Please bear with me for a moment, I promise to get to the proper question.
This poll question features spoilers related to the following TV shows: The Sopranos, Mad Men and Preacher.
You read on at your own risk
Please bear with me for a moment, I promise to get to the proper question.
This poll question features spoilers related to the following TV shows: The Sopranos, Mad Men and Preacher.
You read on at your own risk
A broken down van.
Right outside what looks like a friendly home.
Perhaps somebody inside could call a truck or maybe even help fix it.
Go and knock on the door.
Total Downloads: 1,6693rd August 2016
and 10 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Hello August. FINALLY I have my holidays.
What plans have you got regarding gaming? Tell me about your dreams. Am I in them?
Have you had your holidays yet? Where have you been? Where are you going?
Lastly, I have created a new menu item on the grey (Secondary) menu called FOLLOW. It lists the usual places to follow RTSL.
Happy August.
1st August 2016 23 Comments
Type your search here:
3rd August 2016 10 Comments