Another version of 5 Ways to Die
This is a TWHL map and the original release can be found here: 5 More Ways to Die at TWHL
Basic Details
- Title: 5 More Ways to Die
- File Name: hl1-sp-5-more-ways-to-die.7z
- Original File Name: 5-more-ways-to-die.zip
- Size : 891Kb
- Author: James Archibald AKA The Hunter
- Date Released: 20 December 2005
PlanetPhillip Download Servers
Click on the thumbnails below to open a medium size image. WARNING: The screenshots may contain spoilers.
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someone’s ought to at least acknowledge it for its creativity.
I think I’ll acknowledge this one for it’s creativity. 5 chances at choosing, get it wrong – you die. 5 minutes play.
There are some wav files with the single bsp in this zip. I put them in valve/sounds but that didn’t work. Listened to them anyway. Sort of Stephen Hawking voice messages.
The wavs go in valve/sounds/ambient.
Then they dont sound anything like Mr Hawking.
5 images added.
A very simplistic map just take the right door to survive the wrong door leads to instant death, that’s it.
Essentially the same as the prequel. Choose a door; if you’re lucky, you’ll get to the next series of doors, if not, you’ll be mildly entertained by a scripted death.
Oh my.. can it get any worser than this? Barely..
The same simple multiple choice system as in part, 5 rooms, pick route A or B to get to the next one, if you pick the wrong, you’ll die. Yaaaawn!
-Can someone help me?
-Very short playtime (~1-3 min)
-Balancing 😉
-No atmosphere
-Basic, boxy mapping – at least a bit better-looking than part one
-No need to replay the map later on – not even after 50 years…