Archive for March 2015

So many new events! What’s going on?

You’ve probably noticed in the last month or so, 3 new events have been announced. If not, where have you been?

Hopefully, you are as excited about them as I am. They allow you to play mods that you might have missed.

Each event has its own focus and objective and none will overlap.

I’m hoping for plenty of reader participation and I’d like to draw your attention to the Event Reviewers Giveaway post.

However, what you may have noticed is that they all use previously released or updated quite well-known mods.

Don’t worry, I will very soon begin to run some time-limited events that aim to update those really old mods or the mods that have hardly any details, including working links. I will also start adding recently released mods that are missing from the site.

My aim is to have lots of events running at the same time, maybe even EVERY weekend.

There’s also a chance I will be able to do some limited streaming on Thursday evenings.

We hope to have a monthly Video Submission Challenge, but we are still playing with that idea.

If you are a regular reader and would like to run your own event or just suggest an idea for one, please let me know.

22nd March 2015 No Comments

Announcing a new Event: Critical Jim

Approximately once a month, Jim Partridge will play and deconstruct a mod from a designers point of view.

Each mod will be livestreamed on the RTSL Twitch channel and Jim will be explaining how the mod he is playing has made some questionable design decisions. There is a good chance that for many streams, James will have a Devil’s Advocate to counter his observations.

He will always be polite and try to be as fair as possible with his criticism and he will be focussed more on what we can learn rather than criticising the mapper directly.

Hell he may even use his maps at some point and invite someone else to critique it.

Will you agree with him? Only one way to find out and that’s to watch.

Every few months a podcast will be recorded discussing the mods that have been deconstructed.

The event is called Critical Jim.

This is another opportunity to play something you may have missed or replay something with a new perspective.

22nd March 2015 6 Comments


for Half-Life 2: Episode One

Pervasive. Literary. Brutal. Experimental.

MINERVA, by Adam Foster, takes you to a remote island under the control of Combine forces. Something is going on here. Your goal is to uncover what that is and destroy it. Oh, yes – and try to survive.


Total Downloads: 10,98422nd March 2015
176 Comments and 75 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Poll Question 309 – For the next Half-Life game, what are you more interested in? (choose 2)

I think if I had asked this question immediately after the release of Episode 2 in 2007, the answer people would possible have given would be different.

Then in say 2011, it might be different again.

Now, I think we just want to know what happens. If Valve said they are not going to make a game but a comic instead, a little like Labrat whilst it would crash the Internet at least I would know what happens to the protagonists and Earth.

That’s kinda more important to me than anything at this point.

What about you?

20th March 2015 13 Comments

RaiseTheBarVille – Joint Mapping Challenge with MapCore

As announced last week, here is the moment you have all been waiting for! Run in conjunction with and lasting 4 full weekends, this mapping challenge with stretch your imagination and abilities to the limit. It’s time to fire up hammer and let those creative juices flow. The Theme and Your Objective We’d like… Read More

19th March 2015 60 Comments

Discussion Podcast 3

Myself, Don and James discuss the various threads from the Half-Life Sub-Reddit.

We also finish with a discussion about how the Recommendation system works and whether PLAY IT NOW! is being overused.

Listen to the Podcast


You can also watch it or download it too. See the full post for details.

16th March 2015 12 Comments

Event Reviewers Giveaway

For each main event run and for each year of the event, if a reviewer reviews or re-reviews all of the mods in that event, they will be entered into a prize draw. The prize will be at least one game with a value of around $35 US Dollars.

So, for example, at the end of this year there will be 11 Classic of the Month mods updated and livestreamed. If you have posted a review or re-review for each of them you will be entered into the draw. If you reviewed the mod BEFORE the start of the event then it WILL NOT count towards your total reviews.

No “sign up” is needed, you just need to stay up to date with each of the events and post the reviews of the mods involved.

For your review to count, it must be posted AFTER the start of the event and AFTER each mod has been Livestreamed.

If you have any questions, just ask.

11th March 2015 No Comments


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

In December 2009 I ran a mapping competition and this mod contains all the entries. They are packaged as a mod to make it easy to play.

The maps can be played in any order from the New Game menu and are listed in alphabetically.

To see who won and who got honourable mentions please read on.


Total Downloads: 4,3737th March 2015
75 Comments and 27 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!

Poll Question 308 – Are you excited about the VR news from Valve?

In case you missed it, and what Headcrab have you been hiding under?, Valve and HTC have announced a Virtual headset (sources: LG1, LG2, VT, Eg1 and EG2) and it seems most people are pretty excited about it.

Me? MEH! Why? Because I am poor. No matter how cool this thing is and I am sure it’s freaking awesome, I am not going to be able to go out and buy it. Therefore, I am doing my best to ignore it.

You, on the other hand, might be wetting you pants in excitement.

Far be it from me to tell the future (although I did predict the Steambox over 8 years ago), I can’t believe that HL3 won’t come with some features or elements that take advantage of the VR headset.

I’m not saying that it will be an exclusive release for VR or that it won’t be fun without it, just that those with it might get an even better experience.

What are your thoughts?

4th March 2015 16 Comments