Archive for March 2019


for Half-Life

This old lab complex was already tricky to navigate. Now, with the facility on lock down and rapidly descending into chaos, the most direct routes are blocked and you will have to find alternate ways to reach the surface.

E-Lab-orate was created for TWHL’s 20th Anniversary Competition.


Total Downloads: 1,85918th March 2019
16 Comments and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Later"

Half-Life: Anti-Climax

for Half-Life

Half-Life: Anti-Climax is my take on the “battle you have no chance of winning” the G-Man offers you once you decline his job offer at the end of the Half-Life campaign. Is there truely no chance to win or can you lead Gordon to victory and freedom?


Total Downloads: 4,04116th March 2019
35 Comments and 21 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

RunThinkShootLiveVille 2 – Map Labs #3 Mapping Challenge Announcement

Hey, you didn’t really think we’d never have another Ville challenge, right? Geez Louise!

Chris & Toki (the Map Labs folks) have really stepped up, filling the void that RTSL left once we started to wind things down late last year. This is the third “full” Map Labs Challenge – though they’ve run a couple of Test Tube (smaller) challenges in the vein of the Experimental Mapping Challenges here. Most of them are available right here on RTSL, and all are on the Map Labs ModDB page.

I’m happy to partner up with Map Labs for this challenge. May they keep the cool Half-Life challenges going! Perhaps there will be more crossovers like this in the distant future…

The Map Labs Discord just opened up for business. Head there to keep up with Map Labs, find out about new challenges, and maybe volunteer as a beta tester!

Theme Details

Just like in the original RunThinkShootLiveVille, mappers must create a map linking 4 distinct sections:

Section 1: RUN
Section 2: THINK
Section 3: SHOOT
Section 4: LIVE

They’re pretty self-explanatory, but we’ll let the official announcement fill in the details (click for full version):

RunThinkShootLiveVille2 Announcement

Note the optional Bonus Challenges, just to add some spice to the maps.


The deadline for submission was Monday 8th April 2019


Map Labs typically doesn’t have prizes for the challenges, other than special roles on the Discord server for placing in the top 3. But I happened to have a spare copy of Raising the Bar in decent shape kicking around, so I’m offering it up to the winner.

Raising the Bar

8th March 2019 13 Comments