Archive for July 2011


for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Starting with a black sequence, it’s clear you were in some medical distress.

Fortunately, the HEV did what it was supposed to do: protect and heal you.

Waking up being guarded by Assassins, seems the least of your troubles.

Pick up the crooked crowbar, go about your usual day: creating mayhem and destruction!


Total Downloads: 4,3816th July 2011
33 Comments and 24 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"


for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

This is the beta release of an unfinished mod. Since this will never be finished, Adam gave permission for it to be released.

There are only two maps and the second one is just two small areas.

My original post had many more screenshots, including outdoor areas with trains, but these are absent from the released files.


Total Downloads: 2,7355th July 2011
27 Comments and 19 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Vlokam 2

for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

A set of maps, including a training room, which lead you through a variety of locations.

You need to reach the bomb – I don’t know if you must disarm it or set it off.

Anyway, things don’t end well – do they ever?


Total Downloads: 2,0134th July 2011
19 Comments and 13 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Lab Ex

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Waking up in a Combine prison laboratory your only choice is to take the HEV and cause as much trouble for the Combine as possible.

Of course, they won’t like it! So expect some opposition.

Get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible.


Total Downloads: 2,5154th July 2011
25 Comments and 8 recommendations, 4 say "Play It Now!"

Vlokam 1

for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

You start in what looks like Black Mesa but things get a little strange after that.

Your objective is to stay alive and reach the Hall of Mirrors doorway seen in the last screenshot.

Good luck


Total Downloads: 2,0873rd July 2011
22 Comments and 15 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it


for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

Finding yourself within the catacombs you decide to look for a way out (As if you had any other choice!)

The way is perilous and Indiana Jones could be around the next corner!

Don’t be afraid of the dark corners, only your fear limits you.


Total Downloads: 1,4102nd July 2011
11 Comments and 9 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"


for Half-Life

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

“The story is based on the assumption that there might be several secret entrances to the Black Mesa Facility. You are a complete stranger to this as you wander around trying to find help after a car accident (this is at the same time as Gordon Freeman tries to escape from the complex). Unfortunately you run up against some marines sent to guard one of these entrances. It seems that the only way to get out of this terrible mess is to fight the grunts…..”


Total Downloads: 2,1511st July 2011
31 Comments and 17 recommendations with no significant bias