Archive for June 2005

Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel – Real Theme

Single Player First Person Shooter Maps and Mods for Half-Life 1, 2 and Episodes 1, 2 and 3

I can’t remember where I first found these images but I remember being amazed and thinking this would make a cool level!

It is some kind of water control system for floods or tsunamis etc.

It seem that there are guided tours available and if I ever visit Tokyo then this will be on the top of my list of places to visit!

26th June 2005 11 Comments

Combine Assault

for Half-Life 2

Storyline Half-Life 2: Combine Assault shows you the invasion of the combine on Earth through the eyes of normal everyday civilians. There are two stories of two different peoples viewpoint of the invasion and they see the oppression the murder that the combine have brought. And they all fight for their survival, some on their… Read More

Total Downloads: 019th June 2005

Dead Sector: Source

for Half-Life 2

Basic Details Title: Dead Sector: Source File Name: Size : 25Mb Author: Stalk3r Date Released: 10 June 2005 Download: Filecloud PLEASE NOTE: This mod is available in English and is called The Island Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations

Total Downloads: 010th June 2005

Night at the Office

for Half-Life

About This is a total conversion and places the player in a high-rise office complex. The gameplay is described as very non-linear and there are a few new weapons for the player to use. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play It Later Play It Now! 7 recommendations, average score: 3 (out of 5),… Read More


Total Downloads: 1,8517th June 2005
18 Comments and 7 recommendations, 3 say "Maybe?"


for Half-Life 2

Basic Details Title: Fortune File Name: Size : 1.4Mb Author: Horned King Date Released: 06 June 2005 Download: PlanetPhillip Filecloud Server Reader RecommendationsCurrently there are no recommendations

Total Downloads: 06th June 2005
1 Comment


for Half-Life 2

Story You and a garrison of rebel troops are holding down an important target to the combine forces and the combine will do anything to recover that position, hold that position at all costs. Conserve the supplies in your area, you will need use all of them. Reader Recommendations Avoid It! Think Twice Maybe Play… Read More


Total Downloads: 03rd June 2005
8 Comments and 2 recommendations, say ""