Classic of the Month Stream – Timeline – April 2021

Timeline is the April Classic of the Month. The first mod in a trilogy by Ross Smith, Timeline is a time-hopping adventure with a few rough edges as I recall. We’ll see how it holds up 20+ years later.

The stream is this weekend, Saturday April 24th, about 12pm (noon) Eastern US Time (5pm in the UK, 6pm Central Europe).

As usual, the stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive Twitch Channel, and the recording will later be uploaded to the Classic of the Month playlist on the RTSL YouTube channel.

Check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time. See you there!

21st April 2021 7 Comments

Local Motive: Definitive Edition

for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

On the outskirts of City 17, Gordon is found on a train in the middle of a Combine outpost by a man named Levi. Gordon and his newfound ally must run, think, and shoot if they wish to live to see another day. Featuring high quality voice acting, custom animations, and more of that Half-Life 2 gameplay that you love. Local-Motive is a treat for all Half-Life fans!

Local-Motive is a free Half-Life 2 modification originally released in 2016 as a RunThinkShootLive exclusive. This remastered version features updated visuals, polished gameplay, and an all new commentary system to provide insight into the development of both the original and the Definitive Edition.


Total Downloads: 2,25920th April 2021
8 Comments and 6 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

Classic of the Month Stream – Anti-Climax – March 2021

March’s Classic of the Month is quite recent in the scheme of Half-Life mods: Hezus’s Anti-Climax from 2019.

The stream is this weekend, Saturday March 27th, about 12pm (noon) Eastern US Time (4pm in the UK, 5pm Central Europe). Note the time shifts are an hour different this month since the US is already on daylight saving time.

Twitch is again the streaming platform! The stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive Twitch Channel.

Check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time. See you there!

24th March 2021 No Comments

ElevatorVille 2 – 48-Hour Map Labs Atom #9 Mapping Challenge Announcement

Same week, another Ville! ElevatorVille 2 starts now!

The original ElevatorVille was a 10-day mapping challenge run way back in 2012. That challenge had some specific rules, but this one is much easier: just make a map that features an elevator!

The second Ville in the Map Labs Atom Week begins right now!

This Atom challenge only runs 48 hours – maps are due 10pm Central U.S. Time on Saturday, March 20th. Go map!

Bonus maps (which can’t win but are judged and scored) are accepted until 3 days after the end of Atom Week (March 24th).

Theme Details

Here’s the official announcement (click for full version):

ElevatorVille 2 Announcement

And if you’re not already there, join the Map Labs Discord for good discussion & a great mapping community.


The deadline for submission is Saturday 20th March 2021.

18th March 2021 7 Comments

AscentVille – 24-Hour Map Labs Atom #6 Mapping Challenge Announcement

A brand new Ville theme! Did you ever think you’d see the day?

AscentVille was a never-used idea back in the Hammer Cup days. Finally, it gets to see the light as the first challenge in the Map Labs Atom Week, starting now!

The challenge only runs 24 hours – maps are due 10pm Central U.S. Time tomorrow – Monday, March 15th. Get mapping!

Bonus maps (which can’t win but are judged and scored) are accepted until 3 days after the end of Atom Week (March 24th).

Theme Details

Simple: make a map about climbing or ascending! This was an old idea for a full Hammer Cup Ville challenge years ago, but of course never came to pass. I’m glad it can live on in a Map Labs Atom.

Here’s the official announcement (click for full version):

AscentVille Announcement

And if you’re not already there, join the Map Labs Discord for good discussion & a great mapping community.


The deadline for submission is Monday 15th March 2021.

13th March 2021 6 Comments

Classic of the Month Stream – DownFall – February 2021

I have been doing my best to mix in some Source mods here and there in Classic of the Month instead of just sticking to my favorite engine. So Marnamai’s DownFall is next up.

I’ll be streaming DownFall this weekend, Saturday February 27th, about 12pm (noon) Eastern US Time (5pm in the UK, 6pm Central Europe). See you there!

Twitch is again the streaming platform! The stream will be on the RunThinkShootLive Twitch Channel.

Check the Time & Date.Com website for your local time. See you there!

24th February 2021 No Comments


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Somnolence is an abstract map, inspired by the works of Shadgrimgrvy, you’ll find yourself in a world that doesn’t quite make sense. Explore, puzzle and shoot your way through ever changing locales, find a way out of this nightmare.


Total Downloads: 77315th February 2021
9 Comments and 6 recommendations with no significant bias

Half-Life Decay: Solo Mission (Demo 1)

for Half-Life

Decay: Solo Mission a ground-up port of Half-Life: Decay that allows for seamless single-player gameplay in place of the original co-op. But it’ll also have fixes, more detail, and polishing where warranted for an improved experience.

This is a demo featuring about 20-30 minutes worth of gameplay and is taken from the opening chapters Dual Access and Hazardous Course.

To see in-progress screenshots and learn more about the full version of Decay: Solo Mission, visit the ModDB page, follow the author on Twitter, and check out Mr. Floyd’s Patreon.


Total Downloads: 1,0178th February 2021
7 Comments and 4 recommendations, 2 say "Play It Now!"