Archive for October 2019

Halloween Horror II: The Darkness – Map Labs #6

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

The most wonderful time of the year! Halloween is upon us, and that means another scary mapping challenge from Map Labs. This time it’s Halloween Horror II: The Darkness, where mappers were tasked with using light and darkness in a unique way.

The Halloween mapping challenges over the years have been a bit of a mixed bag. But this pack of spooky maps is solid from top to bottom with some real clever maps in there. Buckle up, and embrace the darkness.

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord!


Total Downloads: 2,81231st October 2019
12 Comments and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"

Halloween Horror – Map Labs #1

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

This is where Map Labs all started. Last year’s Halloween Horror, here in time for the spooky season this year.

The mappers were charged with, of course, making a scary or Halloween-themed map. The challenge recieved 7 entries and 1 bonus map. Spooky ones, creepy ones, weird ones. Have fun!

As always, if you’re interested in learning more about Map Labs and maybe even participate in their upcoming challenges, visit the Map Labs Discord!


Total Downloads: 2,01913th October 2019
9 Comments and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

You play as a cosmonaut who has had to abandon their space station, but upon arriving back on earth, discover that the place has been overrun by the combine. What happens next? Do you give in to the Combine army, or do you resist and use your skills to find some way of escaping?

Cosmonaut is Dolmo’s greatly expanded and polished version of his entry of the same name for last year’s NostalgiaVille mapping challenge.


Total Downloads: 3,5676th October 2019
31 Comments and 17 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"