What a beautiful day! Shame you’ve got nothing better to do than hang around monitoring the radio.
Well, today is your lucky day. You get a message to help some citizens reach White Forest.
Can you help them?
Only one way to find it!
Thank goodness February is over. I’m hoping that Spring will start to show its face soon.
Well, here we are again, ready to chat about anything that takes your fancy.
1st March 2014 29 Comments
Starting in an elevator, you must enter the boarded up complex and then escape to the surface.
As I am sure you guessed, things won’t be very easy.
Plan ahead or else you may have trouble retracing your steps. Good Luck!
Total Downloads: 1,46323rd February 2014
and 7 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
AssassinateVille contains 5 maps where you must eliminate one particular person.
Each map is set in very different environments and situations.
All require you to escape after the assassination, with some easier than others.
Total Downloads: 4,40422nd February 2014
and 13 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"
When I first typed this post I made a typo: “Fabruary”. But maybe it was the universe tellking me something?
Maybe this could be a FAB (short for fabulous) month.
So, tell me something interesting….
Please use this post to talk about about anything you want to – except maps and mods, which should be done of the specific post, assuming there is one.
1st February 2014 18 Comments
I thought I would update you on the Mapping Competitions for 2014.
I won’t be running mapping competitions series for a while. Unless they are connected, there’s no real point. So for the foreseeable future, all competitions will be completely separate.
I don’t want to publish a yearly calendar of competitions and commit to something that’s too rigid. That said, I feel I need to give mappers some idea of the schedule to allow them to plan their work.
Therefore, I have decided to run between 4 and 6 mapping competitions in 2014. Most will be 11 days long, but I may try something longer at least once.
The prize will be either a $5 or $10 Steam game for each and I see this as a token prize, rather than something people enter for.
After each competition, I will do my best to create a podcast and chat with a few entrants. I will also encourage mappers to post regular updates of their work in the comments section of the competition announcement.
Mappers who do that will have the chance to join the podcast, even if their entry isn’t one of the best.
I may also try a text based Q&A with questions from PP readers.
19th January 2014 7 Comments
Welcome to 2014!
Let’s hope that it will be a bumper year for Half-Life maps and mods
Please use this post to talk about about anything you want to – except maps and mods, which should be done of the specific post, assuming there is one.
1st January 2014 27 Comments
Yesterday, I asked you about Your Gaming Predictions for 2014 and today I am asking for your favourite gaming moments from 2013.
It doesn’t have to be from maps or mods you downloaded from PP, it can be from any games, mods or even just special moments during your gaming time.
31st December 2013 8 Comments
I’ve been more focused on my Squash Sites recently, and for that I apologize.
In the past, around this time I make some predictions, some of which have been accurate (Source Console in 2007!) and some not so accurate (A.I. Cards).
30th December 2013 20 Comments
This is the third and final mod in the 3×10 Mapping Competition Series.
Mapper were tasked with creating an defence scene.
There are 3 entries for this competition.
Total Downloads: 2,72028th December 2013
and 15 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
Type your search here:
Total Downloads: 12,5709th March 2014
99 Comments and 58 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"