As I sit here in from of my PC it’s raining. Great way to start May, don’t you think?
I’ll be creating a Poll Question about the recent paid mods fiasco, so please avoid that topic for now.
Besides that the rest is up to you.
Let’s talk about what you have been reading. I’ve restarted Rudy Rucker’s ‘Ware Series (no spoilers please) and I’m not sure I ever finished the first one even because about a quarter the way in and I don’t remember anything.
This Month’s Sci-Fi Movie
In June 2014, I started to use a poster from a classic Sci-Fi move as the background for the post image.
This month it is from The Space Children (1958). An alien intelligence aborts the launching of a rocket with the help of a bunch of children.
Total Downloads: 7,3001st May 2015
54 Comments and 19 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"