POSSIBLE changes on the site.

Firstly, let me stress: NOTHING HAS BEEN DECIDED YET.

I am posting this to get feedback on a possible change to the site.

The Background

As many of you know, originally the site covered many, many SP FPS games, maybe 20. Over time that got cut down to 15, then 10 and now we have 5. All for Half-Life and that’s perfect. In addition to creating the maps and mods posts, I also started creating lots of other types of posts; now grouped into Phillip’s Blog. These types of posts intersperse the main content – the maps and mods.

I enjoy creating these types of posts and I know that a few people enjoy reading them.

4th November 2015 54 Comments


for Half-Life 2: Episode Two

4 entries to make you sleep with the light night.

4 entries to make you shiver and shake with fear.

4 entries to have you looking over your shoulder.

4 entries to make you wish you were braver.

Play alone and in the dark – if you dare.


Total Downloads: 2,5351st November 2015
44 Comments and 15 recommendations with no significant bias

Hard November

Starting today, I challenge EVERY reader to play all the maps and mods I post in November on HARD. I even challenge you to replay the games on HARD.

I will be doing the same and if you have seen my streams over on the RTSL YouTube Channel you will know how tough that is going to be for me.

Feel free to post you thoughts on the change to HARD here, but obviously continue to post the reviews on the respective map and mods page.

If enough people take the challenge and we have some good discussions, I might even make a podcast about it.

Good Luck!

1st November 2015 16 Comments

Discussion Topic 001

Welcome to a new category. I’ve been pondering this one for a while and decided to try it. The idea is to start a topic and just let the discussion flow. Unlike the Poll Questions which require a few choices for readers to select, these topics will be more open ended and might contain multiple related-questions.

Just like the Poll Questions, I am very happy for readers to suggest their own topics – just email me.

So, here we go.

How many people who buy the Half-Life games actually play mods?

Since this would be a guess, that’s why I haven’t made it a PQ.

I’d like to think it was pretty high, but there must be quite a few people out there that don’t know about mods.

How do you think they could be told?

The idea of a “huge” potential market is very interesting to me. A bit like I wonder how many Harry Potter (and Star wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who etc etc) fans know that there is SO much community made stuff.

1st November 2015 4 Comments

November 2015 General Chat

Can’t believe the weather here at the moment – 25 degrees. T-shirt weather. I would have worn my shorts but I haven’t shaved my legs in a month.

Anyway, spent much money in the Steam Halloween sale? Me, nothing.

What else is on your mind?

Don;t forget: no chat about mods listed on the site – please do that on the proper page – thanks.

This Month’s Sci-Fi Movie

In June 2014, I started to use a poster from a classic Sci-Fi move as the background for the post image.

This month it is from Beast from Haunted Cave (1959). A group of gold thieves pull of a heist and flee into the snowy wilderness, only to be pursued by a horrible, spider-like monster.

A heist movie AND a huge spider, gotta love that.

1st November 2015 36 Comments

Identify This Mod 002

Maki is looking for this…

It was a multi-map mod that started off in a cabin, talking to some fellow with a Russian name who was a reskinned Barney. He may have been your brother? He gives you orders to do such-and-such. You meet up with him later on in the mod. I remember it being a pretty good mod, but I’m unsure of its title. Likely released within the last 5 years.

Can we help him?

If you have a mod you are looking for, just email me the details and I will create a new post for it.

29th October 2015 18 Comments

Poll Question 327 – After Gameplay, which is the next most important element?

My association with The Citizen and The Citizen Returns is long. I know both main developers fairly well and even voice acted in them. However, when The Citizen Returns was released slightly over a year ago, I delayed playing it because I just didn’t have time. As time went on, I kept saying, “Oh! I’ll play it next week”. Of course, I never did.

Then Jim Patridge was “asked” to do it for his Critical Jim and he seemed to slip into full berserker mode and verbally trashed it.

29th October 2015 12 Comments

Identify This Mod 001

A RTSL member emailed me a few days ago, asking if I knew the name of a mod he is looking for.

People often think that my memory is equal to my looks, intelligence, charm, wit, creativity and humility. Alas, it’s not. I struggle to remember my name sometimes (why do you think I originally called it PlanetPhillip?)

Anyway, here is the text…
My question is fairly simple. I once half-played a game which I have been unable to subsequently find. I remember having to find my way up to a very high place inside what I remember was a large hall and might have included a reactor/machine of some sort. It was a massive place and I was very high. Dark. Modern. Steel. Precarious. I might be mistaken thinking that en route, there were tanks or cages with animals in them, but that might have been another game. Given that I recall amazing detail, I can only guess it was HL2 or above.

If that’s not sufficiently vague for you, nothing will be.

Can any wise and kind member help?

28th October 2015 12 Comments

What The Headcrab: Episode 002

Howdy All. Here we are with another quick “What The Headcrab” episode. It’s been a few weeks since the last one, but I have tried to be judicious in selecting the posts.

If you don’t know what this podcast is about, please read the What The Headcrab: Introduction.

Below is the podcast, along with the links to each topic mentioned, along with my very brief notes.

25th October 2015 14 Comments

Space Prisoner

for Half-Life

You find yourself in prison, but not just a regular prison, OH NO!, one in space!

All that really matters is if you can escape.

A little opportune “invasion” might help.

Good Luck.


Total Downloads: 4,32525th October 2015
36 Comments and 15 recommendations with no significant bias