This is a short but varied abstract map that challenges you to be observant.
Can you reach the the end without dying?
Only the careful will survive.
Just launched my feed reader and saw that Valve has introduced a Steam Mobile service.
Here’s their blurb… ” gamers around the world may chat with Steam friends, browse community groups and user profiles, view screenshots and user-generated content for their favorite games, read the latest gaming news, stay up to date on unbeatable Steam sales, and more.”
27th January 2012 13 Comments
Well, 2011 wasn’t exactly a fantastic year for SP Source modding but there were some interesting things that happened.
This isn’t a review of the year, just a look at some of the highlights.
23rd January 2012 17 Comments
Author’s Note: Three-Legged Terror occurs as a side story during the events of Half-Life 2:Episode 2. The player assumes the role of a basic Resistance member, hidden away in an isolated mountain base with a small team of soldiers. This base is discovered by the Combine, who send a Strider to destroy the base. Gameplay revolves weakening and damaging the Strider throughout the map as it ascends the mountain trail, giving your NPC allies time to fix weapons and provide aid. The idea was inspired by Capcom
Total Downloads: 1,78822nd January 2012
and 6 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it
Having a good sound card and speaker set up can make a big difference to your experience of gaming, yet few of us can have a large speaker system dedicated to our PC.
Currently I just use my laptop speakers or some cheap headphones. I have had 7.1 headphones but my ears overheated, so I had to stop using them.
As much as I would love to have huge speakers to play with but my living arrangements and the fact I like portability, anything other than headphones is impossible.
Tell me more about your speaker set up. Got any recommendations regarding headphones?
21st January 2012 25 Comments
I have been meaning to write this for a few weeks now, better late than never I suppose.
To be honest, it was only the title I thought about and not the actual predictions. These are all off the top of my balding head.
Don’t forget to add your own in the comments.
18th January 2012 15 Comments
Time for a competition with a difference.
Firstly, there’s no prize, just the bragging rights that I chose your video over the hundreds of other entries!
About a year ago I made a little tribute called City17 Humane Society (mp3) to a video I saw on YouTube called WHS – Kitty Midnight Madness.
I included it in one of my podcasts, but would like to add it to my YouTube Channel, but it needs a video to go with it.
15th January 2012 2 Comments
Black Death is a single-player Half-Life 2: Episode Two level that deviates from the original gameplay.
In the post-apocalyptic future, Gordon Freeman must escape from a zombie-infested medieval tourist town outside of City 17 with no allies and only two tools at his disposal – his trusty crowbar and a confusion crossbow.
The new crossbow confuses enemies into attacking the victims rather than killing them. Outmanned, he must adapt to his new environment and find the balance between crowbar and crossbow.
Total Downloads: 2,71515th January 2012
and 14 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
How people behave in small groups and large groups is very different from how they behave when they are on their own.
Even if you think of yourself as an intelligent and independent person you can sometimes find yourself manipulated.
The story I am about to tell you really did happen to me.
15th January 2012 3 Comments
You play as Corporal Daniel Fletcher and your mission is to recover data from the Anomalous Materials Laboratory.
Along the way you will encounter all sorts of enemies and eventually rejoin your unit.
Can you complete your objective?
Total Downloads: 4,18415th January 2012
and 12 recommendations, 5 say "Maybe?"
Type your search here:
Total Downloads: 1,13729th January 2012
10 Comments and 5 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Later"