After posing this question as a poll question a few days ago and getting a fairly positive response, I thought I would take the plunge and try it.
Here I present the guidelines and some technical details for us to discuss, amend, remove or add.
After posing this question as a poll question a few days ago and getting a fairly positive response, I thought I would take the plunge and try it.
Here I present the guidelines and some technical details for us to discuss, amend, remove or add.
I haven’t checked, but I am sure we have talked about monetizing mods before, in polls and general discussions on the site. And it seems that Valve is still interested in paid mods and I have to say that I am in general support of the idea.
But there seems to be other possibilities for ensuring that modders get a chance to make money and one of those is donations.
Imagine, and I must stress, I am not actively pursuing the idea, if RTSL created a system for users to donate money to some modders would you support it? Of course currently , you could contact the modder directly and ask for his or her details and send money that way, but if there was a proper system, that might make it easier for everybody.
Once Half-Life 3 releases and people start making mods for that, I’m sure Valve will instigate paid mods, but this idea is more about non-HL3 mods.
So, let’s talk about it, and see what happens.
22nd October 2015 21 Comments
Yesterday morning, I read a piece of news on the BBC website entitled Call of Duty unlocks final mission of Black Ops 3 and it made me realize that since HL2 all the chapters have been locked.
To be honest, I think it’s a good thing because I might not resist the temptation to jump to the end, especially with HL3. But then I thought about most other mediums and it seems that users have complete control. Books, magazine, movies (if watched at home) etc. That doesn’t mean just because they do, games should too, but at least I have the choice.
15th October 2015 9 Comments
In this 6 minute video, Abraham Lee AKA ihonnyboy discusses how modders should use Combine soldiers to get the most out of them but also how players should play against them.
12th October 2015 4 Comments
With no other human around, at least not alive, it falls to you to find a way to escape.
Luckily, you have some weapons and armaments, use them wildly and you might make it.
Whatever the hell happened here, it’s not your day to die!
Total Downloads: 82012th October 2015
and 4 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
At Don’s recent reminder/kick up the bum, I started work on a new Mapping Challenge page. They really deserved their own page and the move from the own domain and new theme meant they got forgotten about.
I recently created a new Mapping Challenge table page, that can be found via the PLAY menu, but wanted something more.
This new page separates each year into its own section and has two sections for the 3×24 and 6×10 series. In addition, there is a JUMP TO menu available on the page to “jump To” each year.
I have added screenshots for the latest 4 challenges, and will add the others when I get time.
If anybody wants to send me the rest, I need 256x125px – Thanks.
This means that the Mapping Challenges can be view in Special page, Table view and standard Excerpt view.
I’ll need to check I have all the links to the views in the right place.
As always, let me know your thoughts and comments.
I’ll try to start adding maps and mods again regularly when I get back from my weekend away next weekend.
11th October 2015 5 Comments
Two weeks ago, your friend, Jonathan, went to a mysterious city.
He hasn’t returned and your mission is to find him.
It’s immediately clear that this city is different and something evil lurks in its deepest corner.
Total Downloads: 2,7988th October 2015
and 11 recommendations, most say "Maybe?"
My apologies for asking another HL3 related question, but it’s been on my mind for a while now.
Half-Life 2 WAS a revolutionary gameplay experience and it certainly expanded the story but you could easily argue that it created more questions than it answered.
I don’t think I want to go through that again. I want answers. Good ones too. Of course I want to play a fantastic game but I would prefer I game made with the current version of Source that draws the series to a well-crafted close rather than an amazing new game that doesn’t answer any questions.
Obviously, we want both, but if you had to choose between the two would you be able or is there something more important for you?
8th October 2015 28 Comments
With blood rushing through your veins and your skin crawling, you crouch in a corner with the thought that if you make yourself small and still enough, it may overlook you.
This is petrifying fear, where movement is the last option, because movement draws attention to yourself.
Is it possible to escape from this alive? Only time will tell.
7th October 2015 13 Comments
Well, here we are with the first What The Headcrab. Hope you like it. If you don’t know what this podcast is about, please read the What The Headcrab: Introduction.
Below is the podcast, along with the links to each topic mentioned, along with my very brief notes.
4th October 2015 20 Comments
Type your search here:
24th October 2015 15 Comments