This video describes the different views available on the site and mentions the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
This video describes the different views available on the site and mentions the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
It’s been a long time since I posted soemthing in the Reader-to-Reader section of my blog. I have been meaning to post this for a few months, but finally made the time today.
I present to you my collection of Half-Life memorabilia. I don’t own that much, partly becasue I can’t afford to and partly becasue I don’t want too many things like that.
Under each photo is a brief description, and if you have any questions just ask.
I may have a look for some other boxes of the games, might be nice to have the full collections, inclduing all the versions of HL2. I’m pretty sure I have the Half-Life Generations packaging somewhere.
If youa re wondering about the blue back in some of the photos, I keep all the stuff in that, which is a waterproof bag. I am terrified of them getting soaked in a flood (it does happen in my town but it’s highly unlikely – I’m just over-protective).
Okay, here are my photos….
29th August 2015 5 Comments
I am pleased to annoucne a new page on the site: Categories.
This page allows readers to view the posts (but not any pages as they don’t have categories) in the standard “frontpage” view.
The new theme lost the automatically generated list, so I had to build this manually.
Full details about categories can be found on the page itself.
The views displayed differ from the PLAY archives, which are tables and also the LISTEN and READ archives (all found on the main orange menu), which are lists.
The page is linked to via the EXPLORE menu item.
I hope to make a video this weekend, showing the different views and their advantages and disadvantages.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to ask, post or share.
28th August 2015 No Comments
The Beta Testers Collective is on an extended break.
The simple fact is that there are not enough new maps and mods to test on a regular basis.
Therefore it has been decided that the project will take a break until you know what is released.
Ade and Erik-Silver are both still available for private testing.
They can both be contacted via the site:
I am sure you will join me in wishing them a well-deserved rest.
28th August 2015 3 Comments
Last week’s poll question was related to violence and video games and this week’s question is an extension of that.
Have you ever fired a real gun?
It’s another emotive subject and I suspect that it might turn into a debate about whether guns should be legal etc but let’s try and keep on-topic.
I’ll tell you now that I haven’t fired a real gun but I have to admit I am curious as to how it would feel.
27th August 2015 28 Comments
A few weeks ago, Don AKA Unq, tried to stream Hour Glass for his Classic of the Month event but the stream was intermittent and Don had to stop.
Well after getting the Web monkeys hard at work he is going to try again.
The stream will start at 9am Eastern, 1pm GMT on Sunday.
Hope you can find the time to watch his fun and informative streams.
Tune into the RTSL TWitch Channle or watch directly on the Classic of the Month page.
27th August 2015 No Comments
“The map takes place in a time right near the uprising.
You play as Mark a person who had his train stopped in the woods by Overwatch and his wife was taken to City 17 while he was taken to City 14.
Can he make it? It’s your choice to find out.”
Total Downloads: 88120th August 2015
and 10 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
To be honest, I am surprised we haven’t dsicussed this exact question before.
The only previous poll I can find close to it is from August 2007: Poll Question 043 – Are Single Player FPS games too violent? (for some reason the actual resulst are not visible and I have decided to find a plugin that will keep the poll data on the site, instead of outsourcing them).
I got the idea from a BBC article entitled Do video games make people violent?. Its headline is: More than 200 academics have signed an open letter criticising controversial new research suggesting a link between violent video games and aggression.
20th August 2015 17 Comments
To save the baby, you must keep pressing the red button.
This puts the baby back at the beginning of the track.
As you do this enemies spawn.
How many times can you save the baby?
Total Downloads: 83515th August 2015
and 4 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
About A singleplayer mappack – a whole episode, but almost every map is made by a different mapper (beginners and experienced) without knowing the other maps, with only given entrance and exit areas, so that all the maps could be joined in one big episode. Basic Details Title: CWC Mappack Initiative File Name: hl1-sp-cwc-mappack-initiative.7z Original… Read More
Total Downloads: 1,68613th August 2015
and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"
Type your search here:
29th August 2015 No Comments