawning zombies including the fast and poison ones. They just kept spawning and I had to speedrun through them due to lack of ammo. Not much I can say about this one.
Overall conclusion: short and unbalanced, good concept but bad implementation.
45 Minutes