City Prison 5

for Half-Life 2

Not exactly a prison, but certainly some sort of Combine controlled area.

There are a few levels on the wall that will allow you to open doors and progress onto the next stage.

When you reach a dead end vent, that’s the end of the map.


Total Downloads: 1,7663rd June 2015
22 Comments and 10 recommendations, 3 say "Play It Later"

One Per Day – Have Your Say

Today in this month’s General Chat post, Jim, he of Critical Jim fame, said “Does anyone else feel that the one map per day initiative is cluttering this site with awful maps?” and it’s certainly a valid question.

I understand that some regular users, Jason Gimba included, don’t like it and I will stop if that’s the general consensus.

I would like to explain why I’m doing and then I’ll open it up to debate. I won’t make a poll though because the numbers involved are less important that your opinions.

3rd June 2015 23 Comments


for Black Mesa

Starting in a tram, you travel 50 metres and then immediately get off.

A scientist awaits you, along with an Alien Grunt.

Get to the room above and reach the top door if you can.


Total Downloads: 6612nd June 2015
7 Comments and 2 recommendations, most haven't enjoyed it

Dungeon Crawler

for Black Mesa

Starting just outside a testing area, you must collect your suit and proceed to perform some tests.

There are three areas which contain different enemies.

Pass each one and progress to the next area.


Total Downloads: 7541st June 2015
11 Comments and 3 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"

June 2015 General Chat

Yesterday was the first time I had added a map for a new game in over 7 years! It was for Black Mesa. Let’s hope it was the start of a flood of great maps.

Elsewhere, the site continues to get a new or updated map or mod on the frontpage everyday. I’m at 68 days in a row.

What’s new with you?

1st June 2015 22 Comments

Black Mesa Workshop

Today saw the posting of the first single player map for Black Mesa retail game.

I’m posting this short article to pre-answer some expected questions.

31st May 2015 15 Comments


for Black Mesa

While attempting to escape Black Mesa, Freeman’s tram is halted by a military lockdown at an administrative facility chiselled into the side of a canyon wall.

Freeman must restore power to the tram and, along the way, discover what happened to the scientists.


Total Downloads: 2,36231st May 2015
48 Comments and 11 recommendations, most really enjoyed it!


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Starting underground, you suddenly find yourself out in the open with a lot Combine soldiers attacking you.

Only smart thinking and quick reflexes will save you.

Dispatch the soldiers and work your way through the prison to…

Well, let’s just say that a few friends could be waiting to help you.

This mod is this month’s Critical Jim Analysis


Total Downloads: 5,62730th May 2015
55 Comments and 21 recommendations, most say "Play It Now!"

My First Map

for Half-Life 2

Doors. Are they locked or just waiting to open with death and pain right behind them?

Only one way to find out. Try to open them.

Collect weapons, ammo and press buttons to make some doors unlock.

Sound simple? Well, it is – kinda.


Total Downloads: 80929th May 2015
15 Comments and 10 recommendations, 4 say "Maybe?"