Archive for February 2016

Audio Interview with Bradley Toliver

I finally managed to sit down and chat with Bradley Toliver AKA ComfortJones maker of Abandon: The Town.

I was especially keen on chatting with him because the mod features some unusual gameplay mechanic choices and I thought it would be interesting for other modders and players to hear the reasons behind them.

We chat for about 46 minutes and cover pretty much everything I wanted to.

You can listen via this page or download it to your HDD.

28th February 2016 1 Comment

Episode 3: The Closure

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

The Closure starts where the original Half-Life 2: Episode two ended, with the death of Alyx’s father, Eli.

Dr. Kleiner has gone missing after going to destroy the Borealis and its secret cargo in the North Pole.

Dr. Magnusson sends Gordon Freeman to find Dr. Kleiner and find out once and for all what’s in the ship.

Gordon travels by aircraft to the North Pole to find Kleiner, and save the ship.

Will you be on time? And what will you find in the ship’s hold?

Only one way to find out!


Total Downloads: 111,02327th February 2016
385 Comments and 39 recommendations with no significant bias

What The Headcrab: Episode 007

OMG, yes, that’s right, I finally managed to produce another WTH podcast.

I’m so sorry for the delay. As with the last one, this is just about the mods. Almost everything is taken from ModDB.

Since it’s been almost two months since the last podcast and we have had an influx of new members/readers thanks to the YouTube channel Valve News Network, let me quickly summarize the podcast.

What The Headcrab is a podcast that updates listeners on what’s been happening in the Source/Gold Source single player modding world. Initially, the podcast covered Reddit, YouTube and GameBanana but it quickly became apparent that there was too much to cover. From episode 6, I decided to focus almost exclusively on mods.

If you would like to know more, please read the What The Headcrab: Introduction.

At some point in the future I may create video versions of these podcasts.

27th February 2016 9 Comments

Week 08: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

UPDATE: Don AKa Unq will be streaming TWHL Tower at 12pm EST, 5pm GMT tomorrow (Saturday).

Firstly, Dan Jordan AKA The Rabbit will be continuing his event, Source of Fame, where he replays Source Hall of Fame mods. This weekend it is Calamity. He will be streaming Sunday at 12pm EST, that’s 5pm GMT.

I will not be streaming at all this weekend, as I have to finish some voice acting recordings and catch up on some site admin site. If I finish them or get ahead of schedule I may do an impromptu stream.

During the stream, Dan will be giving away a couple of games courtesy of AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

26th February 2016 14 Comments


Prospekt begins in the Nova Prospekt prison in the Half-Life universe. Gordon Freeman is slowly being overrun by soldiers in the prison, however unknown to him his Vortigaunt allies manage to find some help from a forgotten hero.

19th February 2016 45 Comments

The Hammer Cup 16: Challenge 2: LiberationVille

Welcome to the second mapping challenge as part of The Hammer Cup 2016.

Theme Details defines Liberate as

  1. to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.
  2. to free (a nation or area) from control by a foreign or oppressive government.
  3. to free (a group or individual) from social or economic constraints or discrimination, especially arising from traditional role expectations or bias.
  4. to disengage; set free from combination, as a gas.
  5. Slang. to steal or take over illegally: The soldiers liberated a consignment of cigarettes

That’s exactly what we want you to do! Build a map that allows the player to liberate something of your choosing. The “something” can be a person or people, an item, or anything else you can think of!

Pick any of the definitions above. We particularly like the fourth regarding the “COMBINation”.

Maybe the City 17 rebels are trapped and need your help. Maybe Alyx has been captured. Again.

Maybe you’re a car thief. Maybe you impulsively hoard garden gnomes. Maybe Barney has borrowed your crowbar one too many times.

The options are wide open, as long as you can liberate it!

As always, ask as many questions as you want, either via the comments here or privately if you prefer.

The map will be judged on how well it fits the theme AND the elements listed below.

18th February 2016 84 Comments

Week 07: Livestream Schedule and Giveaways

Firstly, Don AKA Unq will be continuing his event, Classic of the Month, where he replays GoldSource mods. This weekend it is Under the Black Moon. He will be streaming Sunday at 12pm EST, that’s 5pm GMT.

Next up, Jim Partridge and I MIGHT be continuing his event, Critical Jim, where he brutally analyses mods. This weekend it is the second part of Uncertainty Principle. The weekend before last, he and I talked about the first half. We will probably stream Saturday afternoon at 2pm GMT, but will confirm on Twitter and Facebook.

I will be streaming Prospekt at 10am GMT TOMORROW. I know that is a shitty time but it is the official release and that is the earliest I am allowed to do it. I will be streaming for exactly 1 hour and giving a copy of the game away during the stream.

During the weekend, one copy of Killing Floor 2 will be given away, both courtesy of AKA Aaron’s Giveaways, so a HUGE thanks to Aaron. There might be some other games to giveaway too, I will see.

All streams will be on the RTSL Twitch Channel and announced on the RTSL Twitter Feed.

If you have any questions about the streams, just ask.

17th February 2016 9 Comments

The Sprucecape Mod

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

You take the role of John Sprucecape, a violent unemployed man with an alcohol addiction living in Alaska.

He’s wife fears for their child and herself, but is too frightened to leave John, fearing the reaction of her husband.

One day John’s wife has collected enough courage to flee from Point Spruce with their small son, Eddie.

Passed out, John has been left alone and locked in his own house. It’s time to find his escaping family.

John is about to experience the most fearsome and challenging journey of his life.


Total Downloads: 3,92416th February 2016
28 Comments and 12 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"