As announced last week, here is the moment you have all been waiting for! Run in conjunction with and lasting 4 full weekends, this mapping challenge with stretch your imagination and abilities to the limit. It’s time to fire up hammer and let those creative juices flow. The Theme and Your Objective We’d like… Read More
Discussion Podcast 3
Myself, Don and James discuss the various threads from the Half-Life Sub-Reddit.
We also finish with a discussion about how the Recommendation system works and whether PLAY IT NOW! is being overused.
You can also watch it or download it too. See the full post for details.
16th March 2015 12 Comments
Event Reviewers Giveaway
For each main event run and for each year of the event, if a reviewer reviews or re-reviews all of the mods in that event, they will be entered into a prize draw. The prize will be at least one game with a value of around $35 US Dollars.
So, for example, at the end of this year there will be 11 Classic of the Month mods updated and livestreamed. If you have posted a review or re-review for each of them you will be entered into the draw. If you reviewed the mod BEFORE the start of the event then it WILL NOT count towards your total reviews.
No “sign up” is needed, you just need to stay up to date with each of the events and post the reviews of the mods involved.
For your review to count, it must be posted AFTER the start of the event and AFTER each mod has been Livestreamed.
If you have any questions, just ask.
11th March 2015 No Comments
Snipervillefor Half-Life 2: Episode Two
In December 2009 I ran a mapping competition and this mod contains all the entries. They are packaged as a mod to make it easy to play.
The maps can be played in any order from the New Game menu and are listed in alphabetically.
To see who won and who got honourable mentions please read on.
Total Downloads: 4,3787th March 2015
and 27 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!
Poll Question 308 – Are you excited about the VR news from Valve?
In case you missed it, and what Headcrab have you been hiding under?, Valve and HTC have announced a Virtual headset (sources: LG1, LG2, VT, Eg1 and EG2) and it seems most people are pretty excited about it.
Me? MEH! Why? Because I am poor. No matter how cool this thing is and I am sure it’s freaking awesome, I am not going to be able to go out and buy it. Therefore, I am doing my best to ignore it.
You, on the other hand, might be wetting you pants in excitement.
Far be it from me to tell the future (although I did predict the Steambox over 8 years ago), I can’t believe that HL3 won’t come with some features or elements that take advantage of the VR headset.
I’m not saying that it will be an exclusive release for VR or that it won’t be fun without it, just that those with it might get an even better experience.
What are your thoughts?
4th March 2015 16 Comments
March 2015 General Chat
DOH! I forgot about the chat post and I am 4 days late. Sorry about that.
So far this month, we have had the Source 2 announcement and even the BBC had coverage of Half-Life on its site – YAY!
I’m off on a long weekend trip this weekend to recharge my batteries, fingers crossed it’s sunny.
What have you seen in the news recently?
4th March 2015 20 Comments
The Ville Retrospective Event
Starting this Saturday, Darren Weekes AKA DaZ/Custom Gamer will be running a monthly event called The Ville Retrospective, where he will be livestreaming his play or replay of a Ville mod.
They will be replayed in chronological order, starting with SniperVille.
Like all the other events, we hope you will participate in the discussions and playthroughs.
There will also be regular podcasts discussing 4 Villes, but the first one will only be for 2 because we started late.
The event has its own page, see above, where all the details will be kept.
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please let us know.
4th March 2015 2 Comments
New Regular Podcast – Looking for hosts and guests
Hi All,
I am hoping to start a new monthly podcast, like Podcast 17 and All Things Lambda but with my special twist on it.
I have a very specific content focus that I don’t want to talk about yet, but I believe it will be entertaining enough to keep it fresh.
I might steal All Things Lambda ideas for running it live (sorry guys!) or it might just be a pre-recorded show.
Therefore, I am looking for hosts and regular guests. I want to appear on most of the podcasts but not all, therefore I hope to find another host, who is confident enough to run the show.
If you are interested and have a Skype account, with a fairly good mic and have a bold personality, please contact me for an audition.
1st March 2015 17 Comments
CityStreetsVille Mapping Challenge Podcast
Myself, Don, Darren and Joseph discuss the CityStreetsVille mod.
We talk about each map in detail and praise and complain in almost equal measure.
In general, we agreed about most maps but not all.
Listen to find out which ones we disagreed on.
28th February 2015 No Comments
Half-Life 3 Review Writing Competition
I’m sure you’ve seen the recent rumours about Half-Life 3. Some may have even seen my silly prank on Steam, where I changed the name of a mod to something like “HL3 – Dev Test” – sorry about that. You would be surprised at how many people messaged me and asked..”IS THAT F*%KING REAL?!“.
Anyway, I am a fan of Stanisław Lem, a Polish science fiction writer. He wrote some great SF but he has also written fictitious criticism of non-existing books, which is an idea that fascinates me. So much so, that I decided to steal it for a writing competition.
27th February 2015 13 Comments
19th March 2015 60 Comments