Archive for July 2020

FusionVille 2 – Map Labs #10 Mapping Challenge Announcement

You’ve wanted it! We’ve wanted to do it! Perhaps the best Ville challenge ever finally returns!

FusionVille 2 is the next full Map Labs mapping challenge and it starts now! FusionVille 2 runs through Monday, August 31st. Get mapping!

Theme Details

The original FusionVille required mappers to combine 3 of 8 given themes from previous challenges. Same thing for FusionVille 2 but with a twist – you must pick 3 of the 10 given themes and fuse them together… drawn from past Villes and from past Map Labs!

  • Bridge
  • Toxic
  • Teleport
  • Liberation
  • Vertical
  • Episode One
  • Two Rooms
  • Think Tank
  • Companion Piece
  • Back on Track

Here’s the official announcement (click for full version):

FusionVille 2 Announcement


The deadline for submission is Monday 31st August 2020. With an extra 3 days after that for bonus (non-judged) maps.

31st July 2020 12 Comments

Classic of the Month Stream – FusionVille – August 2020

Well, we just finished the Classic of the Month for July, coming back from a long hiatus. But guess what? This weekend is August already, and I’ve decided to move up the schedule a few weeks to coincide with the announcement of FusionVille 2 as the next Maps Labs challenge [selection of themes yet to be revealed]!

FusionVille was the final challenge of the 2017 Hammer Cup, and is August’s Classic of the Month. It was one of the best challenges we’ve had here at RunThinkShootLive, and there have been a ton of them (68, believe it or not!) and it’s certainly worthy of classic and Hall of Fame status.

Considering the Ville mapping challenges, there are some real gems among them – but none of them have been Classic of the Month, and none are in the RTSL Hall of Fame. Both change now!

Please note: I’ve switched back to Twitch as the streaming platform! The stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive Twitch Channel.

I’ll be streaming Saturday August 1st, about 12pm (noon) Eastern US Time (5pm in the UK, 6pm Central Europe). FusionVille’s a big pack so I might have to continue the playthrough on Sunday at the same time.

Check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time. See you there!

29th July 2020 No Comments

Classic of the Month is back!

At long last, the hiatus ends. Classic of the Month returns!

As you may have guessed, Half-Life: C.A.G.E.D. is July’s Classic of the Month. Cayle George reworked and greatly expanded his original map from Project: Quantum Leap into an instant classic. Polished, quirky, and jamming to the synthwave soundtrack by Lazerhawk. I’ll be going after the secrets, including the special bonus map, and will do a comparison to the original Caged too!

Please note: I’ve switched back to Twitch as the streaming platform! The stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive Twitch Channel.

I’ll be streaming Saturday the 25th, about 12pm (noon) Eastern US Time (5pm in the UK, 6pm Central Europe).

Check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time. See you there!

22nd July 2020 5 Comments

Eye Candy – Map Labs Test Tube #8

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

This Map Labs challenge focused on purely visuals – make a pretty map, gameplay optional (and did not count toward the score). This was a Test Tube, so the mappers only had about a week to pull off the best-looking map they could.

This time there were a whopping 28 entries (including a bunch of bonus maps, and adding another fantastic background map). Enjoy!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord.


Total Downloads: 3,0675th July 2020
8 Comments and 5 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"