This was the first entry for my DM2SP competition. It re-converts the DM_Lockdown map back into an SP map.
However, it adds a small group of rebels to rescue and escape via a helicopter.
There’s even a simple puzzle to drop the forcefield.
This is an updated and extended version of Slums.
You are disorientated and lost. You regain full awareness in what looks to be a storage room in an apartment block.
Work your way through a variety of environments to find your way to freedom.
Total Downloads: 1,8932nd August 2009
and 22 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Let’s start with a definition.
Clearly we don’t “need” to even play games or mods but the question is asking what you do once you have the ability to move onto the next part of the game and after you have finished exploring for ammo, health or other goodies.
1st August 2009 29 Comments
This map was originally made for HL2 Deathmatch but due to its nature it is possible to play it in Half-Life 2 or even Garry’s Mod.
It takes place in a drydock and the player has the ability to start certain physics effects.
It can be a resource hog, although being a few years old now most players shouldn’t have much trouble running it.
Total Downloads: 1,6571st August 2009
and 6 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"
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Total Downloads: 1,1963rd August 2009
15 Comments and 9 recommendations with no significant bias