Today saw the posting of the first single player map for Black Mesa retail game.
I’m posting this short article to pre-answer some expected questions.
Today saw the posting of the first single player map for Black Mesa retail game.
I’m posting this short article to pre-answer some expected questions.
While attempting to escape Black Mesa, Freeman’s tram is halted by a military lockdown at an administrative facility chiselled into the side of a canyon wall.
Freeman must restore power to the tram and, along the way, discover what happened to the scientists.
Total Downloads: 2,36431st May 2015
and 11 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Starting underground, you suddenly find yourself out in the open with a lot Combine soldiers attacking you.
Only smart thinking and quick reflexes will save you.
Dispatch the soldiers and work your way through the prison to…
Well, let’s just say that a few friends could be waiting to help you.
Total Downloads: 5,63930th May 2015
and 22 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
Doors. Are they locked or just waiting to open with death and pain right behind them?
Only one way to find out. Try to open them.
Collect weapons, ammo and press buttons to make some doors unlock.
Sound simple? Well, it is – kinda.
Total Downloads: 81929th May 2015
and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"
You find yourself stuck somewhere in or around Ravenholm.
Fortunately, others have been before and left a sign where to go.
If you can stay alive long enough, you may escape.
Total Downloads: 1,52028th May 2015
and 12 recommendations with no significant bias
For this mapping challenge, I would like you to create a map that is set in a Combine base. The map can start anywhere you like, either just outside a hidden base or just after you enter.
It’s your decision.
Once inside the base, you can have the player do anything you want – destroy or disable certain machinery, rescue a high-ranking Resistance leader or even just escape alive.
As much as I would love high or deep vertical areas, the base doesn’t have to be that way.
I am looking to be impressed by the base as much as I want to have a lot of fun fighting within it.
Ideally, there would be a WOW moment in the map somewhere.
27th May 2015 37 Comments
Find entry to the area behind the Combine gates.
Kill all who stand in your way and then assassinate Breen.
Your work is then done for the day.
Total Downloads: 82627th May 2015
and 12 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
As you probably know, I haven’t played the Black Mesa mod and I haven’t yet purchased the retail version either.
I wanted to wait until it was finished before I played it, but with the probable release of SP maps for the retail version, my hope of waiting for a Steam Sale seems futile.
So that got me wondering how many people have or will play both versions. Of course, I know that some have, but I am curious about RTSL readers.
In fact, putting aside the issue of SP maps for the retail version, would you say the retail version is worth it?
26th May 2015 13 Comments
The Combine has taken a hostage and you have been sent to rescue him.
Work your way through a variety of rooms. stairwell and areas until you reach him.
Then lead him to safety.
Total Downloads: 1,31926th May 2015
and 15 recommendations with no significant bias
“Grey’s life has been nothing but a struggle. A constant downward spiral, and it seems even reality has turned against him. Grey awakens to find that the world has gone quiet, the streets empty. You must find help.
Explore the grim world Grey lives in a completely new and unique world, and find clues to his shattered past.
Grey is a total conversion Half-Life 2 horror modification where the player must solve puzzles, fight to survive, and find out what is happening to the world around you.
Lots of changes have been made to the base Source engine and countless new mechanics have been added to the mod, such as the objective indicator, portable medkit, donator based extras, pickup animations, failed reloads and new picture based GUI elements to name but a few!”
Total Downloads: 1,90225th May 2015
and 5 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
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31st May 2015 15 Comments